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{{quote|''"'X' is the first generation of robots which contain an innovative new feature--the ability to think, feel, and make their own decisions. However, this ability could be very dangerous. If 'X' were to break the first rule of robotics (A robot must never harm a human being), the results could be disastrous and I fear no force on Earth can stop him. Approximately 30 years will be required before we can safely confirm his reliability. Unfortunately, I will not live to see that day, nor do I have anyone to carry on my work. Therefore, I have [[Sealed Good in a Can|sealed him inside this capsule]], which will test his internal systems until his reliability has been confirmed. Please do not disturb the capsule until that time. 'X' possesses great risks as well as great possibilities. I can only hope for the best."''
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'''Games In The Series'''
* ''[[Mega Man X (video game)|Mega Man X]]'' (SNES, DOS, iPhone): [[Captain Obvious|The series debut.]] The classic Mega Man gameplay has been considerably expanded upon to be far more action based, not to mention more flexible and fast.
* ''[[Mega Man X2]]'' (SNES): A [[Mission Pack Sequel]]. Also notable for usage of a special microchip, which allowed for 3-D wireframe effects.
* ''[[Mega Man Xtreme]]'' (GBC): A [[Game Boy Color]] spinoff, semi-port of Mega Man X1.
* ''[[Mega Man X3]]'' (SNES, [[PS 1]], Saturn, PC): First game where Zero is playable. A port was released for the [[PlayStation]] and [[Sega Saturn]], including cd-quality music, a save feature and anime cutscenes, but [[No Export for You|only in Japan]] prior to its PC port and its inclusion in X Collection. Like X2, it also used a microchip in the SNES version for 3-D effects (the [[PS 1]] and Saturn ports just used their native 3D for the effects).
* ''[[Mega Man X4]]'' ([[PS 1]], Saturn, PC): Mega Man X's official Playstation and Saturn debut. First game where Zero is ''fully'' playable.
* ''[[Mega Man X5]]'' ([[PS 1]], PC): Incorporates a [[Multiple Endings]] system into the gameplay. Intended as the [[Grand Finale|series finale]], but this never came to pass.
* ''[[Mega Man Xtreme 2]]'' (GBC,3DS)
* ''[[Mega Man X6]]'' ([[PS 1]]): A game that tried to continue the series' legacy.
* ''[[Mega Man X7]]'' ([[PlayStation 2]], PC<ref>In Korea only</ref>): Mega Man X's 3-D debut. Debut of Axl. Known for the [[Polygon Ceiling|severe clunkiness of its 3-D segments]].
* ''[[Mega Man X8]]'' ([[PlayStation 2]], PC): The actual series finale. Abandoned the 3-D elements in favor of a 2.5D platforming approach.
* Mega Man X Collection ([[PlayStation 2]], GC): A compilation of the first six games, plus Mega Man Battle & Chase.
* ''[[Mega Man X Command Mission]]'' ([[PlayStation 2]], GC): Mega Man X's sole foray into the RPG genre.
* ''[[Mega Man Maverick Hunter X]]'' (PSP): An updated remake of the original game. It was intended to be part of a line of remakes of the series, but poor sales put a stop to this.
* ''[[Mega Man X DiVE]]'' released in 2020 for mobile, and later got an offline release for PC.
* [[2½D]]: ''X7'' and ''X8''. The former's gameplay jumps from 2D to 3D seamlessly without warning. The latter is a better example, with most of the gameplay being 2D with some occasional 3D moments.
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* [[All Your Base Are Belong to Us]]: The opening of ''X3'' has X and Zero's home base besieged by Dr. Doppler's Mavericks.
* [[Amazing Technicolor Battlefield]]: The Fortress Levels of ''X5'' qualify.
* [[An Ice Person]]: Chill Penguin, Blizzard Buffalo, Frost Walrus, [[Guns N' Roses|Duff]] [[Stealth Pun|McWhalen,]] [[Awesome McCoolname|Blizzard Wolfang,]] Avalanche Yeti.
* [[Anime Theme Song]]: "''Makenai Ai ga Kitto Aru''" ("We've Definitely Got a Love that Won't Lose"), "Monkey", "Moon Light"/"The Answer", "CODE CRUSH", "WILD FANG", and "Don't Wanna Be" for ''X4'', ''X5'', ''X6'', ''X7'', ''X8'', and ''Maverick Hunter X'' respectively.
** And let's not leave out "One More Time" for the [[PS 1]] version of X3.
** And X2 brings it full-circle (or rather, begins the whole trend) in "''Sekai ga owaru Toki''" ("Moment When the World Ends").
* [[Another Side, Another Story]]: Vile Mode in ''Maverick Hunter X''.
** Zero's storyline in X4, though this is also a case of [[SchrodingerSchrödinger's Player Character]], as X is absent in his storyline.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Vile of ''Maverick Hunter X'': Vile Mode. Either that or [[Villain Protagonist]].
* [[Anti-Villain]]: The Repliforce of ''X4''. Arguably Dr. Doppler in ''X3''.
* [[Art Evolution]]: The appearances of the main characters were <s>slightly</s> altered in ''X8'' (X's helmet, Zero's ponytail, Alia's upgrade of her chest, and the overall proportions are the most blatant examples). [[Word of God]] claims that it's to make them look more human.
** Before that, the first game art was like [ classic Mega Man trying to be serious]; by the time the ''X5'' came out the art evolved to be [ much less cartoony]. Though this is at least partially due to changing artists between games; ''X1'' art was done by Inafune, and it shows.
* [[Artistic License Physics]]: In ''[[Video Game Remake|Day of Sigma]]'' OVA, Sigma {{spoiler|launches several large missiles, think ICBM sized, at Abel City. Several of these missiles touchdown and explode, leaving massive, smoking craters. Obviously, the shock waves from the explosions should've leveled the city outright.}}
** Flame Mammoth uses the ground pound move, also used by Gutsman and Hardman, to violently shake the ground when he lands from a jump. Problem is, Flame Mammoth's weight is 719&nbsp;lb; most cars and trucks available today are heavier than he is, and they just don't release ''that'' much energy when they fall from similar heights.
* [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever]]: Sigma's final form in X1, the intro stage bosses of X2 and X3, Eregion and The General from X4, Illumina in X6, Sigma's [[One-Winged Angel]] in X5 and X6, and the intro stage bosses from X7 and X8, as well as a reappearance of said robot later in X8.
