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Guesses about the Royal Pony Sisters and possible kin. If you have a guess about something else, then
{{quote| [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Meta/WMG|Meta Guesses go here]]<br />
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'''BUT''' [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Pinkie Pie/WMG|Pinkie Pie Guesses go here]]<br />
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* It gets worse. I am sure Celestia is also the reason [ "Everypony Loves Derpy"] was canned after two episodes. That jealous bitch wants to make sure she is the most loved creature in all of Equestria!
== Princess Celestia and [[Adventure Time (Animation)|Lady Rainicorn]] are distantly related. ==
Both have royal titles, both seem to be made of rainbows to some extent. Maybe they're distant cousins. Another possible theory is Lady Rainicorn is Celestia's great-great-great etc. grand-daughter. The time-span is so long that Rainicorn's kind have lost their wings, but can still "fly" by manipulating light. Yeah, I don't have a whole lot of evidence behind this theory.
* Alternatively, Equestria is in the Crystal Dimension.
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** Princess Solara?
** Soleil?
** [[Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 (Videovideo Gamegame)|Soleanna]]? Oh god no...
** But "Celestia" is already a reference to the sun. Hell, it's one letter away from simply meaning "Of the sun."
*** As mentioned below, Celestia comes from the Latin word "caelestis", which is an adjective that means "heavenly" or "of the sky" (Sky/Heaven = caelum in Latin); it's very commonly used of Graeco-Roman divinities for obvious reasons. So Celestia's name is very appropriate given her realm of influence, benevolence, beauty and semi-divinity.
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== Princess Celestia has a [[Dune|Bene Gesserit]] style breeding program that produced Twilight Sparkle ==
She bred her and Luna's bloodlines over the past millennium to produce a pony that could defeat Nightmare and/or become her successor. Twilight's friends could have been bred as well, probably descendants of Celestia's mortal friends.
* Did she really do this just to defeat Nightmare? Or is there some even greater threat yet to come? That said, I like this theory. It opens up some very interesting possibilities for Crossover Fanfiction. I for one like to consider a combination of this guess with my guessing above that Equestria is a plane of [[Magic: theThe Gathering|Dominia]].
** ''Just'' to defeat Nightmare? Keep in mind that not only is Princess Luna her sister, without her Celestia has to control night and day and be on duty all the time. Even an evil Princess Celestia would view finally having some ''time off'' after a thousand years as a very high priority.
*** Maybe she's supposed to be the pony Kwisatz Haderach too?
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== Celestia was [[Stepford Smiler|hiding her depression for centuries]] until being reunited with Luna after so long. ==
I can see it: right before using the Elements of Harmony to seal Nightmare Moon away, Celestia sheds a [[Single Tear]], knowing that her sister Luna would have to be sealed away. After learning that the 6 fillies that would bear the Elements have been born, she sees this as a [[Hope Spot]] and decides to teach Twilight Sparkle, the future bearer of Magic, [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 E23 The Cutie Mark Chronicles|which helped her earn her Cutie Mark]]. [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 E2 Elements of Harmony|And after reuniting with Luna after 1,000 years]], Celestia was no longer living with the pain of being separated from her sister.
== Celestia invented the Sonic Rainboom. ==
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== Most of Equestria is descended from Celestia ==
Inspired by [ this] side-story to [[Progress (Fanfic)|Progress]].
* Though really she ''is'' royalty, a [[Physical God]], and a thousand years old, it just makes sense.
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== Celestia was actually corrupted in ''Return of Harmony Part 2'' ==
She only sent back the Friendship Reports to get rid of what she now considered junk and to make life difficult for Spike. It just so happened that the corrupted Celestia [[Spanner in Thethe Works|unconsciously gave Twilight what she needed to get her friends back and fix everything.]]
== Princess Celestia didn't send any of the letters back. ==
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== They will kill off Celestia by the end of the season. ==
See [[Mentor Occupational Hazard]] .
* "Kill off" might be too strong a word [[Nobody Dies|considering the nature of the show.]] [[Put Onon a Bus]], perhaps?
** Besides, I doubt they would do something like that pretty early-ish in the show. Maybe in [[The Movie]].
** Jossed, at least for season two.
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== Fancy Pant's fillyfriend was Celestia in disguise ==
Note the unusual character design and pink hair.
