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*** And in "The Message," he shows forethought and a slight philosophic interest.
{{quote|'''Jayne''': [to Sheppard Book] "Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, ya know, do stuff. Work out, run around, maybe get some trim, if there's a willin' woman about...My kinda life don't last long preacher. I 'spect I'm invested in makin' good sport of it while I can."}}
** Its even shown briefly in the Serenity movie; in the final battle scene when everybody is dragging out some nearby crates to form a barricade against the Reavers, Jayne is the ''only'' person to remember to actually look ''in'' the crates first to make sure that they don't contain anything explosive or hazardous.
** Mal exhibits this to some extent also, though it's an in-universe trait; the viewers know he's more intelligent than he lets on. Mal and Jayne reveal more in the episode where {{spoiler|Malcom figures out that it was Jayne that sold them out to the Alliance during a heist. Jayne then shows a much deeper personal side when he asks Mal that if he's gonna kill him for betraying the crew, please don't tell anyone that's why he died; he'd rather they remembered him as the abrasive idiot than as a traitor.}}
*** Lampshaded when Mal corrects The Operatives's reference to "Rime of the Ancient Mariner", then mocking Inara's disbelief.