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''Mortal Kombat'' is known for being one of the ''most famous'' games to use digitized actors (the ''first'' was ''[[Pit-Fighter]]''). The game also stood out at the time of its release due to the (semi-)realistic depictions of blood and violence -- especially with its infamous [[Finishing Move|Fatalities]]. This is the only game in the series to used a score system. It also featured an Easter Egg in the form of a "bonus" battle: by meeting certain requirements, a player could face [[Secret Character|Reptile]], a [[Palette Swap]] of Scorpion and Sub-Zero who has a mix of both ninjas' powers.
Followed by '''[[Mortal Kombat 2|Mortal Kombat II]]'''.
* [[Bloodier and Gorier]]: Compared to the more family-friendly games that then dominated the market.
* [[Bonus Boss]]: Reptile, who was actually the first unlockable Boss ''ever'' in a [[Fighting Game]].
* [[Bowdlerise]]: In the SNES port of the first game, Nintendo edited out all the blood, replacing it with an unidentifiable opalescent fluid (<s>sawdust</s> sweat); the [[Finishing Move|Fatalities]] were also toned down considerably to fit Nintendo's censorship policies. The Genesis port was similarly [[Bowdlerized]], but one could unlock the violence with a special code. Sales of the SNES version tanked, and the Genesis version was a success, so when the second game was ported, the blood and carnage was left intact.
** One funny thing is that one of the cleaned-up Fatalites, which involved Sub-Zero breaking his opponent's body into pieces after freezing him, was pretty brutal anyway. It was turned into one of his Fatalities in the second game.
** The Action Replay Mark II game enhancer, which among other things allowed gamers to bypass Nintendo's security measures and play import games, got fans very very excited because with a complex code, it allowed blood back in the game. All it did was turn the sweat red, rather than the more unrealistic buckets of blood the original had.
* [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]]: The AI sometimes uses a standing block to resist a sweep kick. Human players can't do this.
* [[Creator Cameo]]: Probe Software, the porting team behind the Genesis ''MKMortal Kombat'', included their president, Fergus McGovern, in the game. As a floating head that counts as a moon-obscuring shadow for fighting Reptile, of all things. He also appeared in the sequel as a "Fergality" performable by Raiden.
* [[Darker and Edgier]]: Compared to other fighting games at the time.
* [[Death by Cameo]]: The creators appear as decapitated heads in the Pit Arena.
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* [[The Foreign Subtitle]]: The Japanese versions of the console ports featured the subtitle ''Shinken Kourin Densetsu'' (The Legendary Descent of the Divine Fist).
* [[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice]]: The Pit contains the first example of a stage fatality.
* [[Mini Game]]: "Test Your Might"," where you try breaking wood, stone, or steel. If you play long enough in two-players, you can aim to break Ruby or Diamond.
* [[Mirror Match]]: [[Trope Namer]]. Shang Tsung makes an evil clone of your character after you defeat the other fighters in one-on-one combat.
* [[Rated "M" for Money]]: Either the [[Trope Maker]] or the [[Trope Codifier]], depending on whom you ask. It probably helps that the [[The New Rock and Roll|controversy]] played a part in the ESRB's creation.
* [[Wuxia]]: Compared to the more [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]] elements of later games, this one most aesthetically resembles a Chinese martial arts movie. ''[[Enter the Dragon]]'', to be exact. [[The Movie]] runs with this, and is damn near a remake of said movie, albeit with magic and ninja included.
* [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]]: The AI sometimes uses a standing block to resist a sweep kick. Human players can't do this.
* [[Wuxia]]: Compared to the more [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]] elements of later games, this one most aesthetically resembles a Chinese martial arts movie. [[Enter the Dragon]], to be exact. [[The Movie]] runs with this, and is damn near a remake of said movie, albeit with magic and ninja included.
{{World Video Game Hall of Fame}}
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