Pokémon X and Y/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Creator's Pet|Pandering to the Base: Some fans view that both Charizard and MewTwo having two mega evolutions and see this as pandering to both MewTwo and Charizard fans ONLY and Game Freak favors these Mons.; While other Pokemons, whether old or new, only have one mega evolution.
    • Some fans see the whole Kanto region as this, since other regions are not exactly referenced as much as Kanto.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Chespin, some fans see him being given the Mega-Lame evolution stone and being overshadowed by froakie, fenniken, torchic, and the Kanto starters. Until they saw his final evolution, Chesnaught, and think that both delphox and greninja are uncool.
  • Some poketrainers dislike the new "Fairy" types which appears too girly and pink. Made worst, that they're design to beat up the dragon types and bring balance to the meta.

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