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== [[Web Original]] ==
* [http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/05/28/101-being-offended/ Item #101] on the blog Stuff White People Like [[Lampshadeslampshade]]s this.
* [http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/notyourshield #NotYourShield]. Since in the internet you really can catch red-handed some of the sly people speaking for you without being deputized to do so, and deliver flea market version of justice on the spot, perhaps it took too long, but doing so eventually became a meme.
* "[http://stardestroyer.net/Empire/Essays/Racism.html Racism in Star Wars and Star Trek]" essay on [[StarDestroyer.Net]]. Now, it's obvious that [[David Brin]]'s hit piece in particular and the whole stupid witch-hunt campaign in general were but an attempt to put pressure on Lucas, as it did U-turn once Disney got ''Star Wars''. But the point stands — when someone insists that floppy-eared creatures can only be a caricature of black people and [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent|slit-eyed]] business predator creatures can only be a caricature of Asians, it doesn't take much effort to see where the problem really is.