* To be more specific, she's a recycled use of Luna's [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 E2 Elements of Harmony|Season 1]] model, with the colors of the younger Celestia from the Season One opener. If I may, I'd like to expand this into a complete fanfic concept. The fillyfriend, here-to-after referred to as Fleur deLis, is indeed Celestia in disguise, so she can mingle among the not-royals and learn more about how the government should be run. She also takes note of what kind of prank can be most effective on everypony in the event she feels like going Trollestia later. She hangs around as a Trophy Fillyfriend to Fancy Pants because he's the only pony in Canterlot who is even REMOTELY tolerable to her after 1000 Galas. Fleur deLis makes all those overtly-affectionate and obnoxiously-sexy poses all the time as a cover as a French (Prench?) supermodel. After all, would YOU expect Celestia to do those kind of poses constantly? No, you wouldn't, because that's not Celestia's personality type. The different Cutie Mark can be explained as white paint and a stencil, white paint and artistic skill, white paint and a trusted hoofmaiden with said art ability, or even an orphan with said artistic ability Celestia took in, which would be viewed as "Awww, our princess really does care about everypony." by the general public. Whether Fancy Pants actually KNOWS he's really with the princess is still a matter of debate.
== Alternatively, Fleur de Lis is Celestia's bastard daughter. ==
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== Celestia was holding back in her [[Beam-O-War]] with Chrysalis ==
Remember the [[Justice League (Animationanimation)|world made of cardboard]]? Celestia is that powerful. If her attack was too strong, it would have destroyed Canterlot Castle and killed everypony inside. She believes that her own defeat with little destruction will be preferable to defeating Chrysalis with massive destruction. This will probably lead to an [[I Am Not Left-Handed]] moment where she does unleash her full power out of sheer desperation.
** Alternately, the Beam was a telekinetic desperation attack. Celestia's [[Power Of The Sun|sun-based powers]] are more likely the [[Death From Above]] / [[Kill Sat]] type, using those indoors is out. She probably could just teleport Chrysalis to the Sun, but with Shining Armour in play she would need her full attention for that. She was trying to overpower Chrysalis for long enough to cast something nasty and underestimated the boost from [[The Power of Love]].
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* Aw, man, you stole my idea! I'm writing a fic about this. I propose that the Nightmare entity could only magnify Luna's natural bitterness and resentment, and isn't actually intelligent; Luna was the one turning into blue mist, but Nightmare was the one causing her to berserk. I believe the black armor laying around Luna after the rainbow attack was the Nightmare entity's physical form -- it was evaporating into blue mist. It may not be dead...
** Expanding on this, who have we met who has natural power with magic, is feeling jealous and resentful towards a member of the main cast, would leap at the chance for more power, and is something of an [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Ensemble Darkpony]]? I'm guessing sometime in the future we'll see the rise of The Great and Powerful Nightmare Trixie.
** Assuming that the Nightmare entity is sort of like the [[Spider -Man|Venom Symbiote,]] then wouldn't it gravitate towards Twilight as a host? Raw magical talent, with two dozen spells at her disposal, and she's being buttered up by Celestia for some reason. Draw a couple parallels, pull a couple threads, and I'm sure you can find a story...
*** Well, at the time, Celestia was closing in. It was defeated and weakened by the Elements of Harmony. Had it attempted to take over Twilight, it likely would have been destroyed by Celestia when she came. Alternatively, it could only be able to effect certain ponies like Luna due to her bitterness.
* This idea makes way too much sense. It helps explain the [[Easily Forgiven]] aspect of Celestia's reaction. It also fits right in with the Magical Girl genre that the pilot seemed to be evoking.
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* I'm going to take this guess one step further: The evil force that turned Princess Luna into Nightmare Moon is none other than... [ THE SMOOZE].
** Even better, it's Tirac. "Behold the power of darkness!", anyone? You can't tell me some kind of [[Whole-Plot Reference]] to "Rescue at Midnight Castle" updated for the 21st century wouldn't make for an epic season finale.
