Myst (series)/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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** At least Goold and Galante SOMEWHAT resemble each other when in wardrobe and make-up. The actors who played Sirrus and Achenar in ''Revelation'' look and sound NOTHING like the Miller Brothers other than basic body types.
* [[Port Overdosed]]: Perhaps the most widely-ported graphical adventure game in history.
* [[Real Life Relative]]: In the first game, the brothers Sirrus and Achenar are played by real life brothers Rand and Robyn Miller. Rand also played (voiced, in ''End of Ages'') their father, Atrus, in all games.
* [[Word of God]]: Possibly the most frustrating instance in any fandom ever, as Myst's [[Word of God|Word Of RAWA]] '''specifically contradicts onscreen canon'''.
** However, this may be assuaged by the fact that EVERYTHING that goes on in-cavern is automatically canon, regardless of who did it or what it is. If it happens in-game, it's canon; i.e. a player character sitting down in a specific spot.