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(Guide Dang It is NOT a YMMV trope)
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* [[Good Bad Bug]]:
* [[Good Bad Bug]]:
** Hitting melee halfway between the Claymore's reload animation causes it to auto-complete, and you can fire instantly with it. The Claymore is the single-shot uber-tier shotgun, and basically turns into a semi-automatic.
** Hitting melee halfway between the Claymore's reload animation causes it to auto-complete, and you can fire instantly with it. The Claymore is the single-shot uber-tier shotgun, and basically turns into a semi-automatic.
*** This trick actually works on any non-heavy weapon in the game... even the Widow. The key is hitting the melee button once the ejected thermal clip is visible.
** There was also a button trick that allowed a character as early as level 6 to [ max out every ability]. This was removed by a patch on May 17, 2010.
** There was also a button trick that allowed a character as early as level 6 to [ max out every ability]. This was removed by a patch on May 17, 2010.
** The save file transfer doesn't properly import your handling of Conrad Verner. It defaults to the Renegade response, which has you "shoving a gun" in his face and inadvertently making him go "hardcore". There are hex fixes that allow one to see [ the ME1 Paragon Flagged start.]
** The save file transfer doesn't properly import your handling of Conrad Verner. It defaults to the Renegade response, which has you "shoving a gun" in his face and inadvertently making him go "hardcore". There are hex fixes that allow one to see [ the ME1 Paragon Flagged start.]
** If certain conditions are met while Charging as a Vanguard, Shepard's shield will shoot through the roof, going from between 150-325 to somewhere close to 4000. It only lasts for a single mission but you could essentially go through the rest of it meleeing things to death; and yes, charging would indeed refill it to max.
** If certain conditions are met while Charging as a Vanguard, Shepard's shield will shoot through the roof, going from between 150-325 to somewhere close to 4000. It only lasts for a single mission but you could essentially go through the rest of it meleeing things to death; and yes, charging would indeed refill it to max.
** In ''Arrival'', a sound bug can result in the indoctrinated troops on the asteroid screaming nonstop due to a looping voice file (which plays in nicely with the subject matter, even if it's unintended).
** In ''Arrival'', a sound bug can result in the indoctrinated troops on the asteroid screaming nonstop due to a looping voice file (which plays in nicely with the subject matter, even if it's unintended).
** Every weapon's firing rate slows down tremendously during Adrenaline Rush... except the DLC Mattock.
* [[Guide Dang It]]: Good luck getting everyone through the suicide mission alive on your first playthrough. You're given the knowledge on how to do that throughout the game, and hints are dropped on preparations you should make, but there is still a possibility that, even if you get all the upgrades, all members are loyal, and you send them for right job in the endgame area, one of them might die at the end due to the way the game calculates each member's "defense" score during the [[Hold the Line]] portion.
** Could also be a little of [[Guide Dang It|Guide Dang It!]]. On Aria's side quest with the Eclipse cache, standing in just the right place and firing the ML-77 missile launcher allows you to complete the quest with no crates destroyed. The bug - the missile homes in on anything classified as hostile and when one of them hits the mech while fired just outside of the area that triggers the crate destruction, that mech will walk towards you without activating the other mechs. This allows you to essentially bait all the mechs into attacking you one by one, allowing you to ambush them. You can do this to only one mech at a time and must ensure that your squadmates don't blunder into the area that triggers crate destruction.
** Of particular note is {{spoiler|the crew kidnap scene}}. It comes out of nowhere, and if you don't handle it immediately, you can get a significantly [[Multiple Endings|worse ending]]. For added fun: there's a very good chance that your party won't be fully loyal at that point, which can lead to [[Anyone Can Die|even more problems...]]
** Suffice to say, if a character isn't loyal odds are they'll die, regardless of your actions to protect them during the suicide mission. It's possible to keep non-loyal characters alive, but that generally requires a knowledge of the underlying systems governing the mission that a first-time player isn't going to have.
* [[Holy Shit Quotient]]: Gets taken [[Up to Eleven]]. Especially in the loyalty missions.
* [[Holy Shit Quotient]]: Gets taken [[Up to Eleven]]. Especially in the loyalty missions.
* [[Like You Would Really Do It]]: Subverted. Shepard dies ten minutes into the game, and is brought back... but can potentially [[Killed Off for Real|die for real]] at the end of the game, so, yes, they ''would'' really do it. Then subverted ''again'', in that save games where the entire team dies won't carry over to ''[[Mass Effect 3]]''.
* [[Like You Would Really Do It]]: Subverted. Shepard dies ten minutes into the game, and is brought back... but can potentially [[Killed Off for Real|die for real]] at the end of the game, so, yes, they ''would'' really do it. Then subverted ''again'', in that save games where the entire team dies won't carry over to ''[[Mass Effect 3]]''.