Mass Effect/Tropes E-L: Difference between revisions

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** In ''Mass Effect 2'', the Collectors appear to be [[Planet of Hats|a whole species]] of this trope. {{spoiler|And it's actually the Reapers, for whom the Collectors are just muscle.}}
** In ''Mass Effect 2'', the Collectors appear to be [[Planet of Hats|a whole species]] of this trope. {{spoiler|And it's actually the Reapers, for whom the Collectors are just muscle.}}
** The third game reveals that this was the {{spoiler|Protheans'}} [[Planet of Hats|hat]].
** The third game reveals that this was the {{spoiler|Protheans'}} [[Planet of Hats|hat]].
* [[Exclusively Evil]]: The Reapers. Subverted with every other race.
** {{spoiler|not so much even the Reapers, as it turns out. Their motivations are more in the realm of [[Blue and Orange Morality]]}}
** The batarians - it's explained in the Codex that the reason you only run into batarian criminals, mercenaries, or slavers is that they're the about the only batarians who leave their home systems. And the batarian government is a caste-based fascist dictatorship that relies on slavery to survive. Really, it's a surprise one of the nicest people on the criminal-filled Omega is a batarian shopkeeper. There '''are''', however, at least a few batarians on Omega who ultimately want no trouble. One of them needs you to save his life and thanks you in surprise if you do so; the others jump to conclusions about {{spoiler|a man they thought had been spreading a plague that is dangerous for most races other than humans}} but are willing to listen to reason if you act honorably.
** The vorcha are seen as universally aggressive and unpleasant; indeed, the only ones you meet are Blood Pack "mercenaries". This is fault of their biology and culture, they only live twenty years, they use combat as their main form of communication, etc. There are references to vorcha miners, settlers and brewers.
** {{spoiler|It turns out the geth that fought with Sovereign in the first game were a splinter group from the main geth, who in reality just want to be left alone to build their [[Dyson Sphere]] and achieve true unity.}}
* [[Exotic Equipment]]: The asari's unique method of mating. And of course, the krogan's legendary quads.
* [[Exotic Equipment]]: The asari's unique method of mating. And of course, the krogan's legendary quads.
* [[Expanded Universe]]: A trio ([[Discontinuity|that's right, there are only three of them]]) of books, a series of comics, and a couple of games for the iPhone. In something of a twist, though, the EU actually has ''less'' information and detail than what you can find in the games themselves.
* [[Expanded Universe]]: A trio ([[Discontinuity|that's right, there are only three of them]]) of books, a series of comics, and a couple of games for the iPhone. In something of a twist, though, the EU actually has ''less'' information and detail than what you can find in the games themselves.
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* [[Futuristic Pyramid]]: Prothean architecture seems to vary between this and flavors of spires.
* [[Futuristic Pyramid]]: Prothean architecture seems to vary between this and flavors of spires.
* [[Galactic Conqueror]]: [[Eldritch Abomination|Aside from the obvious,]] {{spoiler|humanity becomes this in the full Renegade ending of the second game.}} The third game reveals that the {{spoiler|Protheans}} were this, too.
* [[Galactic Conqueror]]: [[Eldritch Abomination|Aside from the obvious,]] {{spoiler|humanity becomes this in the full Renegade ending of the second game.}} The third game reveals that the {{spoiler|Protheans}} were this, too.
* [[A World Half Full|A Galaxy Half Full]]: No matter how bad things get, the crew of the ''Normandy'' can pull through and save the day, making a difference no matter what the odds. Has the option of being subverted in the second game, but if you're playing right it's still absolutely straight.
** Then shot to pieces in the third game. You can still make a difference, but no matter how you slice it, the death toll across the galaxy will be astronomical.
* [[Gateless Ghetto]]: The Citadel may be the political, economic, and cultural center of the galaxy, but you can only visit the embassy, the Citadel Tower, a market or two and a couple of clubs.
* [[Gateless Ghetto]]: The Citadel may be the political, economic, and cultural center of the galaxy, but you can only visit the embassy, the Citadel Tower, a market or two and a couple of clubs.
* [[Gender Is No Object]]: Played straight with most species, notably humans and quarians ("On the flotilla, we can't afford the luxury of sexism"). Justified subversion with krogans and salarians; fertile krogan females (or any salarian females) are rare enough that they can't risk them in combat, or even off of core planets. This is purely about practicality - several krogan in ''2'' mention Shiagur, a female warlord who continued fighting even after the genophage, from whom many still claim descent.
* [[Gender Is No Object]]: Played straight with most species, notably humans and quarians ("On the flotilla, we can't afford the luxury of sexism"). Justified subversion with krogans and salarians; fertile krogan females (or any salarian females) are rare enough that they can't risk them in combat, or even off of core planets. This is purely about practicality - several krogan in ''2'' mention Shiagur, a female warlord who continued fighting even after the genophage, from whom many still claim descent.