Mega Man 2/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** The Atomic Fire is something of a proto Charge Shot, firing weak shots that you can charge up into bigger, more powerful blasts. Unfortunately, it takes forever and a day to fully charge the Atomic Fire, and charge shots consume a ''ton'' of ammo. It ends up being [[Awesome Yet Impractical]] outside of the two bosses that are weak to it.
** While the Time Stopper is true to its name and stops time, it's way more of a hindrance than you'd think. Once it's active it drains all its energy in one go, you can't change weapons or even fire your buster while it's active, and if there are any enemies in your way? Unless they're small enough for you to jump over (which they likely aren't), you'll either have to let the Time Stopper wear off so you can kill them, or face tank damage in order to get through them. The Flash Stopper in Mega Man 4 is basically an apology for how hard this weapon sucks.
** Being the first shield weapon of its kind, the Leaf Shield is a rough start for its lineage. You can't move while it's active or else you'll throw it, and it won't block projectiles. However, it does see some use in Crash Man's stage and Wily Stage 4, where you spend a lot of times motionless and assaulted by [[Goddamned Bats]] that die on contact upon hitting it. Still, it's far more situational than it has any right to be.
and it won't block projectiles. However, it does see some use in Crash Man's stage and Wily Stage 4, where you spend a lot of times motionless and assaulted by [[Goddamned Bats]] that die on contact upon hitting it. Still, it's far more situational than it has any right to be.
** The Crash Bomber gives you very little bang for your buck, since it has a very small ammo count and deals pitiful damage to anything it makes contact with. The explosions, while damaging, are delayed and only go off if the weapon hits a wall. And like with the Flash Stopper, you can't pause if you've got a bomb active. It's not really a step up or down from the previous game's Hyper Bomb, but rather a step sideways.
** Bubble Lead. It's a ground-traveling weapon that doesn't even hurt 90% of enemies that can easily be hit with it. Fairly self-explanatory right there.