* [[Automatic Level]]: There's a section of Sigma's first fortress that's full of springs. The springs launch you toward the ceiling when you step on them, making the section rather difficult, but if you just use the dash feature you bounce from spring to spring avoiding enemies and zooming past the lasers, landing at the end without a scratch.
* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: A lot of X's helmet upgrades tend to fall under this. Aside from the [[Game Breaker|secret armor upgrades]], the SNES ones, and their Gameboy [[Expies]], aren't much use once you memorize where they'd be useful. Play style or character preference does the same to most of the [[PS 1]] ones as many reduce weapon energy usage (which Zero nor the Ultimate Armor really need), the Shadow Armor speeds up sword attacks, and the Gaea Armor has ''no stated function at all''. Aversions are X4 (game play is set up so weapons are still useful), X7 (attracts power ups from further away), and X8 (a weaponized form of X1's part and a quick charge, though the Nova Strike makes weapons useless again).
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Vile. Beyond trying to kill X to become the "strongest" (and later for revenge), he apparently destroys other Reploids for the hell of it, according to the OVA and [[Villain Protagonist|Vile Mode]] in ''Maverick Hunter X''.
** Double, after he reveals his [[Meaningful Name|true intentions]].
** {{spoiler|Zero}} when he is found in the cave by the Maverick Hunters.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: Sigma is the king of this, although he has an excuse, seeing as how he's [[The Virus]].
* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: A lot of X's helmet upgrades tend to fall under this. Aside from the [[Game Breaker|secret armor upgrades]], the SNES ones, and their Gameboy [[Expies]], aren't much use once you memorize where they'd be useful. Play style or character preference does the same to most of the [[PS 1]] ones as many reduce weapon energy usage (which Zero nor the Ultimate Armor really need), the Shadow Armor speeds up sword attacks, and the Gaea Armor has ''no stated function at all''. Aversions are X4 (game play is set up so weapons are still useful), X7 (attracts power ups from further away), and X8 (a weaponized form of X1's part and a quick charge, though the Nova Strike makes weapons useless again).
* [[Back From the Dead]]: Sigma is the king of this, although he has an excuse, seeing as how he's [[The Virus]].
** X6 gets a special mention as he's brought back as a, [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|Robot Zombie?]]
** Zero's in the running as well.
** Vile also deserves a mention.
* [[Background Boss]]: Rangda Bangda and Sigma's second forms in both ''X1'' and ''X5''; Giant Mechaniloid CF-0 in ''X2''; Maoh the Giant in ''X3''; the first encounter against Egregion in ''X4'', Illumina in ''X6''; Yadokari and Sigma's second form in ''X7''; the second Crabz-Y encounter in ''X8''.
* [[Bad Boss]]: It is heavily implied that Flame Mammoth spends most of his time in his unit mocking those inferior to him in terms of strength. As an added bit of laser-guided karma, he's also the only one of the former Maverick Hunters in the first X game that defected to Sigma's side to not have any of his unit go with him, although given the setting where he is fought, he probably didn't need them anyways.
* [[Badass Automaton]]: All other Mega Men in the franchise start as utility mechs and average humans, then [[Take a Level In Badass|get upgraded into the heroes they become.]] X and his crew, however, [[Born Winner|are badass warriors right off the workbench.]]
* [[Badass Biker]]: Anyone who can properly use the [[That One Level|Ride Chasers]] has to be.
** [[Memetic Badass|Green Biker Dude]] is one.
* [[Bad Boss]]: It is heavily implied that Flame Mammoth spends most of his time in his unit mocking those inferior to him in terms of strength. As an added bit of laser-guided karma, he's also the only one of the former Maverick Hunters in the first X game that defected to Sigma's side to not have any of his unit go with him, although given the setting where he is fought, he probably didn't need them anyways.
* [[Bash Brothers]]: X and Zero as bosses in ''Maverick Hunter X'': Vile Mode.
** For a playable version, in ''X8'', you can use 2 characters in a level, essentially creating your own [[Bash Brothers]].
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*** Each X5 boss seems to have different reasons for fighting, and oddly enough, the reasons can change depending on which plan to stop the [[Colony Drop]] is active. {{spoiler|And if the colony has already been destroyed/crashed, some bosses will already have been seized by the virus.}}
* [[Bonus Boss]]: There's a Bonus [[Mini Boss]] in the first game, guarding one of the Light capsules. The term got murky during ''X3'' and ''X6''.
* [[Bonus Feature Failure]]: In ''X8'', the navigators, Alia, Palette, and Layer, are unlockable as playable characters. They are basically clones of X, Axl, and Zero, respectively; however due to [[Gameplay and Story Integration]], Alia cannot get X's capsule upgrades, Palette cannot copy enemies, and Layer gets a nice aversion by only being unable to use the Zero Armor. You also have to purchase all of X, Axl, and Zero's purchasable upgrades a second time in order to access them on Alia, Palette, and Layer. Additionally, using even one of them when running a stage will forbid you from choosing a navigator for that stage. [[Level Grinding]] the Navigators at least gives you something to do on your [[New Game+]], and fully powering them up changes, of all things, the Capcom logo screen, which is pretty cool.
* [[Boobs of Steel]]: Puns aside, Layer and Iris are fairly well-endowed for Reploids. The strength part is not too emphasized though, but in the case of Layer, it does make a good contrast with her melee attacks, compared to Alia's and Palette's long-ranged attacks.
* [[Book Ends]]: The ''Zero'' series reveals that this series "ended" with the main characters sealing themselves for different purposes, which is the same state they are found in at the beginning of this series.
** During X4, we learn that before the events of the first game, {{spoiler|Sigma had smashed Zero's head crystal, thus transferring the Maverick Virus.}} At the end of X8, {{spoiler|Lumine smashes Axl's head crystal}}.
* [[Boss -Only Level]]: The [[Duel Boss|duel]] against [[Honor Before Reason|Colonel]] in ''X4'', if you're playing as X.