* It has to be said. The entity that possessed Luna was of course [[HPH.P. Lovecraft|Nyarlathotep]]
== Luna acquired her Nightmare Moon form and powers through a [[Faustian Bargain]] with a villain that will play a large role in season 2. ==
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== Princess Luna will become a villain again. ==
Because nothing has changed. In a climactic [[Motive Rant|motive rant]], the lack of her being mentioned at all through Season 1 will become a plot point, showing how the ponies still don't appreciate her even when appropriate (such as during the meteor shower), as well as the number of events that Celestia attended but she wasn't able to (since she has to sleep during the day). Adding onto that will be an accusation leveled at Celestia, a completely accurate one: that she only ever talked about things and never actually ''did'' anything to resolve their problems. This will lead into the lesson that attempts at reasoning and offers of friendship are not always enough - you have to actively solve problems rather than trying to convince people to ignore them.
== During the Gala, Luna was hiding as part of a plot by Celestia to liven up the Gala in case Twilight and co. couldn't. ==
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Nightmare Moon was more than powerful enough to defeat a little gang of ponies searching for the resting place of the elements, but instead she elected to send obstacles in their paths that ironically helped Twilight put everything together at the end to activate the Elements. Rather than these simply being Nightmare Moon attempting to scare them off and failing, each of the obstacles was actually a [[Secret Test of Character]] Luna was able to put together in hopes that a pony could overcome all of them and therefore be able to use the elements when they reached them. The Nightmare Moon persona was unaware that she was actually enabling a [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]] moment, but Luna had set the entire second episode up in hopes of freeing herself from whatever it was that had transformed her.
** Likewise, Celestia only defeated Nightmare Moon 1000 years ago because Luna was [[Fighting From the Inside]]. Luna was pretty much able to overpower Celestia with ease twice. Centuries ago, Celestia was Luna's size, apparently much younger and less experienced. Celestia was on the verge of defeat when Luna held Nightmare Moon back and let Celestia seal her away, she may have even [[I Cannot Self-Terminate|told Celestia to stop her]]. Celestia imprisoned her instead of destroyed her because she couldn't bring himself to kill her sister.
** For a slightly different take on this assume that Celestia and Luna can do anything any of their subjects can do, except better, and that the corrupting influence could only twist Luna so far and had to pick its battles. The first means that they are [[Seers|precognitive]] (since Pinkie Pie is) to a degree, and the second means that Luna was planning to keep all the ponies alive with magic when the food ran out (a task even her massive magical abilities would probably be insufficient to). Thus Luna/Nightmare Moon wanted to WIN, but she didn't ''per se'' want to kill anyone. Humbling an enemy before you in a submission they won't renege on is a more perfect victory than simply killing them. Luna had JUST enough doubt about the plan that the question she was asking her precognitive abilities when choosing between a wide variety of potential approaches was always "When this is all over, will I feel happiest on this specific course?", rather than "Will I win?". She used superior judgement to eliminate the possibility of a hollow victory, but since her precognition was seeking out a [[Exact Words|very specific fact]], rather than showing a broad picture, it gave misleading results. She probably recognized that she was creating a [[Plot Tailored to Thethe Party]] but assumed that it was going to end with Twilight FAILING to summon the sixth element. Even when they charged eachother, Nightmare Moon was planning on going for a leg to cripple, while Twilight's own horn would have been either parried, or bounced off her magically defenses or [[Physical God|goddess-tough]] skin harmlessly. She was so sure she had achieved check-mate when she smashed the element-stones (possibly despite knowing it didn't actually stop the elements from being activated, since she knew that TWILIGHT didn't know that) that the arrival of the other five ponies and the activation of all six elements, combined with the "illogical" information ("You will be happier if you don't teleport away.", "You will be happier if you don't spear the purple one through the jugular.", etc) she was getting from her precognition that she suffered a brainlock that resulted in her just standing around while it happened. Then Celestia returns and offers her back everything she had lost when she was banished to the moon. All as Celestia's own precognition had predicted. So basically, it wasn't JUST a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]]... it was a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming AND the sort of [[Batman Gambit|brilliant strategy]] you would expect from a [[Magnificent Bastard|ruler with many centuries, if not several millennia, of experience]].
