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== [[Anime and MangaAdvertising]] ==
* The Slim Jim in [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1XM3_0v7pw this 2000 commercial] clearly doesn't like the other Jims too much.
* ''[[Dragon Ball|Dragon Ball Super]]'': Frieza has nothing but contempt for Frost, his Universe 6 counterpart, and defeats him easily.
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* ''[[Dragon Ball|Dragon Ball Super]]'': Frieza has nothing but contempt for Frost, his Universe 6 counterpart, and defeats him easily.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* In ''[[Hero Squared]]'' the "normal" Milo is quite annoyed with the Superhero version of himself from another universe (Captain Valor), and vice versa. Valor is less-than-impressed with Milo's selfishness and complete failure to make anything of his life, whilst Milo resents Valor's smug self-righteousness and over-simplified view of the world and how it works.
* ''[[The Authority]]:'' while crossing over to a [[Gender FlippedFlip]]ped [[Alternate Universe]] to talk to their counterparts, Jack Hawksmoor's equivalent is visibly pregnant. When asked about how he feels to see himself female and pregnant, he responds that he doesn't want to find out who the father is.
* [[Marvel Comics]]: In the ''[[Identity Wars]]'' miniseries [[Deadpool]], [[Spider-Man]] and [[The Hulk]] cross over into an alternate dimension. Spider-Man's alternate version is a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]], which annoys Spidey. Deadpool gets along famously with his alternate until he discovers that alt-Deadpool isn't Wade Wilson, it's {{spoiler|Victor Von Doom}}. Alt-Wade Wilson is a [[Complete Monster]] [[Big Bad]] who Deadpool takes down. Bruce Banner discovers that he can't turn into the Hulk in this dimension and is overjoyed, until that gets reversed. Then alt-Hulk and Hulk duke it out.
** One nice example involving Deadpool has him inventing an imaginary version of himself (aka, he willed himself into having a split personality) while trapped inside a room for over 800 years (long story). Why did he do this? To have someone to play hangman with of course. His plan fails when the imaginary Deadpool turns out to be a genius and starts totally kicking Deadpool's ass in the game.
* In one Disney comic, [[Donald Duck]]'s friends and family force him to spend 24 hours with a duplicate of himself, to show him how annoying he is.
* There was a storyline in [[The Fantastic Four]] in 1998 where [[Time Travel]] mishaps resulted in Franklin and Valeria being guests of their adult selves - each version didn't like the other at all.
== [[Film]] ==
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* The first half of [[Robert A. Heinlein]]'s ''By His Bootstraps'' consists of the interaction between the protagonist Bob Wilson and some of his past and future selves, due to a very convoluted [[Time Travel]] plot. The scene is retold several times, each from the point of view of a different version of Bob—who consistently thinks his past selves are idiots and his future selves are arrogant pricks. It comes to blows eventually. And this would be the man who {{spoiler|rules the Earth in the future? Diktor, the future dictator Bob considers a jerk and tries to double-cross, is Bob himself}}.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* Vamp Willow in ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]].'' She thought the regular Willow was too wimpy, and regular Willow thought Vamp Willow was too skanky and evil.
** Also the two Xanders in "The Replacement". The one who seems to the audience to be regular Xander is annoyed at the suave, confident Xander.
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** "The Monster at the End of the Book," the episode which introduces Chuck the Prophet. Chuck thinks he's just making up stories, but he's really getting visions fo what Sam & Dean are going to do. Also they are disturbed to see people have been writing slash about their characters online.
* In an episode of ''[[Stargate Universe]]'', Doctor Rush gets sent back in time through "a freak of physics" and warns everyone that the very risky plan they were about to attempt was going to fail miserably. The non-time-travelling Rush (who's been very vocal about the risks inherent in the plan) is very smug about this, to the point of completely disregarding time-travelling Rush's ordeal. Time-travelling Rush is not impressed.
* The ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode "The Three Doctors" (first serial of the tenth season) featured the First, Second, and Third Doctor in one story. While the First had a limited role (due to William Hartnell's failing health) [[Crowning Moment of Funny| he ''seriously'' stole the show]], giving both his successors [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]], seeing them as bumbling upstarts.
== [[Video GamesMagazines]] ==
* ''[[MAD]]'' magazine's parody of ''[[Dick Tracy (film)|Dick Tracy]]'' ends with No-Face shooting and killing Tracy; he then removes his mask to reveal he is the original [[Dick Tracy (comic strip)|Dick Tracy]] (as Chester Gould designed him) stating that he did so because the new version was ruining his reputation.
** ''MAD'' actually uses this Trope a lot in parodies of films that are adaptations. Their lampoon of ''[[Popeye (film)|Popeye]]'' is cut short by the cartoon version of the hero, who thinks the idea of Popeye not liking spinach is ridiculous.<ref>A case of [[Critical Research Failure]], as the original Popeye also refused to eat spinach until he discovered it made him strong.</ref>
== [[Newspaper Comics]] ==
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** When he makes a copy of only his ''good'' side, it works out at first because this one is willing to do all the work, but eventually they come to blows over whether they should be nice to Susie, whom the good side openly admits to having a crush on.
** And when Calvin travels to the future to get his done homework from his future self, three different versions of him end up fighting over which of them should have done the homework. Totally averted with Hobbes in the same story, as his egotism is of a sort that gets along with itself. "You're right, as always, Hobbes."
