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** Metal Man too. He's not as easy as Flash Man, but his Metal Blade attacks are easily avoidable. He's even easier in his rematch, where you no longer fight on a conveyor belt AND have access to his own weapon, which kills him in two shots.
** Heat Man is a well-deserved breather after getting through his hellish stage (at least without Item 2) as he gets locked in a very simple attack pattern when you keep pressure on him.
** Once you know the trick behind his AI, you'll never get hit by Crash Man again. His jumping and firing is connected to your own firing, so simply get close to him, shoot, and walk onright under him as he triesjumps and failstries to hit you with a Crash Bomb. And that's if you don't simply kill him with the Air Shooter, which can ''one-shot him'' if itsit firedcatches him at pointthe right blankangle.
* [[Breather Level]]: Flash Man's stage becomes this if you save him for later. Once you have a few utility items and Crash Bombs, you can take the safer paths through the stage that are loaded with health and ammo pickups, one-ups, and even E-tanks while avoiding the [[Goddamned Bats|Crazy Cannons]] and [[Demonic Spiders|Sniper Joe walkers]]. Wood Man's stage is also fairly easy due to being a fairly straight trek to the boss where you kill a ton of easy enemies and do very little in the way of platforming.
* [[Complacent Gaming Syndrome]]: Most of the game's weapons range from middling to awful, save for one standout: the Metal Blade. It fires massive sawblades at any angle, one-shots most enemies that don't resist it, quite a few bosses are weak to it, and it has such a huge ammo count that you can practically use it as a Mega Buster alternative. Unsurprisingly, most players go after Metal Man first and use nothing but the Metal Blade, save for the few instances where the situation demands you to use another weapon.
* [[Crowning Music of Awesome]]: Virtually ALL of the tracks, but especially the now-iconic track that plays in the first two Wily Castle stages. This game has more remixed music tracks than any other game in the franchise!
** The music in Wily stages 3-6, however, is a reverse of this trope. It's a depressing tune, just a few notes slowly rising up in pitch to the 12th key, then restarting again. It's one of the least talked about tracks in the entire franchise and when is talked about, is generally criticized for being far inferior to everything else
* [[Demonic Spiders]]: Returning Sniper JoesArmors, which are Returning Sniper Joes piloting giant walkers that replace the [[Boss in Mook Clothing|Big Eyes]] from the first game. They're just as durable, and even when defeated they toss the Sniper Joe pilot at you for a smaller, less irritating battle. YouThey also have a tendency to show up in levels where it'res bettereasy offto runningaccidentally intoscroll them toback onto the screen avoidafter fightingkilling them.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Air Man. He's got a unique design among Robot Masters, and the memetic song made in his honor has caused fans to view him as something of an undefeatable badass.
* [[Even Better Sequel]]: One of the benchmark examples, to where at the very ''least'' the game is considered an improvement over the original in every way.
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* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]:
** The real final boss, an Alien, is [[Signs|killed with water.]]
** One of the enemies in Wood Man's stage is a [[Five Nights at Freddy's|purple-colored robot bunny.]] Thankfully, no dead kids are involved here.
* [[Hype Backlash]]: As probably the most popular game in the ''Mega Man'' series and one of the most acclaimed games of all time, it naturally tends to get this from time to time. In particular, more than a few fans consider ''[[Mega Man 3]]'' to be the actual pinnacle of the series, and those that don't tend to give that treatment to either [[Mega Man 4|4]], [[Mega Man 9|9]], [[Mega Man 10|10]], or from the late 2010's onwards, even ''[[Mega Man 7|7]]'' due being [[Vindicated by History]]. But the unifying thread behind these dissenting opinions is that the game's still too simplistic compared to later titles, to the point of feeling primitive. Questionable stage design and weapon balancing are also marks against it for some.
* [[It Was His Sled]]: Holy crap, Wily's an alien! Except he isn't, and that was just a decoy. The alien form in general counts though: back when the game came out, it was a huge surprise for obvious reasons, but now, it's one of the most famous moments in the franchise's history.