• Alas, Poor Villain: Thaddeus Valentine.
  • Les Yay: Plenty between Sathya and Anna Fang. Sathya created the Green Storm and revives Anna Fang because of this. Even the Stalkerized Anna goes back to Sathya. Confirmed by General Naga in the last book.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Thaddeus Valentine.
  • The Woobie: Throughout Mortal Engines, Katherine Valentine discovers that the city she calls her home is not as shiny as she thought, that most inhabitants don't consider her as one of them anyway, and that the person she entrusted the most is a lier, a theft and a murderer. Add the death of anyone else whom she ever cared for and by the end of the book, she's become a Determinator to the point it's heartwrenching.
    • Tom and Hester also count as one too.
    • Valentine might be a Jerkass Woobie; he did terrible things, but he wanted to make a better world for Katherine, and this backfired spectacularly.