Mass Effect (video game)/Characters/Party Members: Difference between revisions

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A human Systems Alliance Marine who specializes in weapons skills and heavy armor. One of two possible romance options for a male Shepard. Returns as a party member and romance option in ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'' if she survived the first game.
* [[Action Girl]]: Of all of the characters in ''[[Mass Effect (video game)|Mass Effect 1]]'', only Wrex can match her for sheer toughness, and no one is as adept with weapons as her. This continues in ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'', where her skills are mostly focused on dealing damage (as opposed to James, the other soldier character, whose skills are more focused on survivability).
* [[Affectionate Nickname]]: "Skipper", towards Shepard.
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* [[Hidden Depths]]: Her views on human/alien interaction actually delve much deeper than simple racism. While she has trust issues, her views fall more along the line of "we shouldn't become too dependent on them."
* [[Highly-Conspicuous Uniform]]: Her default armor in the first game is white and pink. ''Pink''.
* [[Hot Amazon]]: Especially [ her redesign]{{Dead link}} for ''[[Mass Effect 3]]''.
* [[Improbable Age]]: [[All There in the Manual|Supplementary material]] says she's 25 in the first game, which is really pushing the suspension of disbelief if she's a senior NCO.
** [[Truth in Television]]: During war, you'd be shocked how fast and far someone can advance in rank.
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A turian C-Sec officer who joins Shepard's team after becoming dissatisfied with regulations at C-Sec. Specializes in technology and long-range combat. Rejoins Shepard as a squadmate in ''Mass Effect 2''. Fan demand made him a love interest for the female Shepard. He returns as a squad member in ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'', provided he survived the second game.
* [[Adorkable]]: In his romance with female Shepard. First, he agrees to Shepard's offer of casual sex, but each time you talk to him after that, he's increasingly awkward, worrying about all the ways their [[Interspecies Romance]] could crash and burn. By the time he shows up in Shepard's quarters, he's babbling from nerves. Finally, he confesses it's because he feels like Shepard is the only real friend he's got left, and after all his failures, he wants their relationship to be something that finally goes right.
** Come ''Mass Effect 3'', he's not as nervous around her if she continues to see him.
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A human biotic Sentinel Marine in the Systems Alliance military who specializes in technology and biotic support powers. One of two possible romance interests for a female Shepard. Returns as a party member and romance option in ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'' if he survived the first game.
* {{spoiler|[[Asskicking Equals Authority]]}}: {{spoiler|He's been made a Spectre in ''[[Mass Effect 3]]''}}.
* [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny]]: Kaidan is prone to the occasional non sequitur and odd, childlike observation.
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An [[Bizarre Alien Biology|asari]] [[Hot Scientist|scientist]] and expert on the Protheans who joins Shepard's team after being attacked by the geth. Also a powerful biotic with powers that can only be matched by an Adept Shepard. [[Boldly Coming|Possible romance interest for a Shepard]] [[Bi the Way|of either gender]]. One of the few characters who can join your party in all three games, being permanent in ''Mass Effect 1'' and ''Mass Effect 3'', and available in ''Mass Effect 2'' via DLC.
* [[Abnormal Ammo]]: Her new power for the third game is Warp Ammo.
* [[Action Girl]]: Prothean ruins are a popular target for pirates and mercenaries looking for quick cash. If you want to excavate them alone, you've got to know your way around a fight.
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** What makes that scene even more powerful (and chilling) is that she's {{spoiler|1=practically channeling Benezia at that point. "Have you ever faced an asari commando unit before? Few humans have." Her mother told Shepard the same thing in ''Mass Effect 1''}}.
** Even before {{spoiler|working to kill the Shadow Broker}}, she displays a lot of determination and ruthlessness in the ''Mass Effect: Redemption'' comic book. Apparently, working with Shepard was a very significant influence.
** [ Redemption well and truly earned].
** ''Lair of the Shadow Broker'' has her take two giant levels in badass. The first is when we encounter her in the trade center, where she's {{spoiler|chasing down a Spectre and hurling Shadow Broker agents around like toys}}. Let's repeat that for clarification: Liara is making a freaking {{spoiler|'''Spectre'''}} flee from her. The second makes her potentially even more powerful than Shepard.
{{quote|'''Liara:''' Give me ten minutes and I can start a war.}}
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A quarian mechanist who specializes in technology and is traveling on her Pilgrimage to find technology or resources valuable to the quarian Migrant Fleet. Joins Shepard's team for protection when she finds information incriminating Saren, and remains both out of gratitude and to help bring down Saren. She is also a party member in the sequels, as well as a romance option.
