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* [[Healing Factor]]: Taking painkillers will cause you to regenerate health over time. It's very slow though, don't rely on it. They're best used right before sleeping, especially since [[Harmful Healing|they shoot your exhaustion through the roof as well]].
* [[Healing Hands]]: The [[Squishy Wizard|Devotress']] hands, apparently. Also a subversion, since she can [[Little Miss Badass|incapacitate or even kill]] with them via her [[Psychic Powers]].
* [[Heal Thyself]]: You'll be doing that a lot. The only means of restoring your health, though (the actual health, not the infection level), are rest and ''bandages''. That's right, you can even remove the symptoms with a couple of bandages.
** Not really. The game wants you to use painkillers and then do rest or cover up the open wounds while the painkillers are in effect so you can heal right. That sleeping and using bandages on their own have a less effective (albeit, instant and cheaper) heal are trivial when you consider how realistic the game is regarding this.
* [[Hero with Bad Publicity]]: Unlike Daniel and Klara, Artemiy starts the game wounded, weaponless and with a very low reputation (due to the accussationaccusation of being his father's killer). The first challenge in playing his character is basically restoring his reputation to a bearable amount while not getting killed by the [[City Guards]], who will hunt him down at first sight.
* [[Hobbes Was Right]]: The overall decay of both the city and human society within is [[Psychological Horror|downright disturbing]]. ''[[Playing with a Trope|But]]'',... the more you explore and learn of the city's mysteries, it's hinted at that:
** [[Rousseau Was Right]]: {{spoiler|Therethere is [[No Antagonist|no villain in the classic sense]]. And as unpleasant as things turn out, everything is the result of [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|good intentions gone wrong]]. The bandits in the streets are just trying to feed their families. The arsonists are trying to rid the town of the plague. [[Anti-Villain|Just because they try to kill you doesn't make them evil]].}}.
* [[Improbable Aiming Skills]]: Despite (presumably) never having held a gun before the game begins, the three healers become remarkably adept with their weapons as soon as they pick them up.
* [[Infant Immortality]]: [[Justified Trope|Justified.]].
* [[Ink Suit Actor]]: Most of the main character [[NPC]]s have faces identical with their small photo portraits seen in the conversation menu. [[Easter Egg|Some of the actors used for the photos are members of the dev team]] (e.g. Artemiy's portrait shows one of the game's writers).
* [[Insurmountable Waist-Height Fence]]: Used with both fences and edges of the playing area. [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] when in a dialogue, one of the playable characters randomly notes that he can't climb fences and pipes. All the more ironic since he [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|does just that]] in a cutscene earlier in the game.
* [[Interchangeable Antimatter Keys]]: Subverted. You can only use lockpicks to get into locked buildings. They still inexplicably break when you use them, though.
* [[Interface Screw]]: {{spoiler|The map switch.}},
** If you get infected, the screen becomes blurry and zooms in and out periodically. If your infection meter is already high, the screen will also black out for a few seconds.
* [[Invulnerable Knuckles]]: Attacking unarmed suffers you no penalty, unlike when using a melee weapon, which decreases its durability. Possibly justified in the case of Daniel and Artemiy, since they wear gloves. (Klara doesn't, but she attacks using her [[Psychic Powers]] instead, so the issue is avoided.).
* [[It Got Worse]]: The infection. And the Executioners are harbringers of this. If you see one, be prepared for some very bad news.
* [[Judge, Jury, and Executioner]]: Played as straight as it gets with the Inquisitor. Just look at [ Aglaja's introductory cutscene.].
* [[Just Before the End]]: [[Dying Town|The town has certainly seen better days...]]
* [[Justified Tutorial]]: Once you arrive in the city, the Executioner and Tragedian will be waiting patiently at your doorstep. If you talk to them, they will explain the various game mechanics and survival strategies via colourful metaphors (as is typical for them).
** Added points for lots of fairly funny [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshading]] [[Expospeak Gag|in their expospeak]].
* [[Karma Meter]]: The Reputation meter is an interesting and realistic variation on this. It's actually, for all intents and purposes, another health meter, and one of the most important ones at that. If you squander your Reputation, an already [[Nintendo Hard]] game will become [[Up to Eleven|even more difficult]], as important [[NPC]]s will refuse to help you or provide shelter, most likely resulting in your unavoidable death.
* {{spoiler|[[Kill'Em All]]}}: {{spoiler|In the [[Downer Ending]], the army destroys everything.}}.
* [[Knife Nut]]: You can use a scalpel or a bigger ordinary knife as melee weapons to defend yourself (or others). Firearms are the more powerful and safer to use weapons though, since melee fights in the game are [[Spam Attack|fast]] and [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown|brutal]].
