• And the Fandom Rejoiced: Seeing how this was the first new game in the classic series in about ten years, this reaction was to be expected.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Splash Woman. Mainly due to her being the only female Robot Master (aside from Roll).
    • Jewel Man, Galaxy Man and Tornado Man are also surprisingly popular.
    • Among the scrapped Robot Masters, Honey Woman is the most popular because of What Could Have Been, before she was integrated into the Archie Comic as Vesper Woman.
  • Game Breaker:
    • The Jewel Satellite, possibly the best shield weapon in the series. To explain, it stays up until dismissed or collides into a strong enemy. And it reflects shots back, making Sniper Joes (who have More Dakka now) a joke.
    • The Hornet Chaser is one of the series' most reliable homing weapons yet, hitting enemies way out of your reach while grabbing any powerups they drop in the process.
    • The Laser Trident is every bit as powerful and ammo-friendly as the Metal Blade, with the added bonus of piercing most shields. The only thing that stops it from overshadowing the other weapons is the fact that you can't aim it, but it's a small price to pay for such a powerful tool.
  • It's Hard, So It Sucks: Some believe that the game's levels are too difficult for their own good, once again believing that the game is trying too hard to emulate Mega Man 2. From the levels not being designed with the lack of Mega Man's abilities in mind, to the over-saturation of Spikes of Doom, to bad enemy placement in some levels, not everyone welcomed this game with open arms. The fact that the game lacks a difficulty select certainly didn't help. Another problem was the removal of the slide and the charged shot, which was seen as unnecessary.
  • It's the Same, Now It Sucks: On two fronts.
    • Some people thought that the game tried too hard to be like Mega Man 2, from using the same music in numerous places, to Mega Man losing his charge shot and slide.
    • Although many players enjoy this game's status as an NES throwback, others see it as just another form of Capcom Sequel Stagnation - a Capcom franchise refusing to evolve even in sound or visuals from its heyday. It doesn't help that Mega Man 7 and Mega Man 8 were generally held to have spectacular art, and the art of this game is a willful step backwards by comparison.
  • That One Boss: Wouldn't be a Mega Man game without 'em!
    • Tornado Man, thanks to the instant kill spikes on the roof of his arena. It doesn't help that he tries to coax you into them with his massive, hard-to-dodge tornado attacks.
    • Concrete Man is a Lightning Bruiser whose main strategy is to freeze you in place with his Concrete Shot before ramming you for a ton of damage. Without the Laser Trident, it's a grueling uphill battle. And even when you have it, it's only marginally less difficult.
    • Devil Bosses make an unwelcome return with the Twin Devil encountered in Wily's Castle. As if one Yellow Devil wasn't bad enough, you fight two at the same time!
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Mega Man's loss of his Charge Shot and Slide and their transfer to Proto Man. Many find that it makes his playstyle feel backwards and blander than it once was.