* [[Bonus Feature Failure]]: In ''X8'', the navigators, Alia, Palette, and Layer, are unlockable as playable characters. They are basically clones of X, Axl, and Zero, respectively; however due to [[Gameplay and Story Integration]], Alia cannot get X's capsule upgrades, Palette cannot copy enemies, and Layer gets a nice aversion by only being unable to use the Zero Armor. You also have to purchase all of X, Axl, and Zero's purchasable upgrades a second time in order to access them on Alia, Palette, and Layer. Additionally, using even one of them when running a stage will forbid you from choosing a navigator for that stage. [[Level Grinding]] the Navigators at least gives you something to do on your [[New Game+]], and fully powering them up changes, of all things, the Capcom logo screen, which is pretty cool.
* [[Boss Only Level]]: The [[Duel Boss|duel]] against [[Honor Before Reason|Colonel]] in ''X4'', if you're playing as X.
* [[Boss Rush]]: ''Every'' single game.
** X1 is the only one to intersperse boss fights throughout Sigma's Fortress. The other games lock you in a room with 8 doors.
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* [[Brought to You by The Letter "S"]]: A stylized Greek Letter Sigma (Σ) for the Mavericks, and Zero's own stylized "Z". It's a surprise that X himself doesn't have one.
** He arguably does have one in his ''X8'' design, but it's in the side of the helmet and might just be a screw or something.
* [[Butterfly of Transformation]]: This trope is part of Morph Moth's gimmick. He starts the fight in a cocoon that's suspended on a thread, after taking enough damage, he metamorphoses into an adult robot moth.
* [[Calling Your Attacks]]: Zero with his Command Arts; bonus points for calling them mostly in their Japanese names. Especially of note would be ''X8'', where X, Axl, and several of the bosses join in the act as well, with X [[Gratuitous English|always doing it in English]] for good measure. Magma Dragoon, an otherwise normal boss in ''X4'', also does this with ''[[Street Fighter]]''-based attacks.
* [[Camera Screw]]: One of the ''many'' reputed problems regarding ''X7''.
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* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: Almost ''every'' game features an ally turning on you, with Sigma's revolt in the first game being the most notable.
* [[Clear My Name]]: The plot in ''X6'' starts with {{spoiler|a [[Palette Swap]] of Zero, called the Zero Nightmare, wreaking havoc. X decides to investigate the Zero Nightmare to clear Zero's name.}} For some reason, this is not part of the plot entirely, since {{spoiler|defeating the Zero Nightmare}} is optional. And guess what? A [[Secret Character]] (not that Capcom was fooling anyone...) will be unlocked upon defeating it.
* [[ColourColor-Coded Timestop]]: The Dark Hold ability from X5.
* [[Continuity Nod]]: ''X5'' is chock full of these. There's also a prime example in X6, where the plot is driven by the [[Big Bad]] {{spoiler|getting infected by the [[The Virus]] from Zero's piece that he took in the crash site of the [[Colony Drop]].}}
** In X's bad ending in ''X5'', he states his dream is to create a paradise where humans and Reploids peacefully coexist. The name of that paradise? {{spoiler|[[Mega Man Legends|Elysium.]]}}
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* [[Do Not Run with a Gun]]: X can run while using his normal weapons, but Easter Eggs (like the Street Fighter moves he gets in a couple of games) are another story.
** Zero is the one who really takes it on the chin here; in several of the games, he puts away his Z-Saber after each attack or combo, and you can't move until he does this. (You also can't move until his ''ponytail finishes falling.'') The [[PlayStation 2]] X games fix this by having him keep the saber out at all times, which looks silly but makes practical sense. In [[Mega Man Zero|his own series]], Zero has a much smoother combat system that never pins him down.
** Much like Bass from ''[[Mega Man and Bass]]'', Axl in ''X8'' can fire in multiple directions (including diagonally), but he can't run while doing so.
** Also Vile from Maverick Hunter X's [[Another Side, Another Story|Vile Mode.]]
* [[Double Knockout]]: Happens to {{spoiler|X and Zero.}}
* [[Doppleganger Attack]]: From ''X4'' onwards, there would be a Boss that specializes in creating at least one copy of himself, whether or not his Boss Weapon was based on this ability.
* [[Double Knockout]]: Happens to {{spoiler|X and Zero.}}
* [[Dub -Induced Plot Hole]]:
** When obtaining the [[Infinity+1 Sword|Zero/Black Armor]] in ''X5''; Dr. Light, of all people, was the one who gave it to Zero! And he (Light) made it just for him (Zero)?!
*** Light specifically states that he couldn't make a compatible armor, but he could boost Zero's power.
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* [[Energy Being]]: [[The Virus|The Sigma Virus's]] true form is this, and it is actually the precursor to the Cyber Elves from the [[Mega Man Zero|Zero series]]. Another example seems to be Dr. Light, as revealed by his ability to hold conversations, heal X, and edit his memories even outside of his capsule. Of course, he probably was only able to so because [[Cyberspace]] had partially merged with the ordinary world thanks to the Zero Virus's influence.
* [[Evasive Fight Thread Episode]]: ''X5''.
* [[Everything Is Better With Penguins]]: Chill Penguin from ''X''.
* [[Everything Is Even Worse With Sharks]]: Metal Shark Player from ''X6''.
* [[Everything's Better with Chickens]]: Burn Rooster from ''X8''.
* [[Everything's Better with Monkeys]]: Spark Mandrill from ''X'' and Soldier Stonekong from ''X7''.
* [[Everything Is's Better Withwith Penguins]]: Chill Penguin from ''X''.
* [[Everything's Better with Spinning]]: In most of the games where he's playable (both in this series and ''[[Mega Man Zero]]''), one of the skills Zero learns is a rising slash. In ''X8'', he instead gets a ''spinning'' rising slash, similar to [[The Legend of Zelda|Link]]'s Spin Attack in ''[[Super Smash Bros.]]''.
** He has the spinning slash since X4, after you beat Split Mushroom. It has been one of his staple techniques through this and the ''Zero'' series.
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*** Actually, giant pandas ''are'' ursine, as was discovered through genetic research several decades ago. However, he is still an interesting case in that, when people think of [[Everything's Worse with Bears|bears making things worse]], pandas aren't exactly the first bears they think of (though in real life, they can still do some damage when angry).
* [[Everything's Worse with Bees]]: Blast Hornet of ''X3''.
* [[Everything Is's Even Worse Withwith Sharks]]: Metal Shark Player from ''X6''.
