Mobile Suit Gundam Wing/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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** Then, when Relena was "forced" to join [[War for Fun and Profit|Romefeller Foundation]] [[Hostage Situation|for the safety or Sanc Kingdom.]] Everyone thought that they had the [[Rebellious Princess]] under their thumb, and could finally use her for publicity and whatsnot. {{spoiler|And [[Shoot the Dog|Heero was ready to shoot her]] for this.}} Then, Relena showed her [[The High Queen|High Queen in training]] ID and [[Patrick Stewart Speech|calmly made a speech about how they should abdicate war and promoting peace.]] {{spoiler|''In her first appearance in public,'' and knowing full well that Heero was ready to kill her right there. No wonder [[Smug Snake|that the one who had her for this]] was [[Oh Crap|completely dejected]], and most members of Romefeller, touched by her speech, [[Heel Face Turn|decides to stop their effort toward war.]]}}
** Then, when Relena was "forced" to join [[War for Fun and Profit|Romefeller Foundation]] [[Hostage Situation|for the safety or Sanc Kingdom.]] Everyone thought that they had the [[Rebellious Princess]] under their thumb, and could finally use her for publicity and whatsnot. {{spoiler|And [[Shoot the Dog|Heero was ready to shoot her]] for this.}} Then, Relena showed her [[The High Queen|High Queen in training]] ID and [[Patrick Stewart Speech|calmly made a speech about how they should abdicate war and promoting peace.]] {{spoiler|''In her first appearance in public,'' and knowing full well that Heero was ready to kill her right there. No wonder [[Smug Snake|that the one who had her for this]] was [[Oh Crap|completely dejected]], and most members of Romefeller, touched by her speech, [[Heel Face Turn|decides to stop their effort toward war.]]}}
** Also, Relena gets one that overlaps with [[Tear Jerker]] and [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] in the end of the series, {{spoiler|when she refuses to kill Lady Une as punishment for her father's death, [[Cry Cute|driving until then either bitchy or serene Une to tears]].}}
** Also, Relena gets one that overlaps with [[Tear Jerker]] and [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] in the end of the series, {{spoiler|when she refuses to kill Lady Une as punishment for her father's death, [[Cry Cute|driving until then either bitchy or serene Une to tears]].}}
* The Gundam Wing Zero, blowing up an ''entire space colony'' in one shot. Also a case of [[Nightmare Fuel]].
* Heero's "I will... I will... I will SURVIVE!!" before blasting the last remaining debris from the Libra that's hitting Earth, in the last episode. This is amazingly awesome because of the fact he pretty much '''screams''' it (at least in Japanese); this is coming from a guy who has [[The Stoic|never raised his voice prior]]. To top it off, for the majority of the show he didn't care whether he lived or died as long as his mission was completed. Watching that scene was so... [[Squee]].
* Episode 49, the series finale: when Heero {{spoiler|fires his BFG at the giant space fortress hurtling towards earth as he begins to burn in the upper atmosphere while yelling "I will... I will... I will survive!" Not to mention when he appears moments later flying away from the massive blast in his jet mode in ultra dramatic style}}. This is amazingly awesome because of the fact he pretty much '''screams''' it (at least in Japanese); this is coming from a guy who has [[The Stoic|never raised his voice prior]]. To top it off, for the majority of the show he didn't care whether he lived or died as long as his mission was completed. Watching that scene was so... [[Squee]].
* The ''[[Gundam Wing]]'' TV series' [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] has to be the first appearance of the Gundam Wing Zero, blowing up an ''entire space colony'' in one shot.
* The Series has more CMoA than can possily be listed, but of particular note is the final episode when Heero {{spoiler|fires his BFG at the giant space fortress hurtling towards earth as he begins to burn in the upper atmosphere while yelling "I will... I will... I will survive!" Not to mention when he appears moments later flying away from the massive blast in his jet mode in ultra dramatic style}}
* Fan-favorite Duo Maxwell ''finally'' got his own CMOA late in the series when he was faced with two Gundam-class machines, each using AI based on his friends Heero and Trowa. He manages to take both of them down at the same time with little effort, pausing only to coolly comment "Maybe next time you should use '''my''' data."
* Fan-favorite Duo Maxwell ''finally'' got his own CMOA late in the series when he was faced with two Gundam-class machines, each using AI based on his friends Heero and Trowa. He manages to take both of them down at the same time with little effort, pausing only to coolly comment "Maybe next time you should use '''my''' data."
* Also in the final arc of the series, there's a scene where Trowa is infiltrating the space fortress Libra. A pair of enemy soldiers emerge from a nearby hallway and start shooting at him. Trowa performs an incredible acrobatic jump, landing on a high catwalk a distance away...and then ''bows'' to the guys who just tried to kill him before running off.
* Also in the final arc of the series, there's a scene where Trowa is infiltrating the space fortress Libra. A pair of enemy soldiers emerge from a nearby hallway and start shooting at him. Trowa performs an incredible acrobatic jump, landing on a high catwalk a distance away...and then ''bows'' to the guys who just tried to kill him before running off.