Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Journal (known as MD Journal on the author's deviantART page) is a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon fanfiction written Tom Pokenutter.

It details the adventures of Heath, a human who wakes up one day transformed into a Pokémon, in true Mystery Dungeon style. From his awakening in a cave, he is taken in by a friendly Charmander named Kim, and starts a rescue team with an Axew named Julius. Complications arise.

The fic uses first-person present-tense to give the reader an insight into Heath's head, and so that the reader is never aware of any more than Heath is.

The story can be found here and here

This fic contains examples of:


 "For some reason, he isn’t emanating his usual terrifying aura, but then it dawns on me; he has me in his pocket, Kim is scared to death of him, and Julius just wants to take jobs. He doesn’t need to terrify us."

  • It Got Worse: According to the Author, this is supposed to happen around the fourth arc.
  • Jerkass: Julius, after he finds out that Heath is a Human.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Jaroda, who uses his Fear Aura to dig up some dirt on Heath (namely, the fact that he's a human,) and then rope him into delivering a letter.
  • Mythology Gag: The Grovyle, Meowth, and Chimchar who work the Sylvan Elevator? Those are characters from an old fanfic the author never finished.
  • Writing By the Seat of Your Pants