* [[Expy]]:
** Apart from the obvious example (X is based on the original Mega Man), there's also {{spoiler|Lumine's}} [[One-Winged Angel]], which, in terms of production dates, is preceded by {{spoiler|Copy X's own [[One-Winged Angel]] from ''[[Mega Man Zero]]'' as well as Colonel Redips' [[God-Emperor]] form from ''Command Mission''.}}
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* [[Franchise Zombie]]: Series creator Keiji Inafune wanted to stop the series after ''X5'', but [[Executive Meddling]] forced three more games out of the series, [[Ruined FOREVER|and quality suffered as a result.]]
** One could make the argument that the better move on Inafune's part would have been to take control to make sure the games went in the direction he wanted to build up better to [[Mega Man Zero]].
* [[PowerFreudian Trio]]: The heroes don't technically become one at least until the final stages of ''X7''.
** Superego: X, the [[Martial Pacifist]] who really cares about his enemies.
** Ego: Zero, who is considered a senior by the other two.
** Id: Axl, who likes to get into X and Zero's nerves.
* [[Full Boar Action]]: Hellride Boarski, a mohawked [[Transforming Mecha|motorcycle-based]] gang leader.
* [[Gameplay and Story Integration]]: Being infected by [[The Virus]] in ''X5'' causes X to constantly take damage for a time. {{spoiler|Zero becomes invulnerable.}}
** Convoluted example in the same game: At the start, the player has to choose which character to use for the first level: either X or Zero. Choosing one will have a bonus in that character's abilities ([[Continuity Nod|the Force/Fourth Armor]] or the Z-buster, respectively). The other bonus will not be available for the rest of the game, on account of being severely damaged by Sigma prior to the first Boss battle.
** And again in ''X5'': fail to stop the [[Colony Drop]], {{spoiler|and Zero will "awaken", and will be unavailable for the rest of the game.}}
* [[Game Breaker]]: The Nova Strike of the Ultimate Armor, '''''especially''''' the [[One-Hit Kill|X8 variation.]]
** Another [[Game Breaker]] from the same game: [[Infinity+1 Sword|Zero Armor]] + {{spoiler|Sigma's}} [[BFS]] = instant Guard breaks plus instant kills to most enemies (Bosses are also taken down easily). Of course, they can be used together.
** The C-Sword from ''X5''. It gives Zero a double jump and an incredibly powerful spinning slash. Zero already tears bosses to pieces in ''X5''. You do the math. To make it even more powerful, you get it from Grizzly Slash/Crescent Grizzly, the weakest boss in the game. What's funny is that getting it actually makes Grizzly ''marginally'' harder in the [[Boss Rush]], as it replaces your jumping slash and he's immune to his own power. Of course, by this point, you'll have the power he's weak against, so it balances out.
* [[Gameplay and Story Integration]]: Being infected by [[The Virus]] in ''X5'' causes X to constantly take damage for a time. {{spoiler|Zero becomes invulnerable.}}
** Convoluted example in the same game: At the start, the player has to choose which character to use for the first level: either X or Zero. Choosing one will have a bonus in that character's abilities ([[Continuity Nod|the Force/Fourth Armor]] or the Z-buster, respectively). The other bonus will not be available for the rest of the game, on account of being severely damaged by Sigma prior to the first Boss battle.
** And again in ''X5'': fail to stop the [[Colony Drop]], {{spoiler|and Zero will "awaken", and will be unavailable for the rest of the game.}}
* [[Giant Spider]]: Bospider from ''X'', and Web Spider from ''X4''
* [[Good Is Not Dumb]]: X, a [[Reluctant Warrior]] who lives in an increasingly [[Crapsack World]] infested with [[The Virus]], capable of turning even his best friend against him. Often referred to as 'too trusting' in-universe and 'emo' outside of it because he doesn't like killing people.
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** And in the cases of Boomer Kuwanger and Infinity Mijinion, the names are only partially in English—leaving English speakers baffled as to what a "Kuwanger" is.<ref>For the record, "Kuwanger" comes from "kuwagata" (stag beetle) and "Mijinion" comes from "mijinko" (daphnia).</ref>
* [[Gravity Master]]: Gravity Beetle of ''X3'' and Gravity Antonion of ''X8''.
** [[Unrealistic Black HoleHoles Suck]]: The weapons X gets from them.
* [[Gravity Screw]]: Cyber Peacock's stage in ''X4'', Dark Dizzy's stage in ''X5'', and Gravity Antonion's stage in ''X8''.
* [[Grey and Gray Morality]]: As the series went on, the lines separating who's the good guys and the baddies became increasingly blurred. ''X4'' showed how the label of "Maverick" can be tossed around indiscriminately and how this can have tragic consequences, ''X6's'' plot only happened because {{spoiler|Gate was betrayed and cast out of a society simply because he took risks no one else would (aside from his creations being too strong)}}, and {{spoiler|Lumine}} in ''X8'' {{spoiler|genuinely believed that his force-evolution plot would end the wars.}}
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** [[Power Fist|K-Knuckle]], with attacks that are [[Shout-Out|Shout Outs]] to the [[Street Fighter]] series, again.
** [[Paper Fan of Doom|B-Fan]], which somehow projects a [[Beehive Barrier]] (after Zero got the appropriate power from one boss).
* [[An Ice Person]]: Chill Penguin, Blizzard Buffalo, Frost Walrus, [[Guns N' Roses|Duff]] [[Stealth Pun|McWhalen,]] [[Awesome McCoolname|Blizzard Wolfang,]] Avalanche Yeti.
* [[The Immune]]: Played with. Most Reploids will become the chaotic, rampaging Mavericks upon [[The Virus]]'s infection. But X, with his Suffering Circuit inside him, will instead get hurt upon infection, as the circuit's trying to prevent him from being rampaging and genocidal. The only one who's seemingly immune is Zero, and he even becomes stronger the more the virus infects him, as shown in the gameplay. It has to do with Zero being {{spoiler|not only the original source of the virus itself, but he is actually made to be able to use it as a power source.}}
** In X's case, he actually has perfect virus countermeasures, created by Dr. Light because he foresaw X would deal with viruses in the future, due to the Roboenza incident in ''[[Mega Man (video game)|Mega Man]] 10''. That, or the Evil Energy from 8.
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* [[Kill All Humans]]: Suddenly Reploids, thanks to their advanced programming that allows them to enjoy a personality, can malfunction and end up wanting to exterminate and not care about humans, aptly named Mavericks. Thanks to the circuit that makes X "worry" about the value of humans and Reploids not being perfect in other Reploids, and thus extremely vulnerable to the virus, which exploits the cracks.
