My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Headscratchers/Season 2: Difference between revisions

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== 2.07 May the Best Pet Win ==
* Right at the beginning of the song there is a vulture sitting on a fence in the background. Why didn't Fluttershy show that to Rainbow Dash? Vultures can fly and (in my opinion anyway) are incredibly cool so I'm sure Rainbow would have liked it.
** You're right, it is in your opinion. Vultures tend to look like [http this], and also aren't held in high esteem outside those who recognize their ecological importance. If she was looking for coolness and flight ability, a clumsy, ugly vulture (in Dash's likely opinion) wouldn't make it past the first round (thoguh how Tank managed to do so is beyond me).
*** Tank managed to last as he did for two things: He was accepted in the first place to humor Fluttershy, and he never let the little fact that Rainbow Dash told him he had lost(several times) intimidate him.
*** Different person from the OP, here, but I object. Vultures ''are'' incredibly cool animals, and they do ''not'', all look like the same either. You get ''tons'' of variation, from the [ fluffy-headed griffon vulture]<ref> She gets a pet Gilda!</ref>, to the [ striking lammergeier], to the frankly-awesome [[wikipedia:File:Neophron percnopterus.JPG|egyptian vulture]]. I don't even know where you got the misconception that they're clumsy, other than from watching too many cartoons about them. They are incredibly elegant while in flight, and the [[wikipedia:California Condor|california condor]] in particular, has one of the largest wingspans of any bird in the world (beaten only by the wandering albatross, I believe), and can stay aloft for hours with hardly a beat of its wings. Awesome indeed. The one problem, though, is that they ''are'' rather lazy fliers, preferring to soar and glide rather than the fast-paced sorta stuff that Dash is fond of, but then again, Dash is kinda lazy too, so that might work out.
*** No, it wouldn't. The vulture shown in the episode isn't depicted as awesome at all, or at least, Dash didn't find it so.
* Fluttershy taking care of otters and seals. Okay, its probably a river otter. But a seal? How is she taking care of it that far from the ocean?
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* This is a relatively minor issue, but I've noticed that Fluttershy's flying ability seems to fluctuate over the course of the season. She's canonically described as a poor flyer, but while disguised as MDW we see her whiz past Rainbow Dash at a speed so great it makes her (briefly) dizzy. Combine this with the fact that she was able to keep up with Rainbow Dash ''while towing a 500+ pound hot air balloon'' just earlier in the season; it seems like she can magically turn into a competent flyer whenever it's convenient to the plot.
** Pretty much. Fluttershy is [[Beware of the Nice Ones]] personified, so the writers will always come up with new ways for her to impress. Maybe she can match Dash in speed, but she still can't pull of a Sonic Rainboom or Dash's advanced flying tricks. So maybe she's not really better at being Dash than Dash herself. Though yeah, that bugged me too.
*** I assumed RD wasn't going at full speed, but was flying fast enough that she assumed Fluttershy would never catch up to her.
** Fluttershy does not like to show off or bring about attention to herself (e.g. the perfect antithesis of RD in this episode). The only time we've ever seen her fly badly was in "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" and that was because she was a lanky filly then. (Her inability to fly in "Dragonshy" due to fear doesn't count). Thus to anyone else, a pegasus pony that stays close to the ground and rarely shows off her flying abilities is likely to be seen as a "poor flyer". But give her an outfit that completely disguises who she is, and she's probably all ~yay~ and ready to speed off to do what it takes for her friends.
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** They're [ bad apples].
** When you put their cutie marks together, they make a whole apple. It means they work well together. They just use their particular talents(special and otherwise) for [[Jerkass|swindling]] instead of good.
* If cider was in deficit, why was Pinkie allowed to buy a whole armful of mugs? Wheter it was done [[Shout-Out|intentionally]] or [[Hilarious in Hindsight|not]], the whole setting strongly reminds me of the memetic Soviet-era [ beer lines]{{Dead link}}, and believe me, if somepony'd tried to hog the beer like this, they would've been explained the wrongs of their way swiftly and painfully. Even taking the [[Sugar Bowl]] into account, shouldn't there've been an outrage from the line?
** I think the best and only answer here is that Ponyville simply isn't Soviet Russia. The ponies are all forgiving, friendly, and closely knit. Even the bitterest ponies seem more likely to mope to themselves than actually start a confrontation.
*** Hogging cider is distinctly unfriendly, so by the transitive property so is helping someone hog it.
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** Pinkie Pie was the ''first'' pony to get cider. It's possible that, at the beginning, they overestimated the amount of cider that would be available, and thus they saw no reason to ration it.
*** Except they do it every year. They run out of cider every year, and they sell too much to Pinkie Pie every year. If they haven't realized the pattern now, then the Apple family is significantly stupider than we've been giving them credit for.
**** To be fair to the Apples, this is the first year that their solution to the problem ('recruit the rest of the Mane Six') is available to them at harvest time.
** Pinkie was so enthusiastic about the cider that nopony wanted to tell her that she couldn't have her fill. (She was the very first in line, after all. In fact she's apparently ''always'' the first in line, every year, because she loves cider that much.)
* Moreover. They know how much cider they've got, why the hell don't they announce it, so that everypony knows for sure whether or not they'd get any and not waste time?
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** Dash is too worried that Twilight might find out that she enjoys an "egghead" hobby to risk going directly to her home. Sure, it'd be easier, but RD's pride has always been able to override her logic.
** Perhaps she'd rather rob an establishment that she had no personal connection to, than her friend.
** RD's total disdain for libraries means she has no clue about the filing system and couldn't locate a single book in there without assistance, and at that point in the narrative she'd rather gnaw her own wings off than admit to Twilight that okay maybe I do like reading a little, and she didn't think far enough ahead to realize that she could have just asked Spike for help.
** Because RD has ''no idea'' where Twilight would keep her copy. Considering her disdain for reading, it would be hard for her to find a specific book no matter how well organized the library is.
* How the hay do the hospital ponies keep up with Rainbow Dash? She's shown that she can easily outrun all the ponies in Ponyville except Applejack and Pinkie Pie. They should be falling further and further behind.
** Well, the pain from her wings could had crippled her running speed, and the one time we really saw her run against someone else was during a marathon, this was a sprint. Ponies also tends to demonstrate greater physical abilities when pushed, having a thief break into your establishment, especially after a patient claimed he was robbed sure seems like a great way to push the medical staff and a security guard... and an insane patient, apparently.
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** For the first one-two books - probably. Then the initial rush should've toned down.
* Why does Rarity wear her false eyelashes for bed? We see them on when she's waken up by the chase.
== 2.17 Hearts and Hooves Day ==
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** Fluttershy doesn't seem to like using the Stare in general, and didn't she say she can't exactly use it at will?
* Iron Will is a minotaur (half-bull/half-human) does this mean humans exist on this show?
** ...that would raise some [[Squick|squicky]] implications. However, Minotaurs don't necessarily have to be literal human/bull hybrids (the ones in [[Dungeons and& Dragons]], for instance, are just a species like any others.).
** Why can't he just be a bipedal bull? I know traditionally they're half human, but with old mythology there's room for new interpretation, particularly in a world with no humans.
** The lower half of his body looks like the hindlegs of a pony/horse, so he might just be Equestria's version of a Minotaur.
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