* [[Action Girl]]: She doesn't hesitate to get into a scrap.
* [[Adorkable]]: A rare female example of the trope, particularly when you romance her in the sequel.
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A krogan battlemaster who combines close-combat skills and enormous physical strength and durability with biotic powers. Joins Shepard's team out of both an interest in fighting a good battle and because the money is nice. Becomes a progressive-minded overlord of the krogan people in ''Mass Effect 2'' if he survived the events of the first game, eventually uniting them under his banner.
* [[Afraid of Needles]]: Mordin claims this about [[The Big Guy|Wr]][[Proud Warrior Race Guy|ex]] when he's eager to leave his lab and donate tissue samples later. It may or may not be true, but either way it's hilarious. But when he finally gets around to it...
{{quote|'''Wrex''': [[Groin Attack|Let's just say no scalpel should cut where he cut.]]}}
* [[The All-Solving Hammer]]: One of the first things Wrex usually suggests when confronted by a problem is to eat the individual responsible.
** Ironically, a Thresher Maw ''Hammer'' is exactly the solution to defeat a Reaper on Tuchanka in ''Mass Effect 3'', by [[Summon Bigger Fish|summoning Kalros]].
* [[Ancestral Weapon|Ancestral Armor]]: In the first game, he asks Shepard to retrieve his family's armor from a turian smuggler.
** In a subversion, the constant arms race had made it an unequipable piece of junk, and is only valuable for personal reasons.
{{quote|'''Wrex''': My ancestors actually ''wore'' this piece of junk?}}
* [[Anti-Hero]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|Type]] [[Black and Grey Morality|IV]] or [[Sociopathic Hero|V]] in the original [[Your Mileage May Vary|depending on your view]]; {{spoiler|moves up the scale to [[Good Is Not Nice|Type III]] in the sequel if he survives.}}.
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]: He is a krogan, and thus tends to equate ass-kicking with respect. He may even [[Discussed Trope|discuss this]] with various other crewmembers, by asking them if they could beat Shepard in a fight. <ref>Kaidan dismisses the question with how he'd realistically never have to fight his superior officer; Wrex decides that that's why Shepard is his superior officer, and why s/he would win. Tali asks if Krogan size up ''everyone'' for a fight, to which he replies yes.</ref>
** {{spoiler|In ''Mass Effect 2'', assuming he survived the first game, he is in the process of reforming and uniting Krogan society through sheer force of personality (and ass kicking, when necessary).}}.
{{quote|'''Wrex:''': {{spoiler|Speak when spoken to, [[Jerkass|Uvenk]]. [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|I'll drag your clan to glory whether you like it or not]].}}.}}
* [[Badass]]: {{spoiler|MOFO ICED A THRESHER MAW ON FOOT IN HIS RITE OF PASSAGE. A feat nobody else would pull for hundreds of years afterwards.<ref>Shepard can get in on doing that ''Mass Effect 2''.</ref>}}
* [[Badass Boast]]: I am Urdnot Wrex and THIS IS MY PLANET!!!
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: Not overt, but Wrex hints that he was either born during or shortly after the Krogan Rebellions, making him ''very'' old, even for a Krogan.
** Especially once you consider that, even though ''Mass Effect'' takes place in the future, Wrex would have been born when Earth still had ''Vikings''.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Any mention of destroying the krogan's chances of curing the genophage will provoke a violent reaction. {{spoiler|It can get Wrex killed in the first game unless you can talk him down, and he will die in the third game if you sabotage the cure.}}.
* [[Big Good]]: Becomes this to the Krogans on Tuchanka if he lives past Virmire.
* [[The Big Guy]]: Type 1 in the first ''Mass Effect'', [[Character Development|shifts to]] Class 5 if he survives to the sequel.
* [[Bizarre Alien Biology]]: Krogan have secondary ''everything'', from cardiovascular to nervous systems.
** And four testicles, referred to in the fandom and then in the second game as a "quad".
* [[Blood Brothers|Blood Brother/Blood Sister]]: He declares Shepard to be his if {{spoiler|Shepard saves Eve and cures the genophage.}}. To him, the krogan have no greater friend, no greater hero, than the commander.
* [[Blood Knight]]: Though he's downright moderate compared to the rest of his species.
* [[Bounty Hunter]]: One of many jobs he's taken over the centuries.
