Mandatory Motherhood: Difference between revisions

"fan fiction" -> "fan works", update link, quote italics
(I am fixing an assumed grammar error.)
("fan fiction" -> "fan works", update link, quote italics)
(2 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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Contrast [[Convenient Miscarriage]], which is, of course, on the opposite end of the [[Law of Inverse Fertility]].
== Anime and Manga ==
* The Yuki-onna of ''[[Rosario + Vampire]]'' are required to marry at seventeen and start producing children immediately, due to the fact that the average Yuki-onna hits menopause before hitting thirty, leaving very little time for them to produce the next generation of a race that can't afford to have anyone not contribute to the long-term survival of the species. Mizore doesn't want to participate... at least, not with the guy her family picked for her (She makes it QUITE clear that she is willing to go through with this tradition using Tsukune instead).
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== Fan FictionWorks ==
* This is ubiquitous in [[Shipping]] fic. The happy couple ''will'' have kids, even if neither of them would ever want them in their canon personality and [[Mister Seahorse|even if neither of them has a womb]]. There's no such thing as contraception, and miscarriages only happen when [[Deus Angst Machina]] decrees it. And if abortion exists, we're generally treated to a tedious speech about how [[Good Girls Avoid Abortion]]—sometimes right away, sometimes after a few equally tedious scenes where they pretend to consider it. If the character isn't a "good girl" to begin with, she generally becomes one in short order thanks to [[Deliver Us From Evil]].
** A [[Fandom -Specific Plot]] for ''[[Harry Potter]]'' is the "Marriage Law fic," where the Ministry passes a law saying that every available Pureblood and Muggle-born have to get married and produce a child within x number of years. Generally used just to force Hermione with whichever Pureblood that you prefer (though [[Die for Our Ship|for some reason]] her [[Official Couple|official]] [[Love Interest]] [[Ron the Death Eater|Ron]] [[Fridge Logic|is never chosen]].)
* [[The Ikaris]] has an implied example. Due to three billion people dying in Second Impact, numerous countries implemented laws to loosen marriage conditions and discourage divorce to encourage family development and birthrates. Japan apparently never bothered to repeal them, due to being too busy trusting shadowy agencies to build giant robots to fight off alien monsters. Asuka angrily dubs Japan "the Las Vegas of Asia".
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== Live Action TV ==
* On ''[[Lost]]'', Claire Littleton, left pregnant after her boyfriend walks out on her, plans to give the baby up for adoption, but a fortune teller advises her to take flight 815, which ends up stranding her on the island, where there are no adoption agencies.
* In [[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|the new version of ''Battlestar: Galactica'']], a civilian approaches Doc Cottle looking for an abortion, since she's pregnant out of wedlock and her home colony (Gemenon?) has taboos against it. But since the entire human race is now small enough to fit in a football stadium, President Roslin makes a tough call: outlawing abortions but allowing any expectant mothers can bring their child to be adopted, no questions asked.
== Newspaper Comics ==
* One of the reasons Anthony is so despised in the ''[[For Better or For Worse]]'' fandom is the [[Unfortunate Implications|implied subtext]] that it was he who pressured his wife Thérèse into having a child that she didn't want by agreeing to be the primary care-giver, then reneging on the agreement just as Thérèse was going through postpartum depression. We are explicitly meant to see Thérèse as an unnatural monster for not wanting children in the first place (to the point where she wholesale abandons child, husband and all wholesale not much later) and Anthony as the poor put-upon hubby who 'tries to love' his wife despite her refusal to make them a 'real family'.
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* The first 17 of [[Shakespeare]]'s sonnets revolve around persuading a man that this applies to him.
{{quote|''Dear my love, you know,
''You had a father: let your son say so.'' }}
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* In ''[[Twelfth Night]]'', one argument used on Olivia.
{{quote|''Lady, you are the cruel'st she alive
''If you will lead these graces to the grave
''And leave the world no copy.'' }}
* In ''[[Much Ado About Nothing]]'' one argument used by Benedick on himself.
{{quote|''No! The world must be peopled. When I said I would die a bachelor, I did not think I should live till I were married.''}}
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== WebcomicsWeb Comics ==
* In ''[[Sinfest]]'', [http Monique's body tries to argue with her.]
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[[Category:Women Are Delicate]]
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[[Category:Mandatory Motherhood]]
[[Category:Alliterative Trope Titles]]