Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater: Difference between revisions

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[[File:wallpaper_07.jpg|frame|''[ "I gave my life. Not for honor, but for you..."]'']]
{{quote|''"The one who survives [[Klingon Promotion|will inherit the title of Boss]]. And the one who inherits the title of Boss will face an existence of endless battle."''|'''The Boss'''}}
|'''The Boss'''}}
After the release of ''[[Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty]]'' and the fanbase's [[Love It or Hate It|highly polarized]] reaction to all its changes, [[Hideo Kojima]] had his work cut out for him when the time came to make another sequel and reunite the fandom. Needless to say, '''''Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater''''', released in late 2004, did the job with flying colors and is still considered by many fans as the best game in the ''[[Metal Gear]]'' series, even after the release of ''[[Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots]]''.
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''Metal Gear Solid 3'' also received an [[Updated Rerelease]] a year later with ''Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence'', which featured a new third-person camera system, a brand-new online multiplayer component ([[Too Good to Last|shut down a year after its release, unfortunately]]), as well as [[Embedded Precursor|ports of the first two games]] in the ''Metal Gear'' series, and additional stages to [[So My Kids Can Watch|kid-friendly]] [[Crossover]] minigame starring the monkeys from ''[[Ape Escape]]''. Players who preordered ''Subsistence'' also received a third disc featuring a three-and-a-half-hour-long movie version of the game, strung together from cutscenes, radio conversations, and gameplay footage. This disc is included in the PAL edition of ''Subsistence'' by default, [[Regional Bonus|to compensate for how long the PAL conversion took]].
The next game in the series, ''Metal Gear Solid 4'', shifted the focus back to Solid Snake, but the game has also spawned a direct sequel in the game ''[[Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops|Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops]]'', continuing the story of Naked Snake as he forms the FOXHOUND unit. ''Portable Ops'', in turn, was followed by ''[[Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker|Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker]]'' a few years later, depicting the rise of Outer Heaven.
A [[Updated Rerelease|HD version]] of ''Metal Gear Solid 3'' was released for the [[PlayStationPlay Station 3]] and [[Xbox 360]] in November 2011 as a component of ''Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection'' and a [[Video Game Remake|remake]] for the [[Nintendo 3DS]] titled ''Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D'' was released on February 21, 2012.
=== This game uses the following tropes: ===
* [[Absolute Cleavage]]: EVA has no shame whatsoever. {{spoiler|The Boss rips open her shirt too, to show off her snake scar. For some reason, she doesn't see fit to button it back up for the ensuing fight.}}
* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: The sewers under Groznyj Grad.
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** On the other hand, it punishes spending too long not playing, since the food in Snake's inventory goes bad over time. Though doing so is an easy way to {{spoiler|get an extremely cheap stamina kill on The Fear and/or The End.}}
** On that subject, Major Zero says that if you want to be a really, REALLY good stealth operative, you'd leave absolutely nothing of yourself behind for enemies to follow. Snake assures him that he does his business where nobody can find it and buries it deeply, but Zero says that's only acceptable as a stopgap measure. "Bag it and bring it with you!" <ref>It should be noted that this is ''exactly'' what snipers and anyone who does SERE is expected to do. Pity the poor sod who catches one of these guys and has to search his pack.</ref>
* [[Artifact Title]]: This game takes place before the implementation of the Metal Gear project, and it features the player (who isn't even named '''Solid''' Snake) trying to take down the Shagohod instead. Granted, the Shagohod fulfills pretty much the same purpose as Metal Gear, but it's made clear in-universe that they're two different projects. This would ordinarily just be a [[Non-Indicative Name]], but considering [[Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots|the next game in the series]] isn't even about stopping a nuclear threat...<ref>unless one counts Liquid Ocelot's plan to fire a nuclear warhead at a satellite to stop the Patriots in that game as being nuclear threat.</ref>
* [[Arbitrary Skepticism]]: Played for laughs. When Sigint brags about his mask being able to blink, he thinks Snake is absurd for ''asking'' if it can move its mouth as well.
* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: While the non-suppressible weapons have their uses when surrounded or during an alert, the M63 and RPG-7 will most likely only get used when {{spoiler|infinite ammo is granted during the Shagohod chase}} because machine guns that eat through ammo <ref>''and even make Snake scream like a warrior!''</ref> and rocket launchers that nuke small areas [[Understatement|aren't exactly ideal for a stealth mission.]]
