Merlin (TV series)/Drinking Game

Drinking game for Merlin:

  • One shot every time you see Uther do something and have a geek moment because you think of Giles.
  • Half a shot for any shipping moment. Any ship.
  • For the third season, a shot for every evil glare of Morgana's that goes unnoticed.
    • Take a shot every time Morgana gives an evil smirk
  • Or if you're watching seasons one and two, a shot for every time Morgana wakes up panting from a nightmare, or stares mournfully out of a window.
  • Take a shot for every time The Great Dragon says the word 'destiny'.
    • Take a shot every time he mentions Arthur and Merlin's destinies are combined
    • Take a shot every time he mentions restoring magic to Camelot
  • Take a shot every time Uther executes a sorcerer
    • Take two if he tries to have Gwen excecuted as a witch and fails
  • Take a shot every time someone refers to Merlin as 'Emrys'
  • Down your glass/bottle if a special tournament or celebration is being held at Camelot
  • Take a shot for every Big Damn Kiss that blocks out the sun.
  • Take a shot for every chase scene that happens in a forest.
  • Take a shot for every time someone claims that an event was the work of magic.
    • Take two if it involves Gaius saying "Sossery"
  • Take a shot for every time Morgause calls Morgana 'sister'.
  • Take a shot if a villian wants to kill Uther/Arthur because of a deceased loved one
    • Take two if that loved one could use magic.
  • Take a shot for every time the Isle of the Blessed is mentioned or visited
  • Take a shot every time Arthur tells Merlin not to act like a girl
    • Take a shot whenever Arthur calls Merlin an idiot
    • Take a shot every time Merlin calls Arthur a prat and two if he calls him a royal one
  • Take a shot every time Merlin decides to ignore advice.
    • Take two if it came back to bite him in the ass later.
  • Take a shot every time Arthur appears shirtless
    • Take two if he's naked (or wearing a towel)

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