* [[Bruiser with a Soft Center]]: Not so much in the first game, but played straight from the second game onward.
* [[Captain Obvious]]: "I raised the hammers; you have to activate both of them. My advice is: avoid the [[Wave Motion Gun|giant laser!]]"
* [[The Casanova]]: According to the krogan females.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: In the second game, this is given as the reason the krogan are uniting under his leadership.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* [[Cutscene Incompetence]]: {{spoiler|1=Ashley kills him with one shot from a rifle in ME1''Mass Effect 1'', and Shepard can kill him with a pistol in ME3.''Mass Effect 3''}}.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Provides half of the snark in the first game.
* [[Death Glare]]: Displays a great one in ''Mass Effect 3'' when the Salarian Dalatrass insults the Krogan. The look on his face makes it clear that he wants nothing more than to pull out a shotgun and leave a large hole in the Normandy's bulkhead where she was standing.
** For bonus points, its done in close up, so you get to see just how pissed off Wrex is, taking up the ''entire screen''.
* {{spoiler|[[Despair Event Horizon]]: Betray him by sabotaging the genophage cure and he'll completely lose it. He'll withdraw krogan support, leave the galaxy to burn, and tries to gun you down with a shotgun to boot. As far as he's concerned, if his species is going to go extinct, humanity can join them.}}.
* [[Dirty Old Man]]: In ME3''Mass Effect 3'', according to Eve, he's a bit... enthusiastic about fertile Krogan females.
** [[Chivalrous Pervert]]: On the other hand, he respects women a lot more than the average Krogan
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: A possibility, if you make a certain series of decisions. In ME3''Mass Effect 3'', if you {{spoiler|sabotage the genophage cure, Wrex will come after you, conveniently forgetting his biotics and shields... Suicide by Shepard.}}.
* [[Enemy Mine]]: With the Turians in the third game. Despite the fact that neither Wrex nor Primarch Victus are quick to trust the other, Victus is completely in favour of curing the Genophage and Wrex makes good on his promise to send Krogan troops to aid in the defence of Palaven.
** Victus and Wrex also seem to find common ground opposing the [[Smug Snake|Salarian Dalatrass]]. She seems to clearly irritate them ''both''.
* [[Expy]]: He shares many traits with Canderous Ordo, of [[Knights of the Old Republic]] fame. Most notably, both come from a culture of [[Blood Knight]]s, and are watching their people slowly die out.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: {{spoiler|Seriously considers one during Virmire. If you're unable to talk him out of it, Ashley kills him to protect you.}}.
** {{spoiler|If you sabotaged the genophage cure in ''Mass Effect 3'', he will return later on, having found out, and tries to kill Shepard no matter what. He also calls off all his support for the war. Notably, he only does this after you yourself arguably cross the [[Moral Event Horizon]].}}.
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: He mentions having one in an asari named Aleena {{spoiler|who is strongly hinted to be a past life for Aria T'Loak in ''Mass Effect 2''}}.
* [[The Gadfly]]: Especially in the first game's infamous elevator sequences, where he frequently says outrageous things to your squadmembers just to see how they react.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: He's one of the toughest squad members in the series and also one of the most intelligent.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: When talking to Grunt in the second game.
{{quote|'''Grunt''': Okeer is dead.
'''Wrex''': Of course he is. You're with ''Shepard''. How could he be alive? }}
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: {{spoiler|As krogan overlord, he institutes many reforms to help his species... and if he has to go against tradition or bust heads for it to work, so be it}}.
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: All over his shell.
* [[Good Thing You Can Heal]]: Initially believed Shepard survived being Spaced due to having a redundant nervous system.
{{quote|'''Shepard:''' Yeah, humans don't have that.
'''Wrex:''' Oh.... It must've been painful then. }}
* [[Hidden Depths]]: An exile from a barbaric race. Utterly ruthless. A one man army. The most vicious bounty hunter in the galaxy. Also the only squadmate to be affected by Ashley or Kaidan's death (other than them obviously) and quite possibly the most sensitive and caring character towards Shepard other than Liara and Kaidan. And he tried to end his people's infighting, pretty much making him the krogan equivalent of a hippie. Who says bloodthirsty, thousand-year-old reptilian warlords don't have hearts?
** Two of them, in point of fact.
* [[I Work Alone]]: Fortunately, he's a reasonable example of this trope; he prefers to work by himself, but he's perfectly willing to operate with small groups. Shepard also works in small groups, so he's got no problems with that. It's just being part of armies he has issues with.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: {{spoiler|Gives Shepard a very warm greeting as the krogan overlord. From a grizzled old cynic like him, that really means something. He even invites Grunt to be part of the clan. As warlord, he does everything in his power to aid his people, [[Good Is Not Nice|whether they like it or not]].}}.