* [[Badass Boast]]: Played with. During their second encounter, Snake lectures Ocelot about his poor choice of weaponry, ending it by boldly proclaiming that Ocelot doesn't have what it takes to kill him. It looks like it's just Snake pointing out Ocelot's relative lack of combat skill...until Ocelot realizes that he forgot to load his revolver.
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** The degree of curb stomping that occurs, however, becomes steadily and noticeably less and less as the game goes on. The first time they fight, Snake only gets a very brief grab on The Boss before she breaks the hold and then his arm before hurling him off the bridge they are on. The last time they fight in a cutscene, Snake holds her off for quite a while and even forces her to a knee before she takes him down.
* [[Cutscene Power to the Max]]: Mostly averted - Any time the player sees Snake performing CQC maneuvers in cutscenes, he's using the exact same moves that are available outside the cutscenes, although the stunts that Snake pulls off are a bit tricky to recreate in gameplay.
* [[Dan Browned]]: Most of Sigint's details of weapon history are correct, but there are some glaring mistakes made
** Sigint claims Germans used captured Mosin-Nagants because of their quality. Germans did use captured Mosin-Nagants over issued rifles, particularly sniper models like they are discussing, but this had nothing to do with the ''rifle''. Snipers preferred captured Mosin-Nagants because Germany had severe optics shortages, with the 1.5 power ZF41 (intended to help normal infantrymen extend their range, not for snipers) being the only one in significant production. Usage by general troops would be a combination of supply logistics and lubrication (German lube had poor performance in cold weather while the Russian stuff did not), not quality.
* [[Darker and Edgier]]: The fact that this is the only ''[[Metal Gear]]'' game to actually have a nuclear explosion happen without any of the heroes being capable of stopping it, and in fact happens twice, once with the definite villain, and another time {{spoiler|with a hero who is technically the antagonist and ultimately ends in tragedy}} would make ''Metal Gear Solid 3'' qualify as such.
** [[Lighter and Softer]]: On the other hand, the majority of the game is funnier and more cheerful. YMMV.
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* [[Large Ham]]: Volgin is clearly having entirely too much fun in more or less every scene he's in.
** The Pain spends virtually all of his screen time posturing and posing like a combination between [[Sentai]] hero and a pro wrestler; as expected of a guy whose entire thing is using large swarms of hornets to kill people, subtlety isn't exactly his thing.
* [[Limited Special Collectors' Ultimate Edition]]: Several, as follows:
** ''Metal Gear Solid 3'' was later given an [[Updated Rerelease]] called ''Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence'', which, besides making improvements to the main game (most notably adding a much-demanded interactive camera),also included a second disk mainly pertaining to the first version of ''Metal Gear Online''. Of special note though was that the bonus disc also included the first two games in the series.
** ''Subsistence'' itself also came in two versions: the regular, two-disk version, and a ''Limited Edition'' which included a third disk called ''Existence'', containing a three-hour movie of ''Metal Gear Solid 3'' created from the game's own cutscenes and playing footage.
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* [[Pacifist Run]]: If the player does this, {{spoiler|the fight with The Sorrow will be ''much'' shorter, although the bosses will still [[Final Death|explode]] when they are defeated non-lethally.}}
** However, if the player kills people indirectly by drowning them or throwing them off cliffs, they won't get a kill penalty.
* [[Paper-Thin Disguise]]: EVA was able to successfully fool the GRU members (except for apparently The Boss) while acting as a former KGB officer by... putting on glasses, slightly changing her hairstyle, and wearing a Soviet officer's outfit. The Director's Commentary even [[Lampshadeslampshade]]s this fact.
** Inverted and then hilariously [[Double Subverted]] with Snake. Snake manages to disguise himself exceptionally well as Raikov, to the extent that, in Zero's words, not even his own mother would tell them apart, but Volgin saw through the disguise... after pulling a [[Groin Attack]] on Snake ''twice''. Later on, the player can gain a free hit on Volgin simply by putting on the Raikov mask... [[Epic Fail|which is missing the hat from earlier, and the player doesn't even have to change into the Officer's uniform to fool him,]] ''[[Epic Fail|all while in front of Volgin (presumably).]]''
* [[Peaceful in Death]]: {{spoiler|The Boss. She even orders Snake to pull the trigger.}}
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* [[Regional Bonus]]: The European version of the game featured a boss battle mode, demo theatre, some extra facepaint patterns based on international flags, two new ''Snake vs. Monkey'' levels, and the "[[Harder Than Hard|European Extreme]]" difficulty setting. The default European version of ''Subsistence'' was the three-disc pre-order version of the North American release.
* [[Renegade Russian]]: Volgin and co are a rare example of this trope being used in a time period when the USSR is still around.