** This is also at times implied to be an inherent part of the Reploid's free will: Just as a human can freely choose the [[Dark Side]], Reploids can do the same. The flaw simply makes them more vulnerable to physical and external influences on their behavior.
* [[Kill Sat]]: The Final Weapon in ''X4''. {{spoiler|The entire Repliforce War turns out to be a [[Kansas City Shuffle]] by Sigma to take control of it.}} Optic Sunflower also seems to use one as his desperation attack.
* [[Killed Off for Real]]:
** Though this wouldn't be the first time, {{spoiler|Sigma (finally!!)}} has been stated to have been killed at the end of the last released game. The next game, chronologically, as well as the [[Mega Man Zero|next series]], somewhat proves this, {{spoiler|since he doesn't appear in them at all}}.
** ''X5'' supposedly has this happen to {{spoiler|Zero}} as well, to ''end the series''. Of course, [[Capcom]] [[Executive Meddling|didn't make it stick]]...
* [[Kill Sat]]: The Final Weapon in ''X4''. {{spoiler|The entire Repliforce War turns out to be a [[Kansas City Shuffle]] by Sigma to take control of it.}} Optic Sunflower also seems to use one as his desperation attack.
* [[Knight, Knave, and Squire]]: X, Zero and Axl respectively.
* [[Laser Blade]]: Zero's Beam Saber is the most famous, but Sigma has one of those '''first'''.
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* [[The Hunter|The Maverick Hunters]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Aside from the obvious examples (see [[Theme Naming]] below), let's take a look at ''X4's'' [[The Mole|mole]]. In addition to the aforementioned reveal as a ''double'' agent, he also has two forms to go along with his role, and he's weak to the ''Double [[Blow You Away|Cyclone]]''.
* [[Mechanical Evolution]]: Done rather uniquely; all Reploids are 'replica androids' derived from the titular X, who was designed with 'limitless potential,' the capability to evolve to (hopefully) overcome any obstacle he was presented with. As X is forced to fight and evolve, more and more powerful Reploids can be made based on him, allowing the species itself to evolve over time.
* [[A Mech by Any Other Name]]: Ride Armors.
* [[Mechanical Evolution]]: Done rather uniquely; all Reploids are 'replica androids' derived from the titular X, who was designed with 'limitless potential,' the capability to evolve to (hopefully) overcome any obstacle he was presented with. As X is forced to fight and evolve, more and more powerful Reploids can be made based on him, allowing the species itself to evolve over time.
* [[Mega Manning]]: X's Variable Weapons, Zero's Command Arts, and Axl's Special Arms.
** Interestingly, the [[Final Boss]] of ''X8'', {{spoiler|Lumine}}, also has this ability in his first form, using the [[Limit Break|overdrive attacks]] of the 8 Bosses.
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* [[No Damage Run]]: Kind of in ''X5''. {{spoiler|Completing the first four stages without using a single continue will allow the Cannon to completely destroy Eurasia, making the remaining four stages entirely optional (with new dialogue to accommodate this), as well as giving slightly more exposition on the Zero Virus during the intro to Sigma's fortress.}}
* [[No Endor Holocaust]]: Averted in X6; just because you {{spoiler|blew up the space colony doesn't solve the problem of the ''debris'' crashing and causing havoc.}}
* [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]]: Played with in {{spoiler|Maverick Zero and Sigma's}} battle in ''X4'''s flashback cutscene. It seems like {{spoiler|Sigma}} is controlling the fight, but {{spoiler|Zero}} just keeps getting up, laughing, and finally winning a [[Single-Stroke Battle]], ''fist to Beam Saber'', and then turns the tables completely. {{spoiler|Zero}} is only beaten when his head crystal glows, causing him a headache, and then {{spoiler|Sigma}} punches it, making his opponent unconscious.
* [[No Ontological Inertia]]: Many instances. For one, X wouldn't be harmed by spikes if he stands on them right after he defeats a boss.
* [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]]: Played with in {{spoiler|Maverick Zero and Sigma's}} battle in ''X4'''s flashback cutscene. It seems like {{spoiler|Sigma}} is controlling the fight, but {{spoiler|Zero}} just keeps getting up, laughing, and finally winning a [[Single-Stroke Battle]], ''fist to Beam Saber'', and then turns the tables completely. {{spoiler|Zero}} is only beaten when his head crystal glows, causing him a headache, and then {{spoiler|Sigma}} punches it, making his opponent unconscious.
* [[The Obi-Wan]]: Dr. Light, to X. {{spoiler|Strangely enough, he also serves as an adviser to ''Zero'' in ''X5'' and ''X6''}}. The latter fact was dropped in subsequent games, possibly to remove confusion.
** Or because he simply had no more advice to offer.
* [[Obvious Beta]]: X6 definitely has shades of this. With the lazy level design, the [[Blind Idiot Translation|unspeakably bad translation that was]] [[Translation Train Wreck|completely impossible to make out at times,]] and several missing tracks from the sound test ([ including Zero's own freakin' theme music], which is also [[Crowning Music of Awesome|one of the best tracks in the game.]]), it's pretty clear that Capcom rushed this out as soon as possible to squeeze one last bit of money out of the [[PS 1]] before it faded away completely (the game came out in late 2001).
* [[OC Stand -In]]: Dr. Cain often gets this treatment from fans.
** Not just that, ''humanity itself'' sometimes also gets this treatment, since they're oddly never seen (not even in the cutscenes!).
* [[Odd Friendship]]: A [[Technical Pacifist]] and a warrior? Hmm... Especially when {{spoiler|they were destined to ''kill each other''}}.
* [[One Hundred Percent Completion]]: Collecting all the items in ''X8'' and upgrading the three{{spoiler|/later six}} playable characters, which even has a percentage counter for each character. Fully upgrading (100%) each of the {{spoiler|male}} characters is the only way to obtain his [[Infinity+1 Sword|infinity plus one armor]] without the use of codes.
* [[One-Hit Kill]]: The Hadouken and the Shoryuken from the first and second games, respectively. For something "weaker", there is the {{spoiler|Z-saber}} from ''X3'', and the Nova Strike from ''X8'', both of which inflict ''two''-hit kills.
