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Compare [[Standard Female Grab Area]].
Related: [[Barrier -Busting Blow]], [[Hoist Hero Over Head]], [[High Altitude Interrogation]], [[Minion Maracas]], [[Vertical Kidnapping]].
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* In ''[[Daredevil (Film)|Daredevil]]'', Kingpin does this to a guard implied to have squealed.
* ''[[Predator]]''
** The title villain grabs [[Arnold Schwarzenegger|Dutch]] by the neck, picks him up and examines him closely before administering a [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]].
** The Predator from the sequel does this to a female police officer -- lifting her to just the right height for it to realize she is pregnant. {{spoiler|He lets her live.}}
* In ''[[Give My Regards to Broad Street (Film)|Give My Regards to Broad Street]]'', Big Bob does this to Paul's roadie. (Paul has left by then, but we see it.)
* Darth Vader does this to the Princess's ship captain in the beginning of ''[[Star Wars]]'' ([[A New Hope|episode IV]]), following it through by crushing the guy's windpipe and killing him, quickly establishing that he is ''not'' someone you want to mess with. He also has a much more famous long ranged Force-assisted version which appears to use [[Finger -Poke of Doom|even less effort]] and is in-universe referred to in such diverse terms as Force Choke and Virtual Garrote.
{{quote| '''Darth Vader:''' Where are those transmissions you intercepted? WHAT have you DONE with those plans?}}
* An agent picks up Trinity by the neck in ''[[The Matrix]] Reloaded''. In contrast to the usual way this trope is played, she continues to fight and kicks him repeatedly until she then gets slammed down onto the floor.
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* Mr. Colt does it to {{spoiler|Sarah}} in ''[[Chuck]]''. Casey also likes to use this on Chuck occasionally. He also did it to a traitorous old mentor once... although he followed it up by crushing his throat.
** Casey ''really'' makes a habit of it, as he does this numerous times throughout the series aside from the aforementioned instance with the old mentor.
* Lennier does this to Marcus in an episode of ''[[Babylon 5 (TV)|Babylon 5]]''. Minbari are stronger than humans.
* Repeatedly on ''[[Smallville (TV)|Smallville]]''. You're not an evil Kryptonian unless you pull off this stunt.
* A common trick in ''[[The Sarah Connor Chronicles]]'', though most of the time this is usually followed by the Terminator in question crushing its victim's neck.
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*** Note that both of these examples are justified; the first is performed by a cyborg (who is also noticeably bigger and heavier than Shepard,) and the latter by a robot, so they would both have the necessary strength to do this.
* In ''[[Fire Emblem (Video Game)|Fire Emblem]]'': Radiant Dawn, {{spoiler|Zelgius}} does this to {{spoiler|Valtome}} when he speaks ill of {{spoiler|Sephiran}}, and threatens to go [[Neck Snap|one step further]] if he continues.
* In ''[[The Force Unleashed (Video Game)|The Force Unleashed]]'', Galen lifts a human captain into the air with the force, in an obvious [[Shout -Out]] to the moment aboard the Tantive IV. Except the captain squeals, and Galen does a [[Neck Snap]] on him.
* Wesker does this several times in ''[[Resident Evil]] 5''.
** Hell, in ''[[Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (Video Game)|Marvel vs. Capcom 3]]'' after a victory he does it to the cameraman!
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== Real Life ==
* Some small mammals will go limp if you do this ''from behind'', grasping them by the loose skin there, as it taps into their infantile reflexes from being carried by their mothers. It's the safest way to carry an uncooperative rabbit, for one. Don't carry grown cats by their necks alone, though; they can get hurt that way.
** And if that warning alone [[Jerkass|isn't enough to heed the advice]], picking up a grown cat by the neck also doesn't tend to make them go limp, either, and ''you'' can also get hurt that way. Typically gorgeous [http://en.[ |Ragdolls]] are very likely an exception; but then, Ragdolls usually go limp when you pick them up ''anyway''.
* Not bare-handed, but a catchpole-assisted [[Neck Lift]] is one way for animal-control workers to restrain aggressive cats without being clawed to ribbons. Not recommended for more than a few seconds, due to the risk of strangulation or neck injury, but often unavoidable if the cat must be retrieved from a confined and/or precarious space that humans can't enter.
* Leopards often hold their kills by the neck when they lift them to drag them up a tree.
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