== If need be, Luna can summon Ursa Majors to do her bidding. ==
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* I ''KNEW'' I [[Strange Minds Think Alike|couldn't have been the only one thinking this]]! After seeing Discord [[Break the Cutie|break]] and [[Mind Rape]] five of the Mane Six and remembering reading that [[Lauren Faust]] [[Word of God|said]] that Luna had been turned into Nightmare Moon by evil magic, it wasn't hard at all to imagine Discord played with Luna's insecurities of being in charge of the time phase when everypony's asleep shortly before his first defeat. And while he was defeated anyway, the seeds of doubt were already sowed...
** Though, when Discord was defeated in the modern days a [[World -Healing Wave]] undid all the effects of his magic. Assuming the same happened last time (and it MUST have, otherwise Equestria would still be plunged in leftover chaos), how come it did not undo whatever he did to Luna? And if there was actually no magic involved, then how do you explain Nightmare Moon being distinct from Luna?
*** It is possible that Celestia's relationship with Luna being weakned allowed Discord to cast a single spell while sealed, as the elements of Harmony were connected with Luna and Celestia back then, and Discord did claim to have been awake while sealed.
* Strange minds think alike! As soon as I saw Discord, I totally thought that too!
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That is part of why she is so feared. She thinks of death as a rest and release, and as a necessary part of the natural order, so she doesn't understand why all the other ponies fear it, and hence her, so much.
* Soo... she's essentially Equestria's version of [[Discworld|DEATH]]?
** No, he's an [[Anthropomorphic Personification]], she's just a goddess. Equestria got along just fine without her whereas DEATH's [[Ten -Minute Retirement]] threw the entire Disc into chaos.
*** Original poster here. I would have said yes. The reason Equestria didn't lapse into chaos without Luna is the same reason the moon continued to rise at night: Celestia took over those duties.
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Luna was told by the evil force that possessed her that everypony would love and adore her if
she [[Deal Withwith the Devil|agreed to her terms]]. Luna agreed, but [[My God, What Have I Done?|realized that this was a very bad idea]] [[Break the Cutie|very quickly]]. With Celestia helpless to do anything and Nightmare Moon repressing Luna's personality so she can't interfere, [[Complete Monster|Nightmare Moon]] made the night last for years, causing many ponies to starve to death (as well as [[Kick the Dog|forcing poor Luna to watch and rubbing it in her face that it was essentially her fault]]). Eventually, Celestia could no longer stand to watch her people suffer, [[Conflicting Loyalties|but also couldn't bring herself to betray her sister]]. When she finally decided to confront Nightmare Moon, the Elements failed after her first attempt. To Celestia and Nightmare Moon's surprise, however, Luna managed to take control of Nightmare Moon long enough to help Celestia banish Nightmare Moon to, well, the moon, [[Heroic Sacrifice|knowing full well that she would be trapped with her]]. After a tearful goodbye between the sisters, Celestia and Luna used the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon, [[Taking You Withwith Me|sending Luna away with her]]. As such, I believe Luna was [[The Atoner]] long before she was saved by the Mane Six.
* I expect to see this fanfic on my desk by Tuesday.
** OP here; it's funny you should mention that, because I was intending to put that in a fanfic. I just don't have the time to do it at the moment.
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** Bonus Guess: Her Lunar Guards are ponies native to the moon, which is why we never see them without Luna.
* As Celestia lives in a [[The Lord of the Rings|Minas Tirith]] expy, Luna lives in a [[The Lord of the Rings|Barad-dûr]] expy. After a thousand years of disuse and neglect, renovating it is a full time project for Luna.
* She lives in her [[Batman (Franchise)|Luna Cave]] in a remote part of the mountain, too far away to hear the battle.
* Canterlot. She was just stretching her wings in [[My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S2 E25 A Canterlot Wedding Part 1|part one]], and is a [[Slept Through the Apocalypse|really, really heavy sleeper]].
* She was playing with Cerberus.
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* Possibly supported by the outcome of Celestia's fight against {{spoiler|the Changeling queen}} in the second part of "A Canterlot Wedding": {{spoiler|Celestia ''loses'' against an enemy who's clearly just about as surprised as she is}}.