** Also from ''X8'', regardless of how much energy the players still have, the [[Final Boss]]'s [[Title Drop|Paradise Lost]] attack will ''always'' result in instant death if the timer runs out.
** From ''X5'' comes one in the form of Genmurei, an attack {{spoiler|Awakenening Zero}} uses if the battle progresses too long. True to the trope, it covers up the entire area in front, leaving no chance to escape or survive. [ Here's] a video of the Genmurei, time set to when Zero does it.
* [[One Hundred Percent Completion]]: Collecting all the items in ''X8'' and upgrading the three{{spoiler|/later six}} playable characters, which even has a percentage counter for each character. Fully upgrading (100%) each of the {{spoiler|male}} characters is the only way to obtain his [[Infinity+1 Sword|infinity plus one armor]] without the use of codes.
* [[One-Man Army]]: In ''X7'', Zero comes close to literally being one, after X retires, until at least he was joined by the "volunteer" Axl.
** In fact, most of the legwork of the Maverick Hunters seem to rely only on X, Zero, and (later) Axl. It's only in [[The Movie]] ''Day of Sigma'' that other Maverick Hunters are actually shown fighting (and, even then, just briefly).
Line 422 ⟶ 428:
** Also {{spoiler|Maverick Zero}}, according to, in Sigma's words, an "old man" (Possibly referring to {{spoiler|Dr. Wily}}).
{{quote|''"{{spoiler|Zero}} is the most powerful thing in the universe, {{spoiler|when purified by [[The Virus]].}}"''}}
* [[PietaPietà Plagiarism]]: Zero does this in ''X4''.
* [[Platform Battle]]: A few bosses, most notably the rematch against Serges in ''X2'' (set on floating platforms above a bed of lethal spikes) as well as Gate's boss fight in ''X6'' (this time above [[Bottomless Pits]]).
* [[Platform Hell]]: Gate's stages in X6, which often approach [[I Wanna Be the Guy]] levels of frustration and difficulty.
Line 436 ⟶ 442:
* [[Power Glows]]: In the first three games, X will glow with a different color as he charges his Buster to the next charge level. Zero also does this, but only in ''X3''.
* [[Power Levels]]: In ''X3'', the images were combined with ratings for strength and speed. Most of the bosses topped at about 10,000 for one or the other, Sigma made it up to 16,000 both, and Battle Body Sigma reached 25,600 for both (despite the fact that he was slower than dirt). Interestingly, X and Zero both had ratings of "?", which is confirmed in X4 when Cyber Peacock proclaims that X's potential is limitless (though he immediately tries to discredit his readings by claiming it's not possible).
* [[Power Trio]]: The heroes don't technically become one at least until the final stages of ''X7''.
** Superego: X, the [[Martial Pacifist]] who really cares about his enemies.
** Ego: Zero, who is considered a senior by the other two.
** Id: Axl, who likes to get into X and Zero's nerves.
* [[Pre-Explosion Glow]]: Starting from ''X4'' onwards, all of the bosses does this after being defeated (sans Dynamo, who isn't dead).
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: In ''X6'', the Inspectors are labeled Mavericks on a whim. The Inspectors turned out to actually be willingly working for someone evil.
* [[Promoted to Unlockable]]: Zero in ''X3''. And by "unlockable", we mean "push the L button on the pause screen".
** Vile in ''Maverick Hunter X'''s Vile Mode.
** Inverted with X in ''X7''; he's ''Demoted'' To Unlockable.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: In ''X6'', the Inspectors are labeled Mavericks on a whim. The Inspectors turned out to actually be willingly working for someone evil.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: Axl's copy-chip powers were meant to herald a new age of Reploids, so much so that an entire line had been manufactured. Cut to the ''Zero'' series, and there's not a single mention of either Axl's eventual fate or the technology itself.
** Given the debacle caused during X8, it's probable that the project was simply canceled. Command Mission references several characters being products of the program being illegally restarted.
Line 451 ⟶ 453:
* [[Real Time Weapon Change]]: Since the series started on the [[SNES]], the shoulder buttons were used as an alternative to pausing for the weapons.
* [[Recurring Boss]]: Dynamo, High Max, the Nightmare Police, and Vile.
* [[The Reveal]]: Zero's ''X4'' opening cutscene. {{spoiler|A silhouette of an old man (obviously [[Mega Man (video game)|Dr. Wily]]) lecturing Zero to destroy his nemesis, [[Mega Man X]].}}
* [[Rhino Rampage]]: Tunnel Rhino of ''X3''.
* [[Right-Hand-Cat]]: Sigma's first in-game appearance in X1 is in the final level, alongside a "pet" [[Big Badass Wolf|robotic wolf]] named Velguarder that serves as the level's first boss fight. Sigma implies that the player should be able to defeat it easily.
Line 460 ⟶ 462:
** Axl and Lumine are also technically related, since Axl is Lumine's prototype.
* [[Rouge Angles of Satin]]: From the first game: "YOU GET HO'''R'''MING TORPEDO". They didn't bother correcting it in the English version, it seems.
* [[Secret AI Moves]]: Any time you fight {{spoiler|Zero}}, he'll start using moves he most certainly did ''not'' have when using him, such as {{spoiler|his signature buster-buster-[[Sword Beam]] combo from ''X2''}} before he was playable. {{spoiler|X}} is guilty too. Regardless of whether or not you obtained the {{spoiler|[[Infinity+1 Sword|Ultimate Armor]]}}, he'll use it. He also uses moves from the previous installment in the series, which do not carry over from game to game.
* [[Schematized Prop]]: You can see X's full blueprint in the opening cutscene in X1.
* [[SchrodingerSchrödinger's Player Character]]: In ''X4'', Zero and X have a identical yet separate storyline. X never shows up in Zero's story, while Zero only appears once in X's story, when he's flying to Earth after destroying the [[Kill Sat|Final Weapon.]]
* [[Screaming Warrior]]: The title character in later entries into the series (in particular, those with voiced pre-boss dialogue). Reaches [[Large Ham]] territory introducing the Sigma fight in ''Maverick Hunter X.''
* [[Sealed Evil in a Can]]:
** {{spoiler|Zero's capsule sealed [[The Virus]].}} He was infected by it during his fight with Sigma, having his armor breached during the battle. He is still the only carrier of it besides Sigma, though.