** Another example of this trope are the looters, who seem to be expert knife throwers. Like, ''ridiculously adept'' at it... Thankfully, you can [[Dodge the Bullet|dodge the blades]] if you think and move fast enough.
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]: The [[Player Character]] (and, by extension, the player) will definitely become this by the end if you try to play morally.
** A [[Non-Player Character]] example: {{spoiler|Aglaja}} has some shades of this. She {{spoiler|wants to find a way to cure the infection with minimal losses --... she doesn't want to go all-out [[Utopia Justifies the Means]]. Her morals and methods are still rather dubious, however.}}.
* [[Let's Play]]: There is one for the [ Bachelor] and one for the [ Haruspex] on the [[Something Awful]] discussion board.
** The [ Devotress] has an archived on with a smoother translation.
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: Every storyline character is named and is a major player in the story. The rest are just ragdolls.
* [[Loads and Loads of Loading]]: Every single time you enter/exit a building. Also, that ridiculous fog due to draw distance limitations.
** The fog isn't even good enough to hide the limitations in some areas—youareas: you can actually ''see'' textures appearing and disappearing.
** At least the loading is quick, and you won't even notice it on high-end computers.
* [[Magic Realism]]: Combined with [[Cosmic Horror Story]]. Unfortunately.
* [[Malicious Slander]]: The players characters are victims of some, and other characters deploy it as a weapon. It's not hard to work people up into a frenzy, the way things are going.
* {{spoiler|[[Meat Moss]]}}: Seen in the the city districts and quarters that got hit by the plague. [[Magic Realism|On buildings, the paved streets...]]
* [[Menu Time Lockout]]: Accessing your map, diary, letters, or status screen pauses the game, and ''you will be thankful for it'', since it's one of the few [[Acceptable Breaks From Reality]] the game uses. This is '''[[Averted Trope|not]]''' the case for the inventory menu, though—seethough: see [[Scrappy Mechanic]] in the YMMV page.
** [[Talking Is a Free Action]]: Time is also stopped during dialogues, which you will be even more grateful for, given how plot-heavy the game is and the [[Wall of Text|Walls of Text]] in most dialogues.
* [[Meta Guy]]: The Executioner and Tragedian are "stage hands". Although, despite this claim, they are surprisingly participant in the main story, usually heralding [[It Got Worse]]. It's likely that this is another layer of [[Mind Screw]].
** The Inquisitor Aglaja and General Blok also act like allegorical figures -... [[Powers That Be|of a different sort]]...
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Not a character, but a weapon;: the rifle. It's quite powerful and ''extremely'' accurate, but can only hold one bullet at a time, meaning you'll have to sit through the (long) reload animation every time you fire it.
* [[Mind Screw]] / [[Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory]]: ''Hooooo boy...''
* [[More Dakka]]: [[Averted Trope|Nope]]. An automatic weapon would be useless due to the scarcity of ammo, anyway.
* [[Multiple Endings]]: All are [[Bittersweet Ending|bittersweet]], at best.
** The Bachelor: {{spoiler|Destroydestroy the town to save the Polyhedron.}}.
** The Haruspex: {{spoiler|Destroydestroy the Polyhedron to save the town.}}.
** The Devotress: {{spoiler|Savesave everyone in the town, but at the cost of the lives of all of the believers.}}.
** {{spoiler|Or, if you refuse to choose any of the endings, [[Kill'Em All|the military destroys everything]].}}.
* [[Name of Cain]]: The Kain family.
* [[Never Bring a Knife to A Fist Fight]]: If you've come under attack, it's generally better to cripple your enemy with a firearm first, then hit or stab him. As long as you have ammo, that is...
* [[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant]]: You will learn to fear the Executioners. Whenever you see them... it's a ''[[It Got Worse|bad sign]]''.
* [[Nintendo Hard]]: It's pretty easy to waste time and resources at the start of the game in a way that will totally screw you over by the endgame.
* [[No Antagonist]]: Despite their conflicting methods, all the Adherents wish to put an end to the disease and restore order to the town. Even the thugs and bandits only rob out of necessity.
* [[Nominal Importance]]: When you talk to any of the characters, an icon with a black-and-white photo appears in the corner of the screen. With storyline characters, it's a person resembling the model. With random people, [[Lampshade Hanging|it's a creepy ragdoll]].
* [[Nothing Is Scarier]]: The plague-ridden quarters and areas of the city. {{spoiler|Some would argue that the ''whole city'' and its surroundings qualifies.}}.
