Mass Effect: Andromeda/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Captain Obvious]]: Some consider the reveal of Voeld to be this. If you completed certain sidequests and paid attention to ambient chatter and your various mission objectives before you reach Voeld, it is easy to figure, and you may already know [[Assimilation Plot|what the kett do with Angara they capture]] before [[The Reveal]].
* [[Complete Monster]]: The Archon of the Heleus Cluster. In addition to being a [[Hate Sink]] and a [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens|Scary Dogmatic Alien]] he has his own atrocities. {{spoiler|He captured the Salarian Ark and began running tests on them, such as harvesting their organs while they were still alive, or committing Cold-Blooded Torture on them for information.}} When Ryder and co. came to liberate the Ark he [[Sore Loser|eventually attempted to shoot down the Ark, killing the thousands of Salarians within, rather than allow them to escape]]. He is also a [[Bad Boss]], despite the fact that the kett are {{spoiler|literally brainwashed to be loyal to the cause}}, having them punished if he thinks they aren't committed enough. Obsessed with the Remnant technology known as Meridian, the Archon planed to {{spoiler|use its immense terraforming capabilities to force entire races to surrender to exaltation, or else he'll use Meridian to kill all life on their worlds.}} He's even implied to {{spoiler|be a traitor to the kett cause whose [[The Starscream|only out for personal gain and is gathering resources for a coup against the kett leaders]], and his right-hand-woman the Primus betrays him out of fear of what he's planning to do to their home}}. During the final fight, the Archon becomes so enraged at Ryder's efforts that he rescinds the offer entirely and just decides to commit genocide out of petty spite. Even in a genocidal species that views all non-kett life as barely sapient, the Archon of Heleus stands out as a monster among them.
* [[Narm]]:
** Some players find the Archon impossible to take seriously either because of his frequently holding the [[Villain Ball] or finding he looks too adorable to be scary. Regarding the latter, this is due to his short stature and a face that has drawn comparisons to baby monkeys. In his dialogue sequences with the captured Ryder sibling, his face is also very expressive compared to other kett, which doesn't help the comparison. This is further compounded by some fans who have compared him to a Teletubby, particularly Po, due to his short stature and the circular crest on his head.
** Some of Foster Addison are particularly noteworthy in this regard. The two most well-known examples are "My face is tired" line) and "No one's a pathfinder until they've pathfound something".
* [[Overshadowed by Controversy]]: The game did not have a gentle release or reception.
** After knowledge of the game's Early Access trial went public, the issue of the game's lacking, occasionally disturbing, facial animations dominated many discussions of the game.