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== Fan Fic ==
== Fan Fic ==
* In [[Keepers of the Elements]], there are the mermaids who live in Aequori Kingdom. They are all shown to wear regular tops on their top halves. The [[Making a Splash|previous Water Keeper]] Marissa lived there for some time and even fell in love with one of mermen there, eventually getting him changed to a human somehow and going to Earth to live with her where they eventually had a family together.
* In [[Keepers of the Elements]], there are the mermaids who live in Aequori Kingdom. They are all shown to wear regular tops on their top halves. The [[Making a Splash|previous Water Keeper]] Marissa lived there for some time and even fell in love with one of mermen there, eventually getting him changed to a human somehow and going to Earth to live with her where they eventually had a family together.
* The ''[[Danny Phantom]]'' [[Alternate Universe|AU]] [[Fanfic]] ''[[Captivity]]'' by [http://atrieisan.deviantart.com/ Atrieisan] has an interestingly comprehensive take on the [http://atrieisan.deviantart.com/art/Anatomy-of-a-Mer-530231184 "mermian"] species. Seeing as one of the core themes of the story is [[Poor Communication Kills|the tragedy of miscommunication]] (and [[From Bad to Worse|it's a biggie]]), it should come as no surprise that the mers in question [[What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?|aren't exactly kid-friendly]]. The story suffers from sporadic updates, but it's worth taking a look at for the artwork, if nothing else.

== Film ==
== Film ==