Mugging the Monster: Difference between revisions

You're undercover and incognito in that scene, it doesn't count.
(You're undercover and incognito in that scene, it doesn't count.)
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* The list of people who threaten [[Player Character|Commander]] [[Badass|Shepard]] and crew and are obliterated shortly thereafter in ''[[Mass Effect]]'' could fill a short book. In the first game, it's excusable, as Shepard doesn't have much of a reputation outside of the Alliance. In the second game, after Shepard saved the Citadel and killed Sovereign, opposing him/her in any way is probably grounds for a [[Darwin Awards]].
** [[Eldritch Abomination|The Reapers]] are justified being [[Nigh Invulnerability|ridiculously powerful]], [[Eldritch Abomination|Cthulhu-esque]] ships of extinction. Others, not so much. The best example of this in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' has to be Warden Kuril of Purgatory. When Shepard goes to pick up and recruit Jack, not only does he refuse to release Jack into Shepard's custody, he attempts to capture him/her, hold him/her for ransom for the Illusive Man or sell the Commander to the highest bidder on the black market as a slave. Can you say [[Too Dumb to Live]]?
** For [[What an Idiot!|Warden]] [[Too Dumb to Live|Kuril]], that was [[Bullying a Dragon]]. Samara's loyalty mission, however, features a turian named Meln in the VIP area of a nightclub who will crassly proposition [[Fan Nickname|FemShep]] when she intervenes to keep him from sexually harassing (and possibly assaulting) an [[Blue Skinned Space Babe|asari]] dancer. Cue Meln being punched, then thrown in the general direction of the door. And if Shepard is wearing a certain [[Downloadable Content|DLC]] outfit, then this is done by a woman in high heels and a [[Little Black Dress]].
** Lampshaded by Doctor Chakwas saying the Commander "doesn't have many enemies, alive ones anyway"
*** Garrus does it again if you pick the Renegade options when recruiting Jack: