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[[File:Nightwing_7608.jpg|frame|A man's got to go his own way.]]
'''Nightwing''' is the solo-code name of Richard "Dick" Grayson, the first [[Robin]]. After years of training under [[Batman]] the Then-a-Teen Boy Wonder decided that, as the image quote says, "A man's got to go his own way". Thanks to the nature of Comic Book Continuity, this was either after a long over-due fight with Batman where Bruce fired Dick, Dick quit, or they happily shook hands, acknowledged the need to grow up, and shared some Alfred-made Bat-cocoa. In any case, Richard came upon the name Nightwing after hearing the tale of a Batman & Robin-esque pair of Kryptonian vigilantes from [[Superman]] named Nightwing & Flamebird. Taking the name, he made his debut in ''[[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]]'' during the Judas Contract story-line. The Nightwing persona debuted in ''Tales of the Teen Titans'' #44 (July, 1984)
Nightwing is the solo-code name of Richard "Dick" Grayson, the first [[Robin]]. After years of training under [[Batman]] the Then-a-Teen Boy Wonder decided that, as the image quote says, "A man's got to go his own way". Thanks to the nature of Comic Book Continuity, this was either after a long over-due fight with Batman where Bruce fired Dick, Dick quit, or they happily shook hands, acknowledged the need to grow up, and shared some Alfred-made Bat-cocoa. In any case, Richard came upon the name Nightwing after hearing the tale of a Batman & Robin-esque pair of Kryptonian vigilantes from [[Superman]] named Nightwing & Flamebird. Taking the name, he made his debut in ''[[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]]'' during the Judas Contract story-line. The Nightwing persona debuted in ''Tales of the Teen Titans'' #44 (July, 1984)
Eventually he was given his own self titled series. A 4-issue Nightwing mini-series turned up in 1995 and was well-received. An ongoing naturally followed. Lasting for 153 issues, from October, 1996 to April, 2009. ''Nightwing'' was a series starring Dick Grayson, the original [[Batman|Robin]], graduated to become protector of Gotham's neighboring city of Bludhaven. The series was initially written by [[Chuck Dixon]]. Quite well received, it started creating a Rogues Gallery for Dick Grayson and helped distinguish Nightwing's solo methodology from Batman's own. The series was eventually taken over by Devin Grayson.
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** Which, ironically, looks kind of like the Robin costume from ''[[Batman and Robin (film)|Batman and Robin]]'' without the cape.
* [[Female Gaze]]: Dick is probably the most frequently subjected to this of any character in the DCU. Borders on [[Everybody Remembers the Stripper]] when he made an appearance in [[Secret Six]].
* [[Gondor Calls for Aid]]: Nightwing has led the [[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]], the Outsiders, and the [[Justice League of America]]. If he has a problem that's too big for him, he can call help from anywhere from [[Superman|Metropolis]] to [[Green Lantern Corps|Oa]] to ''Heaven or Hell''.
* [[The Heart]]: Arguably of the entire DC universe.
* [[Informed Ability]]: Several official profiles state that Nightwing's martial arts specialty is Aikido. Apparently no one told the writers, because it's very rare for his fighting style to even remotely resemble it.
* [[The Leader]]: He has proven to be ''the'' most effective leader in the whole DCU, having led the [[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]] and the [[Batman and the Outsiders|Outsiders]]. Even [[Superman]] has stepped aside to let him lead the ''[[Justice League]]''.
* [[Magnetic Hero]]: To the point where some believe his superpower is charisma. When he sowed up to a fight with multiple generations of Teen Titans, Superboy noted how everyone instantly followed his lead. He also once convinced every hero on Earth, without question, to jump into a parallel dimension (saving them all). Batman even said it's one of the reasons he's proudest of Dick—unlike Bats himself, he can gain and keep allies. So essentially, he's "Batman with social skills"
* [[Morality Pet]]: Half of the DCU sees him as this. During a team-up, [[Catwoman (comics)|Catwoman]] (a villain/anti-hero) remarked that because he's been in the superhero biz since he was a child, most of the community sees him as a little bro/surrogate son. If you ever do anything to hurt Nightwing, you will call down the wrath of the entire DC Universe.
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* [[Big Bad]]: Blockbuster.
* [[Bound and Gagged]]: [ Sylph]{{Dead link}} pretty much had this as a superpower.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: During the infamous "Born Again" Arc Nightwing is so enraged he [[Curb Stomp Battle|Curb Stomps]] all of Blockbuster's hired help when most of them had given him a hard time before.
** It was even worse in ''One Year Later'' when they tried to make Nightwing into DC's ''Spider-Man'' (!?).
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