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All of [[The Oldest Ones in the Book]]<ref>Including books themselves, which appear to have been invented in the First Century of the Current Era.</ref> first recorded after the invention of the Greek alphabet (c. 800 BCE) and before the fall of Rome (c. 476 CE). Works from this period include:
* All ancient [[Classical Mythology|Greek and Roman]] myths, literature, and theatre.<ref>Some of these stories may have originated before the Greeks invented their alphabet, but the only versions we have come from this period</ref>
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** ''[[The Art of War]]'', probably by Sūn Zǐ (also spelled Sun Tzu).
** ''[[The Thirty-Six Stratagems]]'', usually attributed to Sūn Zǐ or Zhuge Liang.
* The Zoroastrian holy book, [[Avesta]].
* The Manichean holy book, [[Shabuhragan]].
'''Note:''' Tropes originating in other mythologies/religions almost never belong in here, as we have no idea whether those stories even existed by the 5th century CE, or what forms they took, centuries before they were first written down. Even Norse and Celtic mythology are only [[Older Than Print]]; although they're derived at least in part from earlier (unwritten) stories, the details are fundamentally un-dateable. Early folklorists often started with the assumption that folktales and myths never changed; [[Science Marches On|more research]] [[History Marches On|has shown that]] people can and do modify all sorts of tales for many purposes.