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* ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]''
** The fluff sometimes makes notes of many former Imperial Guardsmen settling down on planets they conquered. Because it's easier than shipping them back, and because if a planet's own legitimate power structure is broken, awarding it "by the right of conquest" is the most reliable way to see that it remains loyal and adequately defended. This led to some robbers finding out the hard way that a bar called The 127th is named after a certain platoon, that the grumpy old men are veterans of battles against unimaginable horrors and that the lasgun above the bar is not a replica.
** Night Lords decided to raid a Penal World with adamantium mines. Then they found out the hard way that Carcharodons planned to recruit there. Of course, most of them found it out when they were cornered by a shipload of close combat specialists considered particularly brutal even in 40k universe. It turned out that in mine tunnels Carcharodons are scarier, and there aren't many places to hide or run.
** In ''[[Dark Heresy]]'', PCs often end up on either end of this as a part of their job. And it has the expected results until you figure out that flipping off a Daemon is a Bad Plan and maybe you should try shooting the guy that just summoned it in the head. From over there. Waaay over there.
* In ''[[Traveller]]'' [[Space Pirates|Vargr]] hardly ever raid Zhodani. The reason why is that when they do they know that the Zhodani will take years tracking down the perps. Then when they do this their retribution, will be sure, whether it takes the form of [[Death From Above]] or the more frightening form of kidnapping Vargr and brainwashing them.