Names to Run Away From Really Fast/Nouns: Difference between revisions

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("fan fiction" -> "fan works", added example)
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=== [[Professional Wrestling]] ===
* Hunter Hearst Helmsley, a.k.a. [[Triple H]], from [[World Wrestling Entertainment|WWE]]. Ironically, the name is a leftover from a previous gimmick as a snobby aristocrat, and was not originally given to the sledgehammer-wielding, water-spitting, all-ass-kicking-all-the-time [[Badass]] we know today.
=== [[Video Games]] ===
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=== [[Literature]] ===
* It is the middle name of detective [[Lord Peter Wimsey]], although in his case it is pronounced "Deeth" (rhymes with "teeth"). The Wimsey books also include a {{spoiler|psychotic neurologist named Sir Julian ''Freke''}}.
* The ''[[Discworld]]'' novels, despite featuring [[The Grim Reaper|Death Himself]] as a prominent good guy, had a villain named Edward d'Eath (no relation) in ''[[Discworld/Men At Arms|Men Atat Arms]]''.
* There's also a De'Ath in ''[[Gormenghast]]''.
* In [[Neal Stephenson]]'s ''[[The Baroque Cycle]]'', {{spoiler|Édouard de Gex}} takes the alias Edmund de Ath after he fakes his death. Given how many people he ends up killing or causing the death of, [[Rule of Symbolism|it's quite symbolic]].
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* Death Eaters in ''[[Harry Potter]]''. To a lesser extent Voldemort himself (though his name is basically misspelled French for Fly From Death or Lord "I'm terrified of dying" basically).
=== [[Live -Action TelevisionTV]] ===
* Deathgaia from ''Kankyou Choujin Ecogainder''.
* Parodied in ''[[That Mitchell and Webb Look]]'' with Professor Death, a man who attracts military attention due to his invention of the Giant Death Ray - which turns out to be the world's first laser bar code reader.
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** Death Company.
** Deathskulls.
** And these are just the more notable organizations or groups with 'death' in their names. There are tons of less known ones like Death Mongers, Death Knights, Death Spectres and so on. ''Warhammer 40K'' also has weapons (like Deathstrike Missile, [[Razor Floss|Deathspinner]] or [[Macross Missile Massacre|Deathwind Missile Launcher]]), vehicles (Death Wheel or [[Magic Countdown|Deathstrike Missile Launcher]] for aforementioned Deathstrike Missile), occupations ([[Monster Clown|Death Jester]] or Death Cult Assassin), ships (Agonising Death) and locales (Hive Death Mire (conveniently located on [[It Gets Worse|planet Armageddon near the River Insane]])) who fit this trope. And lets not forget the multitude of [[Death World|Deathworlds]] in the Imperium.
=== [[Video Games]] ===
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* Also Howard Payne, villain of ''[[Speed]]''.
* ''[[Kung Pow]]'': Master Pain. Then he changes his name to Betty. It's one of ''those'' movies.
* Pain is the name of one of Hades's servants from ''[[Hercules (1997 film)||Hercules]]''.
=== [[Literature]] ===
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* Nymeria from ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'' picks up the nickname Hellbitch when she becomes alpha of a whole bunch of wolfpacks.
=== [[Live -Action TelevisionTV]] ===
* Abassador Hell from the original ''[[Kamen Rider]]''.
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* Gustav Graves in ''[[Die Another Day]]''.
=== [[MMORPG|MMORPGs]]s ===
* Svala Sorrowgrave from ''[[World of Warcraft]]''. Even though she's a relatively easy boss in a dungeon.
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* [[Marvel Comics]] has recurring villain D'Spayre, a dream-demon.
=== [[Fan FictionWorks]] ===
* One of the main antagonists of ''[[Christian Humber Reloaded]]''.
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* ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'': EVERY homunculus. Come on, they're called after the seven deadly sins. [[Obviously Evil|How bad can you get?]]
* Subverted in ''[[Darker than Black]]'': "Havoc" is definitely a run away name, but she's actually [[The Atoner]]. It fit [[Complete Monster|before]] her [[De-Power]], though.
* ''[[Blood Plus+]]'' Corpse Corps, anyone? Although by the time you get to the end, you'd run away from the [[Badass|Chevaliers.]]
* ''[[Eureka Seven]]'': As if Anemone's [[Humongous Mecha|mecha]] didn't already cue you in with it's black paint job, [[Eyes Do Not Belong There|lots and lots of eyes]], and frantic, slasher movie-esque theme song that it's something you should stay far, far away from, there's the fact that it's named the END.
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* The Violator from ''[[Spawn]]''.
=== [[FanficFan Works]] ===
* Holocaust and Necrosis from ''Three of Heart, One of Blood''. Necrosis [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|causes any living object he touches to decompose, cell by cell.]] Doryn from the same series is an in-universe example: {{spoiler|his name is Zuzenai for 'essence of terror'.}}
* In the ''[[Pony POV Series]]'', {{spoiler|this seems to be the natural naming scheme for the Draconequi. The ones named thus far were [[Complete Monster|Discord]], [[Darwinist|Strife]], [[Mad Artist|Pandemonium]], [[Psychopathic Manchild|Destruction]] (also goes by Disaster), [[Punch Clock Villain|Anarchy]] [[Omnicidal Maniac|Entropy]], and [[Eldritch Abomination|Havoc]]. However, Discord and Destruction are the only ones who are actively destructive, and of the two, Discord is the only one who is ''truly'' evil.}}
* Torment, from the ''[[Spyro Madness Saga]]''. Cynder's [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] and a [[Manipulative Bitch]] who loves to reak carnage [[For the Evulz|just because she thinks it's funny]].
=== [[Film]] ===
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* Sheriff Freak in ''[[Troll 2]]''.
* The Rancor in ''[[Star Wars]]: [[Return of the Jedi]]''.
* Also from ''[[Star Wars]]'', Boba Fett's ship is the ''Slave I''. Not exactly a name to run away from, but it ''does'' [[The Dreaded| say quite a]][[Bounty Hunter| bit about the owner.]]
=== [[Literature]] ===
* General Woundwort from ''[[Watership Down]]''; it's a plant (virtually all rabbits in the book are named after plants), but it contains "wound". Also, "General" as a title.
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* ''[[Doctor Who]]'' has Omega, whose name is the last letter in the Greek alphabet, thus implying "the end". The trope is also parodied in the episode ''Closing Time'' when Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All is the name {{spoiler|a three month old baby wants people to call him by. His actual name is Alfie.}}
* ''[[Kamen Rider Ryuki]]'': Kamen Rider Ouja's [[Fusion Dance|fusion]] Advent Beast, Genocider. It's name comes from Genocide, as in wiping out an entire race or species. And it's every bit as dangerous as its name implies it to be, it has a BLACK HOLE IN ITS CHEST!
* Captain Rudy Ransom from ''[[Star Trek: Voyager]]''; okay, no reason this Trope can't overlap with [[Awesome McCoolname]], right? Even if he was a murderer, Janeway's [[Evil Counterpart]], and a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] who went too far.
=== [[Music]] ===
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