Most Triumphant Example (Sugar Wiki)/V to X: Difference between revisions

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* [[Vocal Minority]]
** [[Eagle Land|Americans]]. Most of them are not loud, boorish, fat, lazy, uncultured, stupid, etc. Shocking, isn't it.
** [[Straw Feminist]]s. ''So'' vocal and ''so'' triumphant that even many tropers on this[[TV very wikiTropes]] seem to believe that feminism is synonymous with misandry.
** [[Conspiracy theoristsTheorist]]s in general. You'll be surprised to find out that most conspiracy theories actually hadhave less adherents that it seems.
*** And [[QAnon|some]] far more than you're comfortable with.
** ''Avatar''-bashers, even now, well over a year after the film's release. For the want of good things said about the film on the internet by ''anyone anywhere'' (or even new jokes made about the same few perceived flaws by the haters), it is extremely difficult to consider the film's good reputation anything but mythical. Will it ''never'' end?! -[[Zuul MF]]