• Narm Charm: One would think that Dennis Quaid's...erm...'emphatic' delivery of the "I SAID STAND DOWN, CORPORAL!" would incite raucous laughter, but the tone of the rest of the movie has a very subductive effect upon one's sense of humor.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • The Eden crew waking up in their hypersleep capsules after being ejected into space by a mad crewman.
    • The Russian passenger who wakes up to find himself being eaten alive by mutant creatures.
      • Becomes Fridge Horror when you realize that the vast majority of the 58,787 sleepers who didn't make it out at the end had probably died exactly the same way.
    • Bower covered in human skin, crawling across sleeping mutants towards the reactor.
  • Older Than They Think: There are a lot people that think this movie is a rip off of Dead Space but little do they know that Pandorum began filming on August of 2008 before Dead Space's release.
  • Sci Fi Ghetto: The movie was hardly a critical success at the box office. It was marketed as a horror film, but in the end it explained everything, probably annoying the hell out of people who like their horror left mysterious and unexplained. However as a scifi film it's pretty good.
  • World of Symbolism: Read