Mismatched Eyes: Difference between revisions

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== Pro Wrestling ==
* [[WWE]] wrestler [[Wrestler/Kane (wrestling)|Kane]] has one light-blue eye and one brown eye, with the pupils being slightly different sizes (an effect achieved by the wrestler wearing non-matching contacts, like [[Marilyn Manson]]). Early in his run, it was implied that the blue eye was actually damaged by the fire which had "scarred" him, and that he was blind in that eye. Note to the WWE brain-trust: even we wrestling fans realize that eye color does not work that way.
** Actually, the original implication wasn't that the fire caused Kane's eye to become miscolored, but that it was a ''false'' eye altogether, implying that not only had Kane lost ''sight'' in that eye, he physically lost the ''eye'' as well. This was ignored as the years went on, and now the mismatched eyes aren't even commented on at all, but because it's such a well known feature of the character, it has remained despite no longer even seeming to matter in [[Continuity Snarl|the character's admittedly screwed up history.]]