My Hero Academia/Recap/Entrance Exam Arc: Difference between revisions

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** Ochako Uraraka: the first thing she does is stop Midoriya from face-planting with her Quirk and wishing him luck on the exam; this goes a long way to show that she's a tender, compassionate young lady.
* [[Hidden Purpose Test]]: The entrance exam. While villain points are a valid source of scoring, the exam is also graded on rescue points, unbeknownst to most of the examinees.
* [[Restored My Faith in Humanity]]: All Might is a [[Stepford Smiler|Stepford Smiling]] cynic and pessimist starting to doubt his own purpose, until Midoriya makes a selfless attempt to save Bakugo from the Sludge Villain.
* [[Muscles Are Meaningful]]: All Might stresses that if he were to be granted One For All in his current [[Geek Physique]], it would destroy him from the inside out. Therefore, Midoriya is put on a 10-month workout regimen and it eventually pays off.
* [[Nothing but Skin and Bones]]: When his power limit goes out, All Might goes from a muscle-bound giant with a wide smile to a sickly, emaciated man with messy hair and sunken eyes.
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* [[Skyward Scream]]: After having cleaned the entirety of Takoba Municipal Beach Park, Midoriya stands atop the pile of rubbish and screams victoriously, having transformed from a skinny "limp noodle", as All Might called him, to a lean, ripped and fit young man.
* [[Training Montage]]: Midoriya's intense workout is given one, where he does all sorts of exercises to strengthen his physique to inherit One For All.
* [[Training from Hell]]: The training regimen All Might gives Midoriya seems hellish enough - telling him to clear a beach that has become strewn with decades worth of junk, along with the usual calisthenics and special diet - but Midoriya is so determined to succeed he actually does ''more'' than his mentor demands.
[[Category:My Hero Academia]]