• Just about every time someone surprises Kaoru, or he has an Oh Crap moment. He's like a deer caught in headlights. Or a squirrel.
    • Like the time he blurted out that he finds Nana beautiful. SHIII-.
  • After the Nana's experience with the leather outfit in the first chapters she has a mock exam the next day, when the teacher tells her she's got the highest score she doesn't make the connection until the teacher asks how she relaxed... which causes Nana's whole face to blush.
  • When Nana wanders into a sex shop... while trying to give Kaoru chocolate... mmm-hmm.
  • Kaoru getting pissed-off at Tachi's enthusiasm for being bound, because she's Completely Missing the Point of submission, as to her rope bondage is simply a Casual Kink.
  • When Kaoru reflects upon Nana's diarrhoea-inducing Valentine's chocolate:

Kaoru: There are limits to incompetence, Nana! You're gonna kill someone!

  • Nana nobly volunteering to 'help' 2-F at the event in chapter 50 by putting make-up on Kaoru the Playboy bunny, while he's tied to a chair. Her amusement is ours also.
  • In chapter 62 Nana spaces out wondering if Kaoru has something to do with everyone becoming more considerate towards her during running practice when she's at the blocks. When she tries to start, her legs push off but the rest of her doesn't move, causing her to hit her head on the track and flip onto her back. Furthermore, the sound effect when she flips has a love heart beside it.
    • In the same chapter, Kaoru asks Tachi for help in English, but in return she makes him promise to turn up and cheer on at the athletics meet...

Tachi: C'mon, Kaoru. It's called "give and tail"!
Kaoru: Give and...?
Tachi: (acting superior) Don't you know that, Kaoru? It's "give and tail"!
Beat Panel
Kaoru: I'm not gonna learn anything from you...

  • In Black Label, Sarashina-sensei suggests that Tachibana tease Karou, thinking that he will get some entertainment out of it. Not only does he get what he wants, but a part of him seems rather jealous that she is doing this and paces about as he regains composure. Kaoru on the other hand is flustered like crazy, pretty much shaking in her hands while Something Else Also Rises (he finds this out later). Oh and Nana... she can't think of anything to say. Yes, the expressions of all of this is just priceless.