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* Two episodes of ''[[CSI]]'' featured criminals pulling this ''on the cops'' (with variable success). In "The Finger," a man murders his mistress, then sets up a fake kidnapping to make it look like someone else did it. In "Suckers," a casino security chief arranges a fake murder...which is a cover for the theft of a priceless antique... which is a cover for a heist from the casino's vault... {{spoiler|which is the cover for a massive insurance scam}}.
** In the latter case, while the mastermind doesn't get arrested, Grissom does {{spoiler|give all his evidence (circumstantial at best) to the insurance company. Presumably, they require less proof to deny a claim}}.
* A latter-season episode of ''[[MASH|M* A* S*H (television)|M*A*S*H]]'' features B.J. betting Hawkeye that he is the greatest prankster in the 4077th's history. To prove it, he will prank every member of the main cast in the next 24 hours...with Hawkeye last. Over the next day, B.J. fells every single one of the other characters, while Hawkeye grows progressively more and more paranoid and resorts to ever-more-bizarre measures to avoid being pranked. {{spoiler|The next morning, Hawkeye triumphantly announces that he has emerged unscathed. It is then the others reveal that all of the pranks on them were phonies. The whole thing was a set-up to [[Paranoia Gambit|drive Hawkeye nuts]] all along.}}
* In the ''[[Veronica Mars]]'' episode "Rashard and Wallace Go to White Castle", Veronica masterminds a scam like this on a basketball manager who's trying to frame Wallace for a hit-and-run, pulled by Wallace, Jackie, and a cop Veronica knows who moonlights as a security guard.
* Used a few times in ''[[The Rockford Files]],'' but the most impressive occurrence was the two-part episode "Never Send a Boy King to do a Man's Job." To describe it wouldn't do it justice, but it involved an entire fake company, a large number of Egyptian-themed movie props, a faked auction of archeological finds, ''real'' race cars, the legendary curse of King Tut, and five faked deaths.
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* "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig's eponymous "Perfect Hoax" back in 1996. For weeks, he stole [[Triple H]]'s valets and caused him to lose numerous matches because of the subsequent distractions. Finally getting fed up with it, Triple H challenged the retired Hennig to a match; Hennig accepted. However, on the night of the match during an episode of RAW, Triple H ambushed Hennig backstage before the match and seemingly injured his knee, preventing him from continuing. Then-Intercontinental Champion "Wild Man" Marc Mero decided to fight Triple H in Hennig's place, putting his title on the line. In the match's climax, Triple H attempted to cheat using a steel chair, but Hennig ran in for the save and took the chair from Triple H... only to wallop Mero with the chair, allowing Triple H to pin him for the title. Afterwards, the duo revealed that the entire debacle was a plan to put the title on Triple H (and return him to a prominent stature within the company), while embarrassing Mero for stealing Sable from Triple H.
** Mr. Perfect was a point man for another one just four years prior. He and [[Ric Flair]] orchestrated a plot to get the WWF Title back to Flair starting at Summerslam 92. [[Randy Savage]] and the [[Ultimate Warrior]] were both fan favorites, but also accused of selling out to Team Flair. Both Flair and Perfect liberally attacked both the challenger (Warrior) and the WWF Champion (Savage) during the match. Warrior won when Team Flair jumped the champion on the outside, but only by countout, meaning Savage was still the champion. Flair beat the Macho Man shortly after this to win the WWF title for the second time.
* This happened a ''[[Good Is Dumb|lot]]'' to [[Wrestler/Sting (wrestling)|Sting]] in his [[WCW]] run, often at the hands of [[Ric Flair]] and [[The Four Horsemen]] or Lex Luger. Perhaps the most famous example occurred in an angle involving our hero and Flair in 1995. Flair lost a match to Arn Anderson at Fall Brawl due to interference from Brian Pillman, and spent the next month trying to convince an extremely wary Sting to be his partner against the duo for Halloween Havoc. After weeks of vehement refusal, Flair finally got Sting to relent, but not before the latter threatened to mess up the former real good if he got screwed. Before the match, Anderson and Pillman ambushed and seemingly injured Flair, forcing Sting to face the heels by himself. However, in the middle of the match, as Sting was getting his ass kicked, Flair appeared to the roar of the crowd and took his place at Sting's corner. Sting played [[Ricky Morton]] for a long time, getting closer and closer to making the tag to Flair each time. When he finally made the tag, the arena went nuts, and Flair looked prepared to ''kill'' Arn and Pillman...and then [[Face Heel Turn|proceeded to immediately lay out Sting]], revealing that the entire incident was a set up to re-form [[The Four Horsemen]] and humiliate Sting.
** It got so bad that in one match it was lampshaded when Sting gave his valet Elizabeth a can of mace to use in case any of the heels tried to make a move on her. Predictably, she turned around and used the mace on Sting later in the match—only it wasn't mace, it was ''silly string''! This was the only time Sting ever managed to outsmart someone.
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** The pictures are often humiliating, degrading, and frankly ridiculous. One particularly [[Egregious]] example is [[Crowning Moment of Funny|a naked man standing on two chairs, with a laptop suspended from his sensitive bits, while holding two torches and a sign (taped to his chest) proclaiming how serious he is.]]
** Another 419Eater staple is the "safari", in which the would-be scammer is convinced that due to a mix-up at the Western Union [[Your Princess Is in Another Castle|Your Money Is In Another City.]] Cue a wild goose chase of hundreds of miles.
* Equally amusing would be the [ P-P-P-Powerbook prank], which involved an eBay scammer being shipped a binder covered in glued-on keyboard keys, and paying about 600 dollars for it to boot.