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* [ Around 2008 in Canada], two rednecks in a pick-up truck come across a guy and his girlfriend in a fancy car. They heckle him with lots of [[Cluster F-Bomb|cursing]] and insults while driving right behind them and filming the incident on their camera the whole time. The guy in the fancy car is eventually cornered by the two rednecks at a dead-end; when the rednecks get out of their truck with a baseball bat and walk toward the guy, the guy [[Never Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight|pulls out a handgun]] and tells them to back off. The guy's girlfriend takes the camera, and the guy takes the rednecks' truck key and tosses it in a nearby sewer before driving off and later uploading the camera footage to [[YouTube]].
* [ Around 2008 in Canada], two rednecks in a pick-up truck come across a guy and his girlfriend in a fancy car. They heckle him with lots of [[Cluster F-Bomb|cursing]] and insults while driving right behind them and filming the incident on their camera the whole time. The guy in the fancy car is eventually cornered by the two rednecks at a dead-end; when the rednecks get out of their truck with a baseball bat and walk toward the guy, the guy [[Never Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight|pulls out a handgun]] and tells them to back off. The guy's girlfriend takes the camera, and the guy takes the rednecks' truck key and tosses it in a nearby sewer before driving off and later uploading the camera footage to [[YouTube]].
* In the early 1700s, Dick Turpin, famous highwayman, once stopped a gentleman on a coach road and threatened him with a pistol. That "gentleman" turned out to be Thomas King, ''another'' famous highwayman. King was so ''impressed'' that he took Turpin as a partner and they robbed and murdered on the Essex roads together for two years.
* In the early 1700s, Dick Turpin, famous highwayman, once stopped a gentleman on a coach road and threatened him with a pistol. That "gentleman" turned out to be Thomas King, ''another'' famous highwayman. King was so ''impressed'' that he took Turpin as a partner and they robbed and murdered on the Essex roads together for two years.
* The infamous Sony CD manufacter-sponsored rootkit would probably have had a longer run out in the wild if one of the first computers it had infected hadn't belonged to the inventor of the Windows NT filing system, one of the chief designers of the Windows source code, and one of the only human beings on Earth actually capable of doing the kernel-level debugging and audit of Windows XP necessary to find the rootkit in action.
* The infamous Sony CD manufacter-sponsored rootkit would probably have had a longer run out in the wild if one of the first computers it had infected [ hadn't belonged to Mark Russinovich] -- who invented most of the debugging and system monitor utilities for the Windows operating system, was one of the chief contributors to the Windows source code, and was one of the only human beings on Earth actually capable of doing the kernel-level debugging and audit of Windows XP necessary to find the rootkit in action.
