Mega Man X: Difference between revisions

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* [[Do Not Run with a Gun]]: X can run while using his normal weapons, but Easter Eggs (like the Street Fighter moves he gets in a couple of games) are another story.
** Zero is the one who really takes it on the chin here; in several of the games, he puts away his Z-Saber after each attack or combo, and you can't move until he does this. (You also can't move until his ''ponytail finishes falling.'') The [[PlayStation 2]] X games fix this by having him keep the saber out at all times, which looks silly but makes practical sense. In [[Mega Man Zero|his own series]], Zero has a much smoother combat system that never pins him down.
** Much like Bass from ''[[Mega Man and Bass]]'', Axl in ''X8'' can fire in multiple directions (including diagonally), but he can't run while doing so.
** Also Vile from Maverick Hunter X's [[Another Side, Another Story|Vile Mode.]]
* [[Doppleganger Attack]]: From ''X4'' onwards, there would be a Boss that specializes in creating at least one copy of himself, whether or not his Boss Weapon was based on this ability.