Out of Character: Difference between revisions

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* Perhaps he is applying his own [[Alternate Character Interpretation]] to them (of which, both [[Possession Sue]], [[Ho Yay]], [[Foe Yay]], and [[Die for Our Ship]] contributes towards).
* Perhaps he's just writing a [[Transplanted Character Fic]]. Regardless, it's usually frowned upon to post stuff not labeled as such, with the term becoming quite negative if it gets applied to a story by other people.
* If the [[Fanfic]] is [[Sturgeon's Law|of the 10%]], this is likely because [[OOCOut-of-Character Isis Serious Business|something in the story's backstory or plotline made them act this way]].
Generally viewed as a very negative trait (if a fanfic gets [[Characterization Tags|tagged]] as "OOC", it's usually not a good sign, though writers will often be honest enough to slap the tag on themselves up front).