== The Reason We Never See Celestia and Luna's Parents is because of Copyright Laws (spoilers for [[YuYU+ME: Me Dreamdream]]) ==
... for you see, Equestria is actually [[YuYU+ME: Me Dreamdream|Nod]]. The current queen of Equestria was a very young girl who killed Don by mistake, yet was somehow still chosen by Nod to rule. She used her newfound powers to turn all the residents of the regular dream world into ponies (several thousand dream years has lead to them forgetting their true forms- after all, Equestrains don't seem to be very good at keeping track of history), found her prince charming, and had two daughters (who are the ones who actually have all the responsibility). But we never learn this, because in revealing her true appearance, we'd see her swirly eye and hair- and Rosalarian is not allowing them to do that for some reason or other. (why they don't just use a [[Lawyer-Friendly Cameo]] or the like is beyond me)
== Celestia and Luna are the [[Kingdom Hearts|Nobody and Heartless]], respectively, of Equestria's true ruler. ==
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Like Luna and Celestia, they have powerful magic that they use to control major natural events to help keep the planet and Equestria running. However, they have to live on all parts of the world to do so, and they can only get together on major events, which is why we rarely see them.
== Celestia and Luna both have a [[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)|a team of nine elite guards]] ==
They train the cadets and play war games in their spare time.
* Nine each? Or [[Sailor Moon|nine for the both of them?]]
== The title of "princess" is a case of [[Call a Rabbit Aa Smeerp]] ==
The role and functions of the position are equivalent to that of a queen (or co-queens, given we have two of them), but because this is not Earth, for whatever reason the position has the title of "princess."
* Jossed by Queen Chrysalis. Maybe it is due to [[God Save Us From the Queen]]?
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Nightmare Moon!Luna is able to a) manipulate wild animals' behaviours (through a possible array of factors, such as the thorn), b) destroy bridges (seriously, the DP always destroys ''bridges'') through levitation, c) play mind-whammy on characters to make them budge (the trees with the scary faces), and most importantly d) can probably 'take' characters, can teleport them to the scene (like regular Taken ([ Nurse Birch]), only this time it was done with the "Shadowbolts", who may or may not have been an actual stunt-flying group before being taken) and use them as marionettes (like [ Rose Marigold]), and Luna can be 'exorcised' from her possession by an intensive and bright source of light and colour (Friendship-Magic, in this case. Perhaps a [[Flare Gun]] would have done it too).
That she didn't carry away any permanent damages of sanity after said possession can be explained by the fact that the DP only 'touched' her (just like [[Alan Wake (Video Game)/Characters|Alan Wake]]), which means that it was able to control it's thoughts and perception, but did leave enough liberty for her to use her special ability, this being controlling the night-day cycle (as opposed to Wake's writing talent).
And hey - both scenarios take plays in tv shows ("Previously on [[Alan Wake]] / [[My Little Pony]]")!
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{{quote| You: But how the hay did they use it on NMM if she was a corrupt Luna?}}
Simple, Luna was an unwilling pawn to the [[Puppeteer Parasite|Nightmare Possessor]], and fighting from within, trying desperately to stop Evil!herself from doing the [[Invader Zim|evil things she do]] her true self shines through at the last minute, and she helps seal the beast, knowing full-well she'll be trapped with it.//
Back to the original point: Celestia wants to save Luna, but the [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|seal]] can only be broken by the Elements, one of which is trapped on the moon. So she hatches a [[Plan]]. The other Ancient Element Bearers, who are all mortal ponies, are transformed into the stars before they died, and when Celestia gave the word, they'd open the seal for Nightmare Moon, just in time for her plan to be put into action. Bing Bang Boom, Twilight and the others, Episodes 1 and 2. Luna freed, the other four get to chill for eternity in the sky playing the ultimate game of Eye-Spy, everypony lives happily ever after… until the Cutie Mark Crusaders released Discord.
== The story of the Blanks has something to do with the creation of Nightmare moon ==
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== Nightmare Moon will be the main villain but... ==
Spend most of the season in her smoke form, unable to manifest physically. After she was beaten and purged from Luna, she's been searching for a way to get a new body and her revenge. Many of the bad events in the preceeding season will be revealed to be her doing as attempted revenge. Her plan will revolve around trying to create herself a body free of any good influence, and it will be revealed that Luna was holding her back previously, thus why she doesn't want a body with a pre-existing mind in it.