{{quote|'''Wrex:''' {{spoiler|Shepard! My friend!}}!}}
** {{spoiler|1=Despite disliking salarians in general, he honestly comes to respect Mordin in ME3''Mass Effect 3'', affectionately nicknaming him "Pyjak."}}.
** {{spoiler|After Mordin sacrifices himself to cure the genophage, Wrex says that he'll honour him by naming one of the newborn children after him. Maybe one of the girls.}}.
* [[Just Eat Him]]: He's fond of using this to end arguments. It's generally effective at making people go away.
* [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: He'll kill the local crime lord Fist after you get Fist at your mercy. Tali and potentially Shepard certainly don't disagree.
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]: Possible in the first game, which has repercussions throughout the series. Also possible in the third game, if you sabotage the genophage cure: he'll find out and you'll have to blow him away on the Citadel.}}.
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]: Yes, he does help save the galaxy and eventually becomes chieftain of Clan Urdnot but he's also as cynical as they come.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: He hits hard ''and'' fast.
* [[Like an Old Married Couple]]: {{spoiler|His interaction with "Eve" in the third game.}}.
* [[Magic Knight]]: In addition to his substantial toughness and general combat skills, he's also a biotic.
* [[The McCoy]]: To Dalatrass Linron's [[The Spock]] and Primarch Adrien Victus's [[The Kirk]], in ''Mass Effect 3''.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: He's called Wrex because [[Incredibly Lame Pun|he wrecks stuff.]] Get it? [[Don't Explain the Joke|It's funny because it's a pun!]]
** Also, rex = Latin for king. Fits with him {{spoiler|becoming the krogan overlord in the second game}}.
** According to [[Word of God]], they called him Wrex after a Tyrannosaurus Rex, which still comes from "king.". This also leads to an amusing [[Continuity Nod]] in the second game, where Data on Grunt's extranet searches reveal that he [[Wiki Walk|went from searching about Wrex to reading about dinosaurs]].
* [[My Friends and Zoidberg]]: Invoked in ''Mass Effect 3'' if you bring Liara and Garrus along to Sur'kesh, he's deeply happy she's there... oh, and Garrus too.
* [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much]]: Wrex is somewhere in between playing this straight and averting it. He mostly embraces the overall krogan culture and attitudes, but he's far more willing than most of his race to acknowledge a lot of their actions are idiotically self-destructive (to the point of making some attempt to fix that in the second game).
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Wrex in no way comes off as dumb, but he is much more sophisticated than he lets on.
** Also works in a subversion to his [[Blood Knight]] tendencies. One of the elevator convos has Garrus eagerly wanting to see how the ''Normandy'' handles in a fight, to which Wrex retorts about the folly of getting into slugging matches in a ship meant for stealth.
*** The opening of the second game proves that Wrex was entirely correct about that.
* [[Odd Friendship]]: With Shepard. Dialogue in ''Mass Effect 3'' indicates that he's deeply fond of Liara... [[My Friends and Zoidberg|and Garrus]], in his own way.
{{quote|"I have to make friends with the one turian in the galaxy who ''thinks he's funny''."}}
* [[Optional Party Member]]: He doesn't have to be recruited to finish the first game.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Becomes this for his entire species.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: He was hired by Saren once, but eventually decided to leave without waiting for pay since it didn't take him long to get suspicious of the guy. Turns out all the other mercs he was working with were found dead a week later.
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]: [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much|Deconstructed]];: he knows full well that the krogan people are too attached to their short-sighted warrior traditions to save themselves from extinction. In the sequels, he reconstructs the trope by seizing power of Clan Urdnot and working to return the krogan to a proud warrior race instead of a race of thugs for hire.
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: We don't know how old exactly Wrex is, but given that he defeated a Thresher Maw ''over'' a thousand years ago and hints that he may have been around during the Krogan Rebellions (which happened in ''700 AD'')... yeah, Wrex is ''very old'', even for a Krogan.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: About as reasonable of an authority figure as you can be for an entire species of [[Blood Knight]]s.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: And red skin, and red guns...
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Plays the red to Eve's blue {{spoiler|as leaders of the Krogan.}}.