* [[Retcon]]: How Naked Snake/{{spoiler|Big Boss}} managed to lose his eye was different than previously stated (in the manual for [[Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake|Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake]]'', it mentioned that Big Boss lost his eye while in conflict during the 1980s).
* [[Rock-Paper-Scissors]]: Spoofed in one of the Secret Theater segments.
* [[Rule of Funny]]: Some videos in the Secret Theatre collection included on ''Subsistence'', a major example being "How not to handle C3", pretty have much this as the reason some things work. For instance, no matter how hard the C3 slams into another C3, it won't detonate prematurely as C3 is mechanically and chemically stable.
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{{quote|'''Major Zero:''' "It won't do you any good to go around the jungle wearing a scientist disguise."
'''Para-Medic:''' "No one would be that stupid."
'''Major Zero:''' "If they did, they'd have to be a fool. ''*snicker*''' No, more than a fool—a complete dumbass. Don't you think so, Snake?" }}
** Admit it, you took your knife to Ocelot after he was knocked out in the cutscene.
* [[Secret Test of Character]]: Twice! The End won't kill the player because he wants them to surpass him, and The Boss spares Snake's life at the beginning of Operation Snake Eater, telling him to either toughen up or go home.
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* [[Start of Darkness]]: This game is one for Big Boss.
* [[Stat Grinding]]: A subtle example, Snake's health slighty increases after he recovers from big injuries.
* [[StraightInvisible Gayto Gaydar]]: Considering this is one of the most [[Ho Yay]]-laden video game franchises out there, it should come as no surprise. Colonel Volgin in particular comes across as extensively macho, so his little affair with Raikov (who is also an example, to an extent at least) might be a bit of a surprise. There's also Ocelot, whose raging man-crush on Naked Snake only ''begins'' to take form in this game, and carries on through the rest of the series.
* [[Super Drowning Skills]]: Snake has this when it comes to mud. Normally justified in that by the time his head goes under, he'll likely be too far from solid ground to pull himself out, but it also means Indian gavials can instantly kill the player by knocking them on their ass in the wrong place.
* [[Surgery Under Fire]]: The game features a comprehensive [[Self-Stitching]] mechanic, which you may find yourself using mid-combat.
* [[Surpassed the Teacher]]: Naked Snake finally surpasses his former mentor The Boss in a final confrontation where he had ten minutes to defeat her or else the area would be napalmed. Amazingly Snake is able to actually defeat her despite earlier not even being able to harm her in hand to hand combat, for the first time in the game Snake can actually counter his mentor's CQC attacks and respond in kind showing a vast degree of improvement in his skills from earlier in the game when she handed his ass to him. For his efforts Snake is awarded the title of Big Boss showing that in the U.S Military's eyes he had surpassed his mentor.
* [[Sympathetic Murder Backstory]]: The game is the story of Big Boss's [[Start of Darkness]], where {{spoiler|he's manipulated into killing his mentor and mother figure, as part of her and the Philosopher's [[Zero-Approval Gambit]].}}
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** Ocelot does this as well, challenging Snake a number of times and coming away even more impressed every time. The final fight is a variation of Russian Roulette (one bullet, two guns, and they shoot at each other). No matter the outcome, Ocelot just laughs and jumps out of the plane, confident that he'll see Snake again. In fact, in most of the scene's variations, it is revealed that the bullet Ocelot has been carrying on a chain around his neck with the express purpose of defeating Big Boss is a blank.
* [[You Bastard]]: Thought it was funny to shoot a man in the balls or slit a bunch of throats? Now face their specters in the river of the dead! There's also a few times in the game when a radio conversation mentions whether or not the player has gone on a killing spree.
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: It's heavily implied from a radio conversion with EVA that the reason why Johnny was unwilling to let Naked Snake escape from the prison is because Volgin would have executed him if he either had Naked Snake escape or if Snake died in the cell before Volgin could continue torturing him.
** Surprisingly averted in regards to Ocelot and his unit at the end of the Virtuous Mission. Considering how they technically failed to capture Sokolov (since The Boss and her Cobra Unit is literally the only reason they even captured him in the first place), you'd think Volgin would have his unit executed. Instead, he is seen talking with Ocelot celebrating the overall success over their capture of the Shagohod and Sokolov without even a hint at wanting to punish Ocelot for the blunder.
* [[You Kill It, You Bought It]]: {{spoiler|Naked Snake gains the title of "Boss" (or rather, Big Boss), after killing The Boss (though this ''probably'' isn't the standard procedure for the promotion).}}
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