Marvel Comics 2: Difference between revisions

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* [[Happily Married]]
* [[In the Blood]]: Both heroic and villainous examples. Also frequently subverted.
* [[Like Father, Like Son]]: Or father/daughter, daughter/mother, mother/son, mentor/mentee...
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: Too many to list, but here's a few. {{spoiler|[[Ant-Man]], [[Captain America]], [[Daredevil]], Doc Ock, [[Norman Osborn]], Robbie Robertson, [[The Punisher]], [[The Wasp]], Kingpin, Hobgoblin}}.
** Among the current generation: {{spoiler|Crimson Curse}}.
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* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]: Nemesus [[Dimension Lord|keeps the Juggernaut imprisoned for years in another dimension]] in attempt to get his power and ends up {{spoiler|accidentally transferring the power to Zane instead}}.
* [[Omniscient Morality License]]: Doctor Strange rounds up a [[Shell Shocked Senior|bitter old Namor]] and forces Bruce to turn back into the Hulk... because they have to kill this lady before she accidentally destroys the world. Except not really, it was all a [[Secret Test of Character]] for his son and the Avengers. Ah, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
* [[Pop -Cultured Badass]]: Doc Magus. He [[Ascended Fanboy|collects comic books]] and is a Star Wars fan.
* [[Powered Armor]]: The Buzz.
* [[Puberty Superpower]]: Subverted, averted, and played straight. Happens to Spider-Girl and Darkdevil. Ben Parker gets his powers {{spoiler|much earlier}}. Seems to be the case with Zane, but {{spoiler|he really just got his dad's powers by accident}}.
* [[Love Triangle]]: Bluestreak -> J2 <- Thena, {{spoiler|May -> Normie <- Brenda}}.
* [[Revenge Before Reason]]: Red Queen ''hates'' the still-living Avengers and A-Next, both because she's batshit insane (hello, unfortunate [[In the Blood]] implications), and because she feels the adult Avengers didn't give a damn about her mother and the new Avengers (especially Stinger) are disrespecting her parents' memory just by existing.
* [[Ridiculously -Human Robots]]: Mainframe is REALLY stubborn, rude to his allies, and [[Not Good With People]].
* [[Secret Identity Identity]]: Implied with Darkdevil.
* [[Smug Super]]: [[Two Words Obvious Trope|Two words]]: Doc Magus.
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