* [[Revenge Before Reason]]: {{spoiler|1=In ME3''Mass Effect 3'', if you betray his friendship and sabotage the genophage cure, he will come after you on a [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]. However, [[Series Continuity Error|he will "conveniently" forget his barriers and biotics]].}}.
* [[Royal Blood]]: To a degree;: his father was an overlord of the Urdnot clan. {{spoiler|In the sequel, if he survived Virmire, Wrex is now overlord of the krogan homeworld.}}.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Wrex used to have a tribe of his own, though he fled Tuchanka after a fight with his father. {{spoiler|In the sequel, he's become the overlord of most of the krogan clans.}}.
* [[Self-Made Orphan]]: In self-defense.
* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]: Believe it or not he embodies both sides of this trope. The latter is obvious but he shows a surprisingly caring side of himself after Virmire. He's the only character to talk about Ashley/Kaidan's death other than Joker and the Virmire Survivor, and the only character to comfort Shepard over it, telling you he respects your decision. The relationship between him and Paragon Shepard also fits this trope.
* [[Slave to PR]]: He executes a gang leader against your orders because he was hired by the Broker to personally kill him. He even gives you the bounty if you don't bring him along and beat him to the punch -... he won't take credit or payment for something he didn't do.
* [[Sociopathic Hero]]: Mostly in the first game, less so in the sequel.
** Arguable even in the first game. Wrex was willing to {{spoiler|fight Shepard if it meant a chance to cure his people.}}. He's certainly not the most moral party member, but someone who cares that much for his people shouldn't be called a sociopath.
*** As a mercenary [[Blood Knight]], surely a certain amount of sociopathy is required, regardless of Virmire and his feelings about the krogan.
* [[The Stoic]]: It's a significant moment whenever he really does emote.
"Wrex." }}
** When Wrex joyfully bounds out of his "throne" to greet Shepard with unabashed happiness in ''Mass Effect 2'', [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|it's fairly startling]].
* [[Stop Being Stereotypical]]: Dislikes the self destructive violence of the other Krogans and is working to change it.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: What he thinks of anyone that goes up against Shepard. Which {{spoiler|makes you wonder what that says about ''him'' when he does this on Virmire. [[Played With]] in that he likely knew he had no chance at actually "winning", but was doing it as a matter of principle or honor rather than tactics. Thankfully, the player has three ways of talking him out of it.}}.
** {{spoiler|The same logic also applies to his confrontation with Shepard in ''Mass Effect 3'' if the cure is sabotaged, though there it might have been blind fury rather than any other reason.}}.
* [[Uncomfortable Elevator Moment]]: [ Wrex seems to really like the elevators.].
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: By the second game, even if he can't go with Shepard, it's clear that he has nothing but undying respect for him/her and will help him/her in anyway he can.
* [[Use Your Head]]: [[Asskicking Equals Authority|In true krogan fashion]], he uses this to assert his dominance.
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* [[Warrior Poet]]: To be fair, he mostly writes his poems with guns.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]:
** If he's taken to Noveria, and Shepard spares the rachni queen. As he reminds you, millions of his ancestors died to defeat the rachni the first time.
** If you deleted Maelon's research, he has some choice words for you in the last game -... it takes rescuing Eve and following him to the Shroud before he's willing to call you a friend again.
** {{spoiler|If you betray his trust by sabotaging the genophage cure, he tries to kill you. On the same occasion, he also calls you out for your actions during the Citadel coup if you killed the VS - *and* for the turian bomb on Tuchanka if you let it go off. It's a bit of a low point for Shepard, all in all.}}.
{{quote|'''Wrex''': {{spoiler|What's the matter? Ashley not around to do your dirty work? Oh right, you killed her too! And it's time you found out how that feels!}}!}}
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Considered his [[Friendly Enemy]] Aleena to be this.
** Wrex views Shepard as one when they first meet, seeing Shepard as a warrior worthy of his respect. He drops hints in the first game that he believes in a fight Shepard could easily take him down, which considering Wrex once single-handedly defeated a ''Thresher Maw'', says a hell of a lot.
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An over-enthusiastic Alliance soldier from Eden Prime, he is assigned as part of your squad when everything goes to hell there. Continuing in the long Bioware tradition of early sacrificial party members, he dies in the opening few minutes.
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: He says he's itching for some action just before the Eden Prime mission. Too bad "action" in his case meant watching his homeworld get scorched and being gunned down by a pair of geth recon drones.
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* [[Sacrificial Lamb]] / [[Red Shirt]]
[[Category:Mass Effect 1 Party Members]]