** Arguably, in a related case, {{spoiler|Zero himself was a [[Sealed Evil in a Can|sealed evil]], with the Maverick Hunters temporarily containing him in the lab he woke up in, right before the above events came to pass}}.
* [[Secret AI Moves]]: Any time you fight {{spoiler|Zero}}, he'll start using moves he most certainly did ''not'' have when using him, such as {{spoiler|his signature buster-buster-[[Sword Beam]] combo from ''X2''}} before he was playable. {{spoiler|X}} is guilty too. Regardless of whether or not you obtained the {{spoiler|[[Infinity+1 Sword|Ultimate Armor]]}}, he'll use it. He also uses moves from the previous installment in the series, which do not carry over from game to game.
* [[Secret AI Moves]]: ''X5'' is pretty bad about this. When you end up challenging either X or Zero, the character gets moves you cannot (or no longer can) use. X can use several powers from the previous game, which he can use a lot better than he ever could in that game, while Zero gets a huge upgrade to his ranged attack abilities. The latter might have been excusable if {{spoiler|only Maverick Zero could do it (instead he he's just cheaper and gets a one-hit kill attack on top)}}, but Zero can use these powers regardless of the circumstance.
** Well, at least the player can use Genmurei in ''[[Marvel vs. Capcom 3]]'', so it's not all that bad...
Line 489 ⟶ 491:
** Here's a bit of a stretch: in the climax of [[OVA]] ''Day of Sigma'', {{spoiler|X inflicts Sigma's signature facial scars with a [[G Gundam|Shining Finger]]}}. Turns out, [[Hey, It's That Voice!|X is]] [[G Gundam|Domon Kasshu.]]
** Also, in ''X6'', after you defeat a boss, an orb drops down, and when you touch it, victory music plays and the level is complete, which could be seen as an homage either to the first ''[[Mega Man (video game)|Mega Man]]'' or ''[[Castlevania]]''.
** {{spoiler|Awakening/Maverick Zero's [[Sword Beam|Genmu]][[One-Hit Kill|rei]] attack}} has him [[Stab the Sky]] before execution. It really looks like the [[G Gundam|Shining Finger Sword]], as pointed out [ here.]
** In ''[[Tatsunoko vs. Capcom]]'', one of his supers is knocking his opponent to the air, then stopping them using the [[Time Stands Still|Dark Hold]], and then he grows his saber into a [[BFS|bigger version]] of the Z-Saber of ''[[Mega Man Zero]].''
* [[Shrug of God]]: Inafune himself says that whether or not Serges is really Dr. Wily is for the player to decide.
Line 507 ⟶ 509:
* [[Spikes of Doom]]: Par for the course for a ''Mega Man'' game, but this got really bad in ''X6''.
* [[Spikes of Villainy]]: Sigma added these to his armor after his [[Face Heel Turn]]. They often adorn it in his later incarnations.
* [[Stop Helping Me!]]: Alia ''constantly'' interrupts you in ''X5'' to give you tips that are almost always [[Captain Obvious]] statements. It thankfully became optional in ''X6''.
* [[The Stool Pigeon]]: Lifesaver defies Signas's orders to remain quiet on Zero's {{spoiler|mysterious virus readings}} and snitches to X, causing their fateful showdown and nearly getting them both killed. It's not that surpising that Lifesaver has never been seen since.
* [[Stealth Pun]]: ''X6'' having [[Jump the Shark|Metal Shark Player]] (the jumping part can also be done ''literally'', considering one of Shark Player's attacks) and [[Franchise Zombie|Zombie]] [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|Sigma.]]
** The ice-themed armor being named Absolute Zero? (That doubles as [[Genius Bonus]] as well.)
* [[The Stool Pigeon]]: Lifesaver defies Signas's orders to remain quiet on Zero's {{spoiler|mysterious virus readings}} and snitches to X, causing their fateful showdown and nearly getting them both killed. It's not that surpising that Lifesaver has never been seen since.
* [[Stuff Blowing Up]]: Many fans said that that's what make them love this series (especially true to the boss' cinematic explosions). [[Rule of Cool|You know why.]]
* [[Stop Helping Me!]]: Alia ''constantly'' interrupts you in ''X5'' to give you tips that are almost always [[Captain Obvious]] statements. It thankfully became optional in ''X6''.
* [[Strictly Formula]]: If there's some new Reploids introduced, chance are they're evil or just want to backstab people. Most of the time, [[Hijacked by Ganon|Sigma is behind all of these]].
** It then becomes a plot twist when {{spoiler|it turns out in ''X8'' that Sigma is ''not'' the [[Big Bad]] and the [[Final Boss]] of the game.}}
* [[Stuff Blowing Up]]: Many fans said that that's what make them love this series (especially true to the boss' cinematic explosions). [[Rule of Cool|You know why.]]
* [[Superhero]]: What, you think that they're not this?
** Given that [[Straw Man Has a Point]] (above), maybe not...
* [[Super Prototype]]: Both X and Zero, but (arguably) subverted with Axl, who is a prototype to the New Generation Reploids.
** Justified, given the poorer 'mass production models' of which X was supposedly the prototype (Reploids) were more akin to crappy knock-offs made by a significantly less gifted scientist; it took centuries just to completely fix all the problems with them. Not to mention it can also be seen as an aversion if you call Mega Man the prototype and X the finished model.
* [[Superhero]]: What, you think that they're not this?
** Given that [[Straw Man Has a Point]] (above), maybe not...
* [[Surprisingly Good English]]: Dr. Light's warning in ''Mega Man X'''s intro is written in 100% fluent English in both the Japanese and overseas releases of the game.
* [[Swiss Army Weapon]]: X basically ''is'' one of these, thanks to the massively upgraded Variable Tools System originally used by Mega Man (now called the Variable Weapon System). Zero's Z-saber is a more literal version, sort of...
Line 563 ⟶ 565:
* [[Tyrannosaurus Rex]]: Mattrex, complete with [[Dinosaurs Are Dragons|fire breath]]. Justified, as he's a robot.
