Multiple Head Case: Difference between revisions

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** In the template-heavy days of 3.5, there was "Multiheaded Creature", although it did put a reasonable limit on how many heads were added.
** Subverted with Geryon in 4th Edition. He has three heads, with one being thoughtful and conniving, one being angry and cruel, and one being manic and gleeful. However, they actually share one mind, never argue with each other, and normally only one will talk at a time, with the dominant head being determined by his emotional state.
** Hydras are another Aversion; while it can have up to 9 heads, it has one brain, in its torso, manipulating the multiple heads more like other beasts would use limbs.
* [[All Trolls Are Different|Jotund trolls]] in ''[[Pathfinder]]'' have ''nine'' heads which invariably all bicker with each other (usually about who gets to actually taste their prey).
* ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'' has the first Chaos dragon, a good dragon that was corrupted by Chaos and grew a second head. His original personality is still in there somewhere and may attack the bad head during the battle.
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** The version of Blitzwing from ''[[Transformers Animated]]'' has three faces for each of his three personalities, which occasionally argue with each other. Like some other examples on this page, he's got one head with multiple faces, though only one face is ever visible at a time.
** And Alpha Q from ''[[Transformers Energon]]'' has ''four'' faces. It's implied that he wasn't always so schizoid, but developed the multiple personalities out of loneliness when he was trapped inside Unicron.
*** Based on the Quintessons from G1, who all had five faces. Alpha Q's full name, Alpha Quintesson, is only heard once. However, he does only have four faces. However, his mask is always closed when his fifth personality, considered his 'true face' despite no physical face representing it (we see the inner sphere turn 360° more than once; there ''isn't'' a fifth face) Alpha Q's real self speaks in the [[Voice Ofof Thethe MultitudeLegion]] - Alpha Q is eventually revealed as the combined consciousness of everyone lost in his planet's destruction.
** Another humorous example would be an extra from ''[[Transformers Generation 1]]'', season 3. One of the patients on the therapy planet Torkulon has three heads... who keeps saying "I have no head... I have no head... I have no head..." Definitely [[Incredibly Lame Pun|a head-case]].
** Doublecross, Hun-Gurrr, and Sinnertwin - who transform into twin-headed dragons - each suffer from split personalities, a condition which is (naturally) exacerbated in their beast modes. Sinnertwin even has two voice actors. They're technically all three-headed, but sadly, we don't get a third VA for the robot mode head. Just as well, because Sinnertriplet doesn't make nearly as cool a name.
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* [[Hanna-Barbera]]'s 1960s version of ''[[Alice in Wonderland]]'' has a caterpillar with a head at each end, who just happened to look (and sound) like [[The Flintstones|Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble]].
* Frank and Len from ''[[Ruby Gloom]]'' are a two-headed rock musician. Frank is smarter than Len, though not much.
* In ''[[The Grim Adventures of Billy and& Mandy]]'', [[Greek Mythology|Cerberus']] three heads (two husky-types and one poodle) don't always act the same. Two of his heads were immediately attracted to Mindy's chihuahua Little Delicious, and exchanged glances of dismay when they realized the poodle head was growling at her.
* In an episode of ''[[Jackie Chan Adventures]]'', Jackie was influenced by a powerful magical pair of tigers that had {{spoiler|previously been a single tiger until they absorbed the power of the Tiger Talisman}}, and ended up with two heads, one very good and the other evil. {{spoiler|They're actually his Yin and Yang, who showed up in the first season when he was split in two by one of the plot artifacts. The evil one is a pushy jerk, and the good one is a [[Lovable Coward]] who only fights reluctantly.}}
* ''[[Planet Sheen]]'' has the two-faced Princess Oom. One face is a bubbly cheerleader type and the other is an intense seductress. Both are in love with Sheen.
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* Red Mantle and Dragoon from ''[[The Venture Brothers]]''. A recently-joined pair (forced when Dragoon was dying after a tussle with [[Touch of Death|Phantom Limb]]) who argue constantly over which of them is actually in charge. Thus far, Dragoon has taken over the left side.
* One ''[[Underdog (animation)|Underdog]]'' short has him facing a two-headed dragon which would stop to shake hands with itself chanting "Teamwork, teamwork, that's what counts!" Of course, they quickly make the hero ''angry''.
{{spoilerquote|'''Underdog:''' [[Let's Get Dangerous|"I've had enough of ''both'' of you!"]]}}
* On ''[[Jimmy Two-Shoes]]'', a two-headed man is one of the many citizens of Miseryville. [[The Legions of Hell|He does not look out of place]].
* The ''[[Family Guy]]'' episode "Road to the Multiverse" features a universe where everyone has two heads: one happy, one sad.