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Nature of Nature's Art/Fridge

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Fridge Brilliance

  • Anyone who does their research on spiders will notice that the scientific name Lycosa gulosa isn't used anymore. Braun admitted that he had used an outdated source of research when this was brought up early in the arc... except it later turned out that this was deliberate. Who's the ninth and final member of Venom 8? Gladicosa gulosa - and that's the modern scientific name of that species. Lycosa and Venom 8 have clashing ideologies. In other words, it's symbolic, as well as very clever foreshadowing.

Fridge Horror

  • In this setting, all animals are sapient. Lycosa shows that this includes insects - insects which at least some of the bigger animals happily eat, and think of as "fruit with legs". Um...
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