Magical Girl Noir Quest: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cool and Unusual Punishment]]: Actually not played for laughs. See [[Death Notification]].
* [[Deadly Euphemism]]: Giving a person a "vindicare makeover" seems to mean shooting that person, perhaps with additional constraints such as it being a headshot or in the face.
* [[Death Notification]]: Chiaki during her tenure as Warmaster personally signed letters that are sealed in black envelopes. On at least one occasion, she had a squad deliver them in person as de facto disciplinary action.
* [[Defeat Means Friendship]]: How Malal made some friends
{{quote|You've made great friends by meeting people and beating the living shit out of them. Win or lose, there'd be a closeness to the both of you now that not even sex probably could emulate. ...Well, no, you're not too sure. You've never done that before anyway.}}