* See: The Fanfic [[Past Sins (Fanfic)|Past Sins]]
== Nightmare Moon is [[Cthulhu Mythos|Cthulu]]. ==
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* Had she won, she'd be [[Pyrrhic Villainy|ruling over a land slowly dying due to her eternal night, with her subjects cursing her name.]] When she lost, she was purged of the evil influence that got her banished in the first place, [[Easily Forgiven]] and reunited with her sister. Which outcome would ''you'' prefer?
* When you get right down to it, Nightmare Moon's attempts to stop Twilight and her friends from reaching the Elements of Harmony weren't as dangerous as they could've been, or even well thought out. Trying to knock them over a cliff is dangerous, but not very when you consider that two of them could fly and carry the others to safety, and the manticore and the serpent weren't really trying to stop them at all. The faces on the trees were especially pathetic when you consider that they didn't really do anything other than look scary, and simply laughing at them made them disappear. The only really effective method was the Shadow Bolts, and they could be stopped simply by turning down their offer.
* Isn't it convenient that [[Plot Tailored to Thethe Party|each obstacle just happened to allow a particular pony to demonstrate the virtues they ended up representing?]] Perhaps that [[Secret Test of Character|wasn't a coincidence.]]
* If Nightmare Moon wanted to separate Twilight from her allies, why teleport her such a short distance away? Why not send her halfway around the world? It's almost like she ''wanted'' them to find her and trigger the spark, forming the sixth Element.
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** [ Confirmed] for Celestia.
*** Which ''could'' mean that she's Celestia's niece in the same way that Blueblood is (i.e. they're actually fairly distantly related, but refer to her as their aunt for the sake of convenience).
* [[Spaceballs (Film)|Father's brother's cousin's nephew's former roommate]]
== the power of love in equestria. ==
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* She's a robot... [[Friendship Is Witchcraft|who will go on a destructive rampage on said discovery of being a robot]]. <ref> hey, they [[Hilarious in Hindsight|predicted the]] [[I Knew It!|first half of the newly weds]].</ref>
* She has an overdue book. Both she and Twilight consider this to be a huge deal. All the events in the trailer are shenanigans that result from their attempts to find the misplaced book without anypony finding out. This eventually leads to Discord's escape.
* She made a [[Deal Withwith the Devil|Deal With Discord]] to become an alicorn. Now, Discord is coming to collect his due.
* She's a defective clone of Luna.
* She's actually Celestia's Nephew
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== Princess Cadence is an [[Assassin's Creed|Assassin]]. ==
* You think about it, she DOES have an Italian-sounding name (full name: Princess Mi Amore de Candenza), [[Assassin's Creed 2 (Video Game)II|like another Assassin we all know and love]], and considering how much [[Assassin's Creed]] fanart is out there and how often the cast and crew give nods to the fandom, we might see some Robed Ponies out there.... and I'll be darned if one of them isn't Princess Cadence. If it weren't for the fact that Cadence's dark secret is that {{spoiler|she's really a Changeling and that the ''REAL'' Princess Cadence was trapped in the caves under Canterlot}}, this probably would've ended up being under the [[WMG]] which speculates at what her dark secret is.
== Princess Cadance is also adept at increasing others' friendship and storgé. ==
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== Cadence's faux pas in [[My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S2 E25 A Canterlot Wedding Part 1|"A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1"]] were mostly Twilight being an [[Unreliable Narrator]]. ==
Twilight made up her mind that Cadence wasn't right for [[My Sister Is Off-Limits|her brother]] as soon as she brushed off their [[Secret Handshake]] and was generally standoffish towards her at their first meeting. This tainted all of their subsequent interactions, and Twilight interpreted Cadence's behaviour in the worst possible way. Nopony else agreed with her assessment because Cadence's behaviour was actually fairly reasonable for a bride in her position, except for the mind control spell. Twilight was right, of course, but [[Right for Thethe Wrong Reasons|for the wrong reasons]].
== Cadence is not a 'true' Alicorn. ==
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== Winged Unicorns will always become royalty, or otherwise important. ==
In a fashion similar to diamond trolls from [[Discworld (Literature)|Discworld]], they are too important on a symbolic level to fade into the background, regardless of how powerful they are.
== Equestria has a lot of Vestigial Royalty ==