My Little Pony TV Specials/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Badass Adorable]]: Kicked a dragon in the face decades before [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|Rainbow Dash]].
* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
* [[Expy]]: [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|FiM]] [[Leeroy Jenkins|Rainbow Dash's]] personality is based off of her.
* [[The Lancer]]: To Megan in the first TV Special
* [[Wolverine Publicity|Firefly Publicity]]: "Rescue at Midnight Castle" was later rereleased as "Firefly's Adventure", despite the fact she's technically not the main character. She also shows up on a lot of G1 merchandise.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: She's the red to Medley's blue.
* [[Tempting Fate]]:
{{quote| '''Firefly''': ''I'm going for the double inside-out loop!''<br />
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* [[Chekhov's Skill]]: Near the beginning of the movie, she teleports down from a cliff to the ground. At the climactic scene, she teleports again to escape Tirac's minions and keep them from getting the Rainbow of Darkness back from her.
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: To Ember.
* [[Expy]]: [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|Twilight]] [[Squishy Wizard|Sparkle]] is based off of her.
** [[Lawyer -Friendly Cameo]]: She appeared in a non-speaking role with some of her colors paled, as Twilight's mom of all things.
* [[Make a Wish]]: She'd make wishes so that she could do magic.
* [[Mama Bear]]: Her protectiveness of Ember is why she joins Megan and Firefly to go to Midnight Castle.
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* [[Badass Adorable]]: Almost on Firefly's level. She fights off no fewer of the dragons than Firefly does.
* [[The Big Guy]]: Of the [[Five -Man Band]]
* [[Born Lucky]]: She'd have to be. She narrows averts capture ''four times'' over the course of a half-hour special.
* [[Girlish Pigtails]]
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[ Is a silly pony]. Joins Megan & Firefly on the quest to Midnight Castle. Had a strange encounter with undersea denizens and turned into a dragon.
* [[The Ditz]]: Known for not using her "horse sense".
* [[Era Specific Personality]]: In [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]], Applejack becomes one of the [[Lightning Bruiser|most athletic]] ponies in Ponyville, compared to her former clumsiness.
* [[Expy]]: She has the same design as the first ''My Pretty Pony''
* [[Green Eyes]]
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* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
* [[I Just Want to Be Special]]
* [[Rose -Haired Girl|Rose-Maned Pony]]
* [[Token Mini -Moe|Token Filly]]
=== '''Tirac''', Centaur ===
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* [[Evil Sounds Deep]]
* [[The Faceless]]: For the first half of the special, he is shrouded in shadows before [[The Reveal]].
* [[Family -Unfriendly Death]]: No [[Disney Villain Death]] for this guy. He gets ''torn apart by the Rainbow of Light''.
** After being torn apart, he is destroyed on a giant explosion so the audience clearly gets that he's ''dead''.
* [[For the Evulz]]: Pretty much.
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* [[Slouch of Villainy]]: Before [[The Reveal]].
* [[Take Over the World]]: '''OF COURSE!'''
* [[This Cannot Be!]]: When his Rainbow of Darkness is ''eaten'' by the Rainbow of Light.
* [[Vile Villain Saccharine Show]]: Was once the hailing lord of the trope in [[My Little Pony]] media. Now shares the place with [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|Discord]].
* [[Would Hurt a Child]]: Yes. Yes, he would.
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Tirac's [[The Dragon|dragon]], though he's not as bad as he looks.
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Type II, {{spoiler|after his [[Heel Face Turn]] by the end of ''Midnight Castle''}}.
* [[Anti -Villain]]: He's not a cruel or even mean fellow. He's just stuck working with a ''very'' [[Bad Boss]].
* {{spoiler|[[Baleful Polymorph]]}}: {{spoiler|He used to be human, a prince, in fact}}.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: In contrast to his [[Bad Boss]], Scorpan has the face of a demon, and the heart of a hero.
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* [[The Cutie]]: The other one of the special.
* [[Not So Harmless]]: Rep learns this the hard.
* [[Pimped -Out Dress]]: Wears a [[Princess Classic]]-style one to a costume ball the ponies are holding in Megan, Savior of Worlds', honor.
=== ''Catrina'' ===
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* [[Interspecies Romance]]: She's a [[Catgirl]], and her boyfriend Rep is a [[Voluntary Shapeshifting|shapeshifting]] [[Lizard Folk|lizard man]].
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: ''[[Last Second Chance|Just]]''.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]: Broadway star Tammy Grimes who also voiced of Molly Gro from [[The Last Unicorn]] is her voice.
* [[Last Second Chance]]
* [[Politically -Incorrect Villain]]: She seeks ''slaves''.
* [[Power Source]]: Witchweed potion.
* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]: While still addicted to the witchweed potion. Inverts this after she's off it.
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* [[Domestic Abuse]]: When we first meet Rep, he's very poorly treated by his girlfriend Catrina. She treats him more like a servant and batters him about a few times. The show ''does not'' treat this like it's okay.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]: ''Paul Williams''. '''''Paul Frikkin' Williams'''''
* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]: He loses a fight to a ''foal''.
** Before that, he lost a fight to a bunch of harmless little fluffballs.