* [[Not That Kind of Doctor]]: A rather bizarre variation, in that the Bachelor is referred to as a doctor, despite the fact that he's... well, [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|a Bachelor Of Medicine]]...
* [[Obvious Beta]] / [[Needs More Love]]: Definitely. The game's innovative and well-written story and atmosphere are often marred by the rather clunky and buggy engine. There are quite a few annoying bugs that can mess up the gameplay or disrupt its otherwise highly immersive atmosphere. And the wobbly and seemingly rushed English translation and dub needlessly add to the already existing issues...
** Fortunately, the developers say that they're planning to create a [[Video Game Remake]] sometime in the future that fixes these issues. Judging by [[Development Hell|how badly]] the [[Fan Translation]] is going, though, it probably won't happen any time soon.
* [[Ominous Latin Chanting]]: The main menu theme. The rest of the game features examples of ''[[It Makes Sense in Context|Ominous Steppe Nomad Chanting]]'', interspersed with haunting, predominantly [[One-Woman Wail|female vocals]]. They greatly add to the already gloomy atmosphere of the game.
* [[One-Hit Kill]]: [[Back Stab]]s and [[Boom! Headshot!|headshots]] will result in these.
* [[One Bullet Clips]]: Sidestepped. The revolver is reloaded offscreen (the character pulls it down to their side first), avoiding the need for custom animations depending on how many bullets it currently has. The rifle ''is'' reloaded on-screen, but it has a ''literal'' one-bullet clip, so the trope doesn't apply. Played straight with the shotgun, however, which is also guilty of the "reload more visible shots than you actually have" subtrope.
* [[One Stat to Rule Them All]]: Keep your Reputation high ''at all costs''. It's the hardest type of health to restore, and has far-reaching consequences if it gets low.<ref>Among other things: Shopkeepersshopkeepers will refuse to sell their wares to you, townspeople will attack you on sight, and most people will refuse to lend you shelter, meaning you'll eventually drop dead from exhaustion.</ref>
* [[One Steve Limit]]: Averted;: there are two characters who go by the name of "Alexander". They're both referred to by their surnames, though, so the problems with the trope are sidestepped.
* [[Organ Drops]]: They're only available to the Haruspex, since [[Justified Trope|he's the only one who knows how to]] [[Squick|cut them out]].
* [[The Plague]]: A visible cloud of disease that will actively chase you. ''[[It Got Worse|Or a cloud of disease that sometimes appears as a red angel.]]''.
* [[Wizard Needs Food Badly|Player Needs Food Badly]]: You need to eat and even ''sleep'' regularly, since you can die not only from infection or low health, [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything|but from hunger and exhaustion as well]]. And if you're wondering how a person can die from starvation within only a couple days, the Tragedician who explains the game's rules at the beginning basically says [[Hand Wave|"that's just how things are around here."]]
* {{spoiler|[[Powered by a Forsaken Child]]}}: {{spoiler|All of the healers' methods.}}.
** Somewhat related, {{spoiler|the Polyhedron is kept up because of a base that goes deep into the earth. This "wound" getting infected is what causes the disease in the first place.}}.
* [[The Power of Blood]]: ''And how...''
* [[Powers That Be]]: The Authorities.
* [[Psychological Horror]] / [[Surreal Horror]]
* [[Putting on the Reich]]: General Blok is quite fond of a vaguely Nazi-ish salute, though he is by no means evil.
* [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits]]: The three [[Unlikely Hero|main characters]]. [[Deconstructor Fleet|Sort of...]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Reality Is Out to Lunch]]: And weirdness is on special}}.
* [[Reckless Gun Usage]]: The reloading animation for the [[Sawed-Off Shotgun]] shows the [[Player Character]] using the stock "flick the gun back to close it using its own weight" technique. In [[Real Life]], this is actually a rather dangerous action that can damage the gun.
** There's also the fact that the characters insist on [[Firing One-Handed]] with everything except the rifle, despite the fact that trying that with a [[Sawed-Off Shotgun]] (or even a [[Revolvers Are Just Better|revolver]], depending on the caliber) should result in broken wrists.
* [[Revolvers Are Just Better]]: Averted. The revolver is the least accurate and second-weakest gun in the game. Its only real advantage is a (relatively) large magazine size, but [[More Dakka]] is a horrible strategy in this game, so that's not terribly useful. (Andand just in case you still want to try that, its ammunition is the most expensive as well.).
* [[Romanticism Versus Enlightenment]]: The Bachelor's scenario makes a case for the Enlightenment, while the Haruspex is on the side of Romanticism.
* [[Rule of Three]]: Three playable characters, three ruling families, three town districts, three gangs of kids... it goes on.
* [[Save Scumming]]: You'll be doing this a lot.