== [[Video Games]] ==
* In ''[[Mortal Kombat|Mortal Kombat 11]]'', the [[Older and Wiser]] version of Johnny Cage is just as annoyed by his obnoxious counterpart from the past as anyone else is, to the point where [[Let's You and Him Fight|a fight breaks out between them]] .
** Oddly enough, Kano - one of the bad guys - gets along with his past self just fine.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
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{{quote|'''Schlock''': The TV-me is putting me-me out of a job. [...] Maybe we can kill another TV network. Is there still money in that? }}
* In Kate Beaton's ''[[Hark! A Vagrant]]'' normal [[The Watson|Watson]] is displeased to learn of Stupid!Watson, the Flanderized version of himself that [[Sherlock Holmes]] is now partners with.
* In ''[[The Order of the Stick]]'', {{spoiler|Haley's}} [http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0382.html mental representations] argue amongst each other during her time with aphasia.
* ''[[Sluggy Freelance]]'' features an access to a potentially infinite number of alternative dimensions, so there are opportunities for this.
** [[Inverted]] in "Torg Goes to Hell": Zoë and Riff accidentally rescue the wrong Torg from another dimension—one who speaks only Portuguese. When their Torg returns, he tries to communicate with this alternative version of himself using a phrase book, but only comes up with sentences in the lines of (according to Babelfish) "For the Mondays, I am a shoe." Eventually, the "Portuguese" Torg swipes the phrasebook from his hands and tries himself:
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** In "That Which Redeems", Torg encounters another version of himself who turns out to be a complete jerk, to the point of not going to {{spoiler|his girlfriend's, or possibly wife's, funeral, on the basis that he can get any woman now that he's a big "hero".}} In response to this, "our" Torg clubs him over the head with a serving-tray.
** In "4U City Red", {{spoiler|Riff}} meets an old grumpy alternative-dimension-version of himself that's basically the same as he, except older and grumpier. They really annoy each other, especially the young one the old one, though there is some grudging respect by the end at least.
* Zigzagged in ''[[League ofOf Super Redundant Heroes]]'' with Good Girl, or rather, her original, not-so-good personality, Bad Good Girl. Throughout most of the runfirst offew thehundred stripstrips, Bad Good Girl has despised her heroic alter-ego. However, when the two become a [[Literal Split Personality]], they [[http://superredundant.com/?comic=746-express-yourself get along surprisingly well.] More or less.
== [[Web Original]] ==
* ''[[Red vs. Blue]]:'' while exploring Caboose's mind as a ghost, Church encounters Caboose's mental image of Church and is incredibly annoyed by him.
* There was a battle between [[Courtney Love]]'s 2 twitter feeds. The first one was the official feed managed by a ghost writter, the other was a private feed under a [[Nom De Plume]]. Courtney got enraged when the official feed started publishing polite things, and she published not-so-polite things about the official feed on her private feed.
== [[Video Games]] ==
* In ''[[Mortal Kombat|Mortal Kombat 11]]'', the [[Older and Wiser]] version of Johnny Cage is just as annoyed by his obnoxious counterpart from the past as anyone else is, to the point where [[Let's You and Him Fight|a fight breaks out between them]] .
** Oddly enough, Kano - one of the bad guys - gets along with his past self just fine.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
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* Weird variation in ''[[South Park]]:'' a giant dragon summoned by overuse of the word "shit" has Cartman's voice - when it's defeated, Cartman says "What a lame voice..."
* In ''[[Teen Titans (animation)|Teen Titans]]'', a character named [[Sdrawkcab Name|nosyarG kciD]] (an [[Expy]] of Bat Mite, a [[Great Gazoo]] from the comic books who [[Fan Boy|idolizes]] Batman), who is Robin from an alternate dimension, comes to try to help Robin heal his broken arm, but Robin doesn't quite enjoy this encounter. His double is massively incompetent, which doesn't help smooth things over.
** Not to mention [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyFrPVIGvBw the made-for-TV movie], ''[[Teen Titans Go!]] vs. [[Teen Titans]]''. Neither team like the other ''at all'', the cooperation between them being the [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork|teeth-clenched type.]]
* From ''[[Rick and Morty]]''; Rick is an anti-establishment type who hates governments, and he also hates himself. So [[Fridge Brilliance| it makes perfect sense]] that he'd ''despise'' the Council of Ricks, which is [[Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs| a government made up of alternate versions of himself.]] And the feeling is ''very'' mutual.
* In ''[[American Dad]]'', Roger is an alien with a [[Split Personality]], and ''all'' his personalities are ''complete'' jerks. However, his Ricky Spanish persona is ''such'' a jerk that ''all'' of Roger's other personas despise him.
* Bizarrely done in the season three opener of ''[[Harley Quinn (TV series)|Harley Quinn]]'', which opens with a porn film depicting Harley and Poison Ivy as lovers. Then the camera zooms out to show the actual Harley and Ivy watching it, and they are neither impressed nor aroused. Ivy is especially annoyed that the actress playing her is wearing leaf-covered lingerie, thinking it's silly.<ref>A Mythology Gag, as Ivy did indeed wear something like this in pre-Crisis comics.</ref>
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