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== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' was the only real option for roleplayers for years. With the guiding hands of [[Gary Gygax]] and [[Dave Arneson]], the granddaddy of all [[RPG]]s inspired ''[[Final Fantasy]]'', and gave rise to popular novels featuring characters such as [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Drizz't Do'urden]]. However, the good times weren't meant to last - things started falling apart after Gygax sold the company to [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|Lorraine Williams]] (this deserves [ a separate story]), who proceeded to milk the franchise dry by oversaturating the market with new settings (which developers added in part because [[Executive Meddling|management could only mess with so much at once]] - such as ''[[Spelljammer]]'', which has become a [[Cult Classic]]), and launched disastrous [[Follow the Leader|rip-offs]] of their biggest competitor, ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]''. Eventually, this and her terrible attitude towards fans, where she would have TSR [[Kick the Dog|sue fans for ''even talking about D&D on dedicated forums'']] caught up with the company, killing TSR. Suddenly, the makers of MTG, [[Wizards of the Coast]], decided to rescue D&D by buying it out. Why? Not only would it give Wizards something to fall back on if ''Magic'' ever stopped selling, but Peter Adkison [[Big Name Fan|was a big fan of D&D]], and wanted to ensure its survival. More of the story can be found [ here]. It's perfect for bringing up around [[Fan Dumb|grognards]] who are complaining about how Wizards is ruining D&D through 4E.
== Video Games ==