* [[Science Hero]]: Dankovski.
* [[Secret Character]]: The Devotress... kind of. She's clearly displayed on the character selection screen, but [[Unlockable Content|can only be played if you've completed one of the other two scenarios]].
* [[Show Within a Show]]: The Theater puts on a play each night after midnight. Attending it is completely optional and has no tangible benefits, but you might [[Plot Parallel|learn something]] if you do.
* [[Slave to PR]]: Your player character, quite literally. See [[One Stat to Rule Them All]], below;above: managing your reputation is ''really important'' in this game.
** Even moreso if you're playing as the Devotress, as her Reputation decreases constantly. She has a bit of an easier time recovering it than the other heroes, though, due to her [[Healing Hands]].
* [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism]]: The protagonists are mostly [[Hero with Bad Publicity|hated]]. [[Jerkass|The people are small-minded bastards]]. Dankovski's "[[Love Interest]]" {{spoiler|commits suicide}}. Guess which side the story's on?
** Here's a quote from [ a review] that explains this:
{{quote|"In a single word, Pathologic is dark. And not 'we’rewe're going to make our sequel a darker, more adult experience' dark. Not ‘teen'teen angst’angst' dark. Pathologic is an endlessly bleak game with an atmosphere that smothers all hope. It’sIt's ‘pensioner'pensioner breaking a leg in his bedsit and no one finding out until the smell starts to get unbearable’unbearable' dark."}}
* [[Snark Knight]]: Artemiy, all the time.
** Daniel can be like this too, depending on which options you pick in his [[Dialogue Tree]]s.
* [[Sniper Pistol]]: Averted. Every weapon has an accuracy value (a random variance of how far the bullet actually hits from the crosshairs), and the revolver has the worst accuracy. If you want to snipe, you need to use the rifle, but even that's pretty unreliable at low durability. (Itit's also ''not'' a [[Sniper Rifle]], (i.e., no scope), so aiming over long distances with it can still be difficult.).
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Aglaja/Aglaya/Aglaia. Daniel/Daniil, too.
* [[Spiritual Successor]]: ''[[The Void (video game)|Turgor]]'' (a.k.a. ''Tension'' or ''The Void'').
* [[Standard FPS Guns]]: Calling Pathologic a "standard FPS" would be laughable, so many of the traits inherent to the guns don't apply, even if the game does use them.
** [[Knife Nut]]: There are two kinds, both of which have [[Breakable Weapons|limited durability]], undermining their use as [[Emergency Weapon]]s. They can cause a [[One-Hit Kill]] if you use them to attack an ''absurdly tiny'' hitbox located around [[Back Stab|the back of the neck]], but due to the fact that people shift from side to side when walking, as well as the rather long delay when attacking, it's very hard to actually pull it off.
** [[Handgun]]: The derringer is roughly equivalent to the pistol in most shooters, but you can forget about ammo being plentiful.
*** [[Revolvers Are Just Better]]: The revolver actually subverts many of the standard tropes surrounding it;: it's more powerful than the derringer, but still one of the weakest guns overall.
** [[Sniper Rifle]]: The rifle is hard to classify, actually—whileactually: while it is the most accurate weapon, it doesn't have a scope, so it's not a [[Sniper Rifle]]. It's not a Marksman Gun either, since it can only hold one bullet at a time.
** [[Sawed-Off Shotgun]]: You only get it halfway through the game, though it is quite effective at killing large mobs.
* [[Strange Girl]]: Laska, the keeper of the cemetery who communicates with the city's dead, singing to them and bringing offerings to their tombs.
** Ospina, a girl from the steppes who calls herself an evil spirit and keeps creepy dolls lying around her house.
* [[Stupid Evil]]: Acting this way is one of the quickest ways to doom yourself;: going on random killing sprees and [[Kick the Dog|kicking puppies]] will drive down your [[One Stat to Rule Them All|Reuputation]] ''fast''.
* [[Survival Horror]]: The most pronounced aspect of the game, at least genre-wise. And an unusual take on the genre at that: Youyou're not fighting monsters, the darkness, etc., but an [[Psychological Horror|abstract unnerving evil]] in the forms of [[The Plague]], the effects of [[Sanity Slippage|insanity]], [[Despair Event Horizon|despair]], [[Hobbes Was Right|and general human senselessness]].
* [[Talk to Everyone]]
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]: Maria.
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* [[Timed Mission]] (plus [[In-Universe Game Clock]]): Basically the entire game. All quests must be finished the day they were received. The game spans 12 days, and you know this from the very beginning.
** There is a way to modify the [[Scrappy Mechanic|overly speedy flow of time]] [ by a simple edit of the game's config].
