• Nightmare Fuel: Large Marge, as well as Pee-wee's nightmares.
  • Artistic License: Law: Pee Wee tries to sneak a file to Mickey at the end of the film. The police officer who catches it merely says "nice try", though actually attempting to break someone out of jail is fairly serious.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: Large Marge's face turning into a ghoulish image for no reason. justified as she had died in a car crash and it was her ghost who picked up Pee Wee.
  • Cult Classic
  • Hollywood Homely: Dottie.
  • Special Effects Failure: In the pan-and-scan version of the film, you can clearly see Pee-wee's chain feeding up through the bottom of his bike's saddlebag. This is a common problem with pan-and-scan version of videos, which display more space along the top and bottom of the frame than is visible through a projector.
    • The increasingly insane road signs are obviously being brought past the camera
    • When the convertible is falling, the lack of wind in the closeups makes the fact that Mickey and Pee Wee are sitting in a tilted but stationary car rather obvious.
      • Though the last two are possibly more stylistic references to the Pee Wee Herman stage show and Pee Wee's Playhouse than actual failures, as they do fit in with the general look and feel of the rest of the movie.