* [[Unconscious Objector]]: On the ''Maverick Hunter X'' OVA, X gets impaled with a light saber and given a [[Hannibal Lecture]], he has a flashback, finds some [[The Determinator|courage to keep fighting]] , and reacts for a brief moment, enough to [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|pass ''through'' Sigma's Saber and cause him]] [[Scars Are Forever|his signature Scar]] (at least in [[Continuity Reboot|this version]]); when Sigma reacts and is going to attack, he notices X is now immobile (he kind of stabbed him right into his energy generator or something like that) so he retires, satisfied as he witnessed the [[Mechanical Evolution|Hidden Potential]] Dr. Cain talked about.
* [[Updated Rerelease]]: ''X3'' got a Playstation/Saturn rerelease with a revamped soundtrack and a full video opening and unique openings for each Maverick. It was [[No Export for You|only released outside Japan on PC]] until the release of ''Mega Man X Collection'', as it was the version of ''X3'' included.
* [[Unique Enemy]]: The ''[[Mega Man (video game)|Mega Man]]'' era Bubble Bat in Armored Armadillo's stage. Relatively easy to miss, as you're supposed to be on a speeding trolley when you go past him.
* [[Updated Rerelease]]: ''X3'' got a Playstation/Saturn rerelease with a revamped soundtrack and a full video opening and unique openings for each Maverick. It was [[No Export for You|only released outside Japan on PC]] until the release of ''Mega Man X Collection'', as it was the version of ''X3'' included.
* [[Van Helsing Hate Crimes]]: Shades of this appear in later games; the Maverick Hunters dutifully destroy any Reploid that goes "Maverick", according to their standards... which would be fine, if those standards were limited to those Reploids actively infected with [[The Virus]] or deliberately causing grievous harm to humanity and/or Reploidkind. Unfortunately, it seems to encompass ''any'' form of resistance against the natural order of things, including otherwise non-hostile acts like peacefully exiling themselves to their own space colony (Repliforce and the Rebellion Army; though there are reasons for both of those, albeit not entirely concrete justifications) or merely having traits that could potentially cause problems with controlling them (Nightmare Investigators). In fact, it's revealed in ''X5'' that the (unseen) Maverick Hunter commander in charge during ''X4'' retired in disgrace for ''misapplying'' the label of "Maverick" on Repliforce, and thus causing the deaths of hundreds or thousands of relatively innocent Reploids. Furthermore, the commander who labels the Rebellion "Maverick" in ''Command Mission'' was a [[Manipulative Bastard]] who [[A God Am I|fancied himself a god]]. Doesn't stop X or Zero from blowing away their [[Designated Villain]] targets, though.
** While Repliforce and NI are both sympathetic in one way or another (<ref>They are framed, and some of its members (especially Double) are actually moles working under Sigma, and it's Magma Dragoon who brought down the Sky Lagoon.</ref> and <ref>They were accused Mavericks because they're hard to handle and their DNA datas are unreadable - pretty petty reasons.</ref>), they do have their own faults (<ref>They refused to resign in for interrogation and instead they go to their [[Kill Sat]]; they want peace and seclusion out of Earth, it's just that they're breaking the law.</ref> and <ref>The Hunters saw through the ruse created by the NI the moment Isoc started calling for Reploids to volunteer to help destroy a "ghost" of Zero gone bad. Not just that, said "ghost" are actually Gate's own creation.</ref>)
Line 592 ⟶ 594:
** Plus, the map shows that the stage is located in a different place, implying that the Computer Core was duplicated for the North Pole facility.
** Subtly implied in ''X5'' when X or Zero goes to fight Sigma. In the background of the first fight are two dilapidated capsules, one red and one blue...
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: Zero's copy in X2 (and the Black Zero armor that is based on said copy), and Dynamo.
* [[White Gloves]]: Many characters to count, starting from X and Zero.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: Zero's copy in X2 (and the Black Zero armor that is based on said copy), and Dynamo.
* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]: Gate. The unlucky bastard may have been a prick beforehand, but the guy got infected by the ''Zero Virus''. Anything that makes you crazy enough to think resurrecting [[Big Bad|Sigma]] is a good idea has ''got'' to be nasty. Also, the Investigators were his creations that he resurrected after they were killed off by his old bosses instead of being reassigned.
* [[World Half Empty]]: Especially after the [[Colony Drop]].
Line 602 ⟶ 604:
** However, Zero is still more or less the master of [[Screw Destiny]], since {{spoiler|Dr. Wily programmed him to be a weapon of mass destruction; technically, Zero is one, but he doesn't use his abilities for the evil purposes Wily wanted him to.}}
* [[You Can't Thwart Stage One]]: In X5, your initial defeat of Sigma is [[My Death Is Just the Beginning|part of his plan]], setting in motion a [[Colony Drop]]. You then spend most of the game building machines to prevent the crash — but no matter [[Luck-Based Mission|how good your luck is]], you can't stop it completely. What's more, the second thing you try may {{spoiler|turn Zero evil}}, and this was also part of Sigma's plan. (Even if Zero's okay, he and X will end up fighting, leaving just one hero to stop Sigma.)
* [[Your Princess Is in Another Castle]]: ''X8's'' {{spoiler|"Gateway" ([[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|never mind the title]]!)}} level is the standard [[Mega Man X]] formula for the final level: shorter than most levels, the [[Boss Rush]] initiated halfway, and confronting Sigma as the Boss. {{spoiler|However, this Sigma is not even the real one. The final level is on the moon afterward}}.
* [[You're Insane!]]: ''Maverick Hunter X'' has the titular Azure Hunter pointing out that Sigma has completely lost it to his subordinates. None of them deny it, but rather believe that Sigma, despite his insanity, [[Mechanical Evolution|has a good point]], and people would rather ignore it than deal with the implications.
{{quote|'''Sigma''': Our potential is limitless!
'''X''': You think you have potential?! You're insane, Sigma! }}
* [[Your Princess Is in Another Castle]]: ''X8's'' {{spoiler|"Gateway" ([[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|never mind the title]]!)}} level is the standard [[Mega Man X]] formula for the final level: shorter than most levels, the [[Boss Rush]] initiated halfway, and confronting Sigma as the Boss. {{spoiler|However, this Sigma is not even the real one. The final level is on the moon afterward}}.
* [[Zeerust]]: The first game's pre-title intro is done as a computer read-out on X's data and Dr. Light's warning about his abilities, prefaced by a boot-up sequence. Despite the OS being as advanced as 2114 (with RAM to match: all told, the system's packing ''40,960 terabytes'' of memory) asides from the blue typeface it's a clear knockoff of DOS.
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