* [[Town with a Dark Secret|Town Full Ofof Mind Screw Secrets]]
* [[Translation Train Wreck]]: The game itself has a notoriously awful translation, but isn't ''this'' bad. The manual, on the other hand...
* [[Trauma Inn]]: Averted for the most part. Though exhaustion will always decrease, you'll only recover health if you take painkillers beforehand. It can also be a double-edged sword: hunger will always increase while sleeping, as will the infection level if you're already infected.
* [[Trial and Error Gameplay]]: Sadly, quite ''a lot'' of it if you're playing for the first time. The aforementioned [[Scrappy Mechanic]] and [[In-Universe Game Clock]] don't leave enough room for bigger screw-ups on part of the player.
* [[Twist Ending]]: ''And... how!'' More like a series of twist endings, to be precise. Nope, we won't dare spoil it for you. {{spoiler|Your mileage ''will'' definitely vary about whether it's more of a [[Karmic Twist Ending]] or [[Cruel Twist Ending]]}}...}}
* [[Utopia Justifies the Means]]: An important theme in the game, but especially in the {{spoiler|Bachelor}}'s ending.
** The game's original Russian title - ''Pestilence: The Utopia'' - hints at this, along with a short throwaway dialogue with one of the town's [[Upper Class Twit]] [[NPC]]s.
** Also, russianRussian word for pestilence is "Mor", making the title a [[Shout-Out]] of Thomas More and his ''Utopia''.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: {{spoiler|In-universe, during a bonus scene in the Polyhedron, but minus the "video" aspect of "game.". No, seriously.}}.
* [[Video Game Physics]]: It's mainly used just to calculate falling damage -... and it's pretty unforgiving about it too. The player characters' legs must be made of plaster to break from such short falls...
* [[Waif Prophet]] / [[Mysterious Waif]] / [[Strange Girl]]: Klara, the Devotress.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: Many of the characters who look like they're going to be the [[Big Bad]] turn out to have their own beliefs, morals, and reasons for their actions, turning them into this.
* [[Wham! Episode]]: Day 6 in the Bachelor's scenario. Up until that point, things have actually been going surprisingly well—youwell: you've managed to set up a hospital and isolation ward, and your fellow scientist Rubin has even managed to isolate a vaccine (albeit at [[Shoot the Dog|a cost]]). But then [[It Got Worse|everything starts going to pieces]].
** Firstly, {{spoiler|Rubin has a [[My God, What Have I Done?]] moment because of yesterday's events, and turns himself into the authorities. He is subsequently executed. You're on your own now in your battle against [[The Plague]].}}.
** Secondly, {{spoiler|a plague carrier somehow managed to infiltrate the hospital you set up, causing death and despair. The town is now degrading into madness and hysteria trying to hunt town the perpetrator.}}.
** Thirdly, {{spoiler|Saburov has gone mad with power --... power [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|you gave him yourself]]. He's now arresting people with wild abandon and little basis. If you don't pay their bail by midnight, the [[Judge, Jury, and Executioner|Inquisitor]] will almost certainly kill them.}}.
** Fourthly, {{spoiler|a mob of arsonists is trying to ''burn down the Apiary'' because they believe it's the source of the plague. Even Vlad Senior, the overseer of the place, doesn't seem very concerned about this --... and he later reveals that the infection has indeed found its way into the Apiary}}...}}
** To top it all off, the [[Judge, Jury, and Executioner|Inquistor]] is poised to arrive the next day, and if you can't stop the disease by then, they are likely to take the reins themselves and destroy the plague [[It's the Only Way to Be Sure|at any cost]].
** Probably not coincidentally, this is the point where the red angels of death start appearing in the infected districts.
* [[What the Hell, Townspeople?]]: Invoked by Artemiy [[Snark Knight|in a few sarcastic jabs]].
* [[What You Are in the Dark]] : One of the main themes of the game. The plague and the methods you employ as a character in order to stop it and save the city could be interpreted as one big [[Secret Test of Character]].
* [[Wise Beyond Their Years]]: Notkin, Capella, and Khan.
* [[X Meets Y]]: It's as if the works of [[The Master and Margarita|Mikhail Bulgakov]], [[Franz Kafka]], Hieronymus Bosch and [[China Mieville]] were thrown into a single pot and cooked thoroughly into a delicious [[Mind Screw]] horror soup.
* [[You All Look Familiar]]: Every [[NPC]] except the [[Nominal Importance|named ones]].
* [[You Killed My Father]], [[Prepare to Die]]: {{spoiler|Oyun killed Burakh's father. He gets what's coming to him.}}.
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