Once Bitten: Difference between revisions

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** The librarian still makes fun of Mark, saying that if he's an 18-year old virgin, a vampire trying to get him should be the least of his worries.
* [[Mate or Die]]: If Mark loses his virginity before the Countess can drink from him for the third time, his blood becomes worthless to her.
* [[Mistaken For Gay]]: A now controversial scene played for laughs. Robin asks Mark's friends to check if Mark has been bitten. In this case, the Countess bit him on the inner thigh. They wait until they are in the showers with Mark and rush him in an attempt to check. Prompting the other jocks to label them gay. Later on Mark talks to them about it, [[Could Have Avoided This Plot|saying that they could have asked.]] Prompting them to be horrified at the thought that they may actually be gay.
* [[My Girl Is Not a Slut]]: Robin pretty much embodies this, to Mark's frustration.
* [[Nature Abhors a Virgin]]: The movie begins with Robin balking at going all the way.
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* [[Sliding Scale of Vampire Friendliness]]: Despite needing a [[Virgin Power|virgin "sacrifice"]], the countess and her coven seemed to be in the middle of friendliness scale. As befits a light comedy, the death in her wake was a big 'ol zero, and there were no morality shifts or ravening thirst. The Countess herself was pretty friendly for an evil seductress, and two girls from the coterie and Mark's friends got on pretty well.
** [[Poke the Poodle]]: About the only "evil" thing the Countess did was to push over an old lady and a nun who were in her way -- the latter of which was merely someone in a costume.
* [[Smoking Hot Sex]]: After Mark and Robin have sex to save him from The Countess, they both come out of the coffin smoking cigarettes. Mark especially giving out a large grin only Jim Carrey could pull off.
* [[Speed Sex]]: How Mark and Robin eventually render him ineligible for the Countess's attentions.
{{quote|'''The Countess:''' {incredulous} You've had ''less than a minute''!}}