Metasyntactic Variable: Difference between revisions

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{{Useful Notes|wppage=Metasyntactic variable}}
[[File:Insert image here.svg|thumb|300px|Foo bar baz.<ref>Quux.</ref>]]<!-- MOD: Please do not replace this image. It's intended to be [[Don't Explain the Joke|a placeholder]]. -->
{{quote|''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.''
|"John Doe"}}
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** [[Quentin Tarantino]] appears to prefer using Red Apple cigarettes to Morley cigarettes, though.
* "[[w:Mammoth Studios|Mammoth Studios]]" was a common name for a nonexistent film studio in the 1930s and 1940s (and later in TV series scripts in the 1960s). The name made it through script re-writes on a few occasions.
* [[The Other Wiki]] tells us that "[[Val Verde (fictional country)|Val Verde]] is a fictional country or city used by Hollywood writer and producer Steven E. de Souza when his stories require a South or Central American locale that will not cause legal or diplomatic problems." It first showed up in ''[[Commando (film)|Commando]]'', but has appeared in other works by other writers, including the anime ''[[Symphogear]]''.
== [[Literature]] ==
* [[Edgar Allan Poe]] wrote a short story entitled "The Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq.", showing that particular form to be in familiar use in the United States [[Older Than Radio|in the 1840s]].
* The use of euphemisms like "You-Know-Who" and "Lord Thingy" for Voldemort in the ''[[Harry Potter]]'' books is a very specific application of this trope.
* Invoked by name by Gaspode in the ''[[Discworld]]'' novel ''[[Discworld/Men At Arms|Men Atat Arms]]'', as seen on the [[Metasyntactic Variable/Quotes|quote page]].
** A parrot in ''[[Discworld/Eric|Eric]]'' also cites the concept by name in an amusingly recursive and self-referential manner:
{{quote|It's a thing, innit? You know, a doodah, a dooberry. you know, tip of my tongue, a wossname. ''Metasyntactic variable.'' Yeah, that's it.}}
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== [[Theatre]] ==
* In [[Gilbert and Sullivan]]'s ''[[The Mikado]]'', W. S. Gilbert makes the Lord High Executioner sing of a "little list" which includes:
{{quote|''... apologetic statesmen of a compromising kind,''
''Such as: What d'ye call him: Thing'em-bob, and likewise: Never-mind,''
''and 'St: 'st: 'st: and What's-his-name, and also You-know-who:''
''The task of filling up the blanks I'd rather leave to you.''}}
== [[Video Games]] ==
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<!-- Note: Both Web Original and New Media are for works that originated online. The distinction is that New Media works allow for feedback and audience participation - if a work doesn't allow for this, then it's a Web Original, not New Media. -->
* The ''[[Jargon File]]'' has an [ extensive entry] on the subject that documents not just American and British usage but terms used by programmers from continental Europe and New Zealand.
* The Russian FIDO community Kaschenko came up with "Shooshpanchik", which was a meme spontaneously evolved from a taunt to one user (who in the end apparently was proud of it). Shooshpanchik is a subset of living creatures, but does not have a more specific meaning. Typically it was used to mutate jokes (e.g. "Hedgehog is an ancient and chthonic animal" could be transformed into "Shooshpanchik is an ancient and metasyntactic animal") or as a substitute "classification" for something made up (one short scene from the ''[[Star Wars]]'' prequels was summarized as "Two shooshpanchiks graze near the spaceship. Male one and female one. [[Faux Symbolism|They symbolize.]]").
** This spawned derivatives, such as "shushpanzer" (шушпанцер), which means more or less "[ armored vehicle that looks weird or improvised and obviously doesn't fit well into classifications]", "shushpancycle" ("[ шушпанцикл]", the same for motorcycles and other small wheeled vehicles) and "shushpangewehr" ("[ шушпангевер]", the same for firearms, especially long arms).
* All The Tropes (and [[TV Tropes]] before us) has a history of using the word "trope" as a Metasyntactic Variable in trope names, such as [[The Trope Kid]], [[Disney Owns This Trope]] and [[The Von Trope Family]]. TVT began discouraging this practice long before the fork leading to ATT took place, and many such names were later replaced, but we still have a dozen or so lurking about, and have even added a couple of our own, such as [[Tropacabana]].
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* The [[w:Whatchamacallit (candy)|''Whatchamacallit'' bar]], a chocolate/peanut butter/caramel candy bar introduced by Hershey in 1978, uses a Metasyntactic Variable as its name to emphasize what at the time of its release was a candy bar allegedly radically different from any produced before.
** Hershey also briefly produced a chocolate-peanut butter bar called the ''Thingamajig'', which was available from 2009 to 2012.
** They also introduced a ''Whozeewhatzit'' bar in 2021, with some but not all of the ingredients of a ''Whatchamacallit'' bar.
* "X-ray" was originally a placeholder name for an [[Unknown Phenomenon|unexplained phenomenon]], with "X" representing the unknown, as in algebra.
* It is common to use the name "[[Acme Products|ACME]]" in example SQL Databases and as placeholder company-name for the purpose of teaching. The term 'ACME Database' is commonly used to mean a training or example-only set of database data used solely for training or testing. ACME is also commonly used in documentation which shows SQL usage examples, a common practice with in many educational texts as well as technical documentation from companies such as Microsoft and Oracle.
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** The very real [[w:Advent Corporation|Advent Corporation]] (active 1967-1981) got its name when its founder liked the sound of the placeholder.
* Discussions about cryptography - especially cryptographic procedures - usually use the same two names as metasyntactic variables for the sender and recipient of a message: [[Alice and Bob]].
** With Eve as a generic eavesdropper.
* The block of pseudo-Latin text called [[w:Lorem ipsum|"Lorem ipsum"]] after its first two words (employed above as the page quote) has been used by typesetters since at least the 1960s as a placeholder for "real" text, either to demonstrate a sample page layout or to display the appearance of a particular typeface/font.
* Hawaiian Pidgin, Hawaii's English-based Creole, utilizes the word/phrase "Da Kine" as a sort of universal placeholder. It can take the role of any noun, verb, adverb, or adjective, and its meaning usually (but not always) is derived from context or body language. Because no other English dialects contain words that function this way (though [[The Smurfs|"smurf"]] comes close), outsiders often struggle with this, and locals have been known to use it to deliberately confuse and frustrate non-native speakers.
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** Similarly, in Guyanese creole English, many things are referred to as "ting" (thing), and people may give directions saying "turn suh" (turn so). Usually hand gestures tell what it is they are talking about.
** In Tagalog, the words "kuwan" and "ano" serve a similar purpose, both being roughly equivalent to "that thing"/"the whatchamacallit" when used for that purpose.
* [[The Other Wiki]] tells us that '"[[wikipedia:Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells|Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells]]" is a generic name used in the [[United Kingdom]] for a person with strongly conservative political views who writes letters to newspapers or the BBC in moral outrage.'
:If you're offered a free trip on Oceanic Airlines to Val Verde, ''don't go.''