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** Random chance light and dark insta-kill abilities. Most of the time they'll miss. Sometimes they'll hit and knock other party members unconscious. If it hits you, you'd better have a Homunculus item (which is not obtainable by the time you first encounter it).
** In combination to the above two, ''Persona 3 Portable'' adds the fact that when your allies get hit by these attacks, they will use one of your very rare Homunculi to survive it despite the fact you can simply revive them afterwards and if YOU die, then it's game over.
** Another big one is ''Arcana Reversal'' and ''Breaking''. In ''Persona 3'', it's possible to blow people off enough that they eventually get the idea that you don't want to hang out with them anymore; with some of the links (in particular romantic partners), it's possible to screw up social interactions so badly that you stop being friends entirely. Both require extra time to repair back into normal mode, and while in reversal, it's impossible to raise the link higher, and broken links ''no longer contribute bonus EXP''. The mechanic effecitvely disappears in ''Persona 4'' and ''Persona 5'': there are one or two reversal possibilities in dialogue in ''Persona 4'', but you more or less have to be willfully dense to stumble into them.
** In the original and FES update you didn't have direct control over the party. This is thankfully fixed in the PSP remake.
** In order to lock down the very powerful skills in the PSP remake, they converted them to [[Fetch Quest|Fetch Quests]] - you now have to grind on shadows to get enough of a certain type of gem to drop.