Politically-Incorrect Hero: Difference between revisions

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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* ''[[Ranma ½]]'': A surprisingly common [[Fanon]] viewpoint of Ranma Saotome is that he is at least mildly misogynistic, though in reality he is not very sexist at all, indeed much less so than an average Japanese guy, he just does not like [[Involuntary Shapeshifting|being turned against his will]] into a [[Gender Bender|girl]], which for him is an unnatural state that [[Curse|causes him many problems]]. Since he does not like being a girl [[Fan Dumb|people assume that he must view males as better than females]]. Those that don't usually point towards his [[Wouldn't Hit a Girl|unwillingness to fight back against]] [[Official Couple|Akane Tendo]], even though she frequently gives him an [[Armor-Piercing Slap]], and/or towards his telling her that guys sometimes go easier on girls they like, shortly after Kuno's introduction.
** In a [[Filler]] episode in the anime about Shampoo's village sisters, Ranma makes a sexist comment and Shampoo [[What the Hell, Hero?|calls him out on it]]. In another storyline Ranma is distraught when he finds out Akane is stronger then him but this probably has to do more with his (inflated) ego than misogyny.
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* The Nations of ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' constantly make extremely offensive jokes and slurs against each other. The entire thing is generally [[Played for Laughs]], owing to the fact that most of said Nations who do that sort of thing are just as hotheaded or stupid as the one they're insulting (also, the series pretty much runs on [[Refuge in Audacity]]).
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* The [[Ultimate Marvel]] version of [[Captain America (comics)|Captain America]] has many outdated views since he is a [[Fish Out of Temporal Water]] but he gets over it for the most part.
* Marv from ''[[Sin City]]'' once told his lesbian parole officer that it was a shame she was gay since she had such a great body. She slugged him for it.
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* A few [[Underground Comics]] from the 1960s had satirically ultra-conservative "heroes" like this, such as ''Wonder Wart-Hog'' and ''Captain Guts'', that portrayed groups like minorities and foreigners (usually communists) as villains. The protagonists would certainly not be considered heroes in a traditional sense, but are depicted that way in the comics.
== [[Film]] ==
* ''[[Italian Spiderman]]''. For all his [[Hypocritical Humour|"Respecte la donna!"]], he's the biggest sexist of all time. And it's ''[[Crosses the Line Twice|hilarious]]''.
* A lot of monster movies have the girl falling in love with the biggest chauvinist in the cast. ''[[King Kong]]'' probably started it, but it's alive and well twenty years later in ''Them!'' and the [[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]-ified ''The Deadly Mantis''.
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**** I think Gibbs simply has difficulty taking orders from anyone, male or female, and had worked very very closely to Shepard in the field, so imagine taking orders you disagree with from one of your best friends.
** Mike Franks, Gibbs' mentor, fits this trope even better. His sexist views are FAR more blatant. When he found out Jenny Shepard was the director of NCIS, he laughed at her since she was a woman.
* Dennis Duffy on ''[[30 Rock|Thirty Rock]]''. He's a sexist, homophobic, racist lout who calls Liz "Dummy" and embarrasses her in public. Oh, and did we mention he happens to be an Internet predator? (Actually he was apparently later exonerated) Well, Liz sporadically dates him and some fans seem to like [[Shipping]] them together. Witness a break-up speech he delivered:
{{quote|"Dear Liz Lemon, Though other women have bigger boobs than you, no women has as big a heart and when I saw you getting ready to go out and get nailed by a bunch of guys last night, I knew for sure it was over between us and, for the first time since the '86 World Series, I cried. I cried like a big dumb homo. And if it were up to me, we'd be together forever, but there's this new thing called 'Women's Liberation' which gives you women the right to choose and you have chosen to abort me and that I must live with."}}
** And Jack Donaghy on the same show. ''Only'' Alec Baldwin could get away with the line "I like a woman with ambition; it's like seeing a dog wearing clothes".
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* ''[[Married... with Children]]'' gave us [[Al Bundy]] and played it for laughs. Al was by no means a racist, but he was always quick to ogle beautiful women, mock his obnoxious customers for their weight, pick fights with the feminist-minded Marcy and generally say whatever was on his mind no matter who would be offended. Al even founded NO MA'AM ([[Fun with Acronyms|National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood]]). In one episode, he returns from a quest with a series of commandmants - "Rules for hard-working people, who don't give a rat's ass about political correctness!"
== [[ProProfessional Wrestling]] ==
* From ''[[G.L.O.W.]]'': In a match between California Doll (a Face who's gimmick was being a naive [[Dumb Blonde]]) and Spanish Rose (a [[Spicy Latina]] Heel), the Doll referred to a Rose as a "wetback" on-camera, claiming she had heard it from the other Faces. Needless to say, Rose [[Berserk Button|was more than a little upset]], and [[Dude, Not Funny|nobody at all objected]] to the brutal beatdown she gave the Doll.
== [[Radio]] ==
* Big Wayne from ''[[GTA Radio|The Lazlow Show]]'' is generally the comedic center of the show, but he is horrifically pick-one-ist, and an entire section of the show involves him discussing his terrible exploits with women.
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* Just about everyone in ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'' is horribly prejudiced against everyone else, [[Black and Grey Morality|hero or otherwise]]. Of course, being the [[Crapsack World]] that the 41st millennium is, bigotry is basically required not only to survive, but to avoid a horrible [[Fate Worse Than Death]] that will last for all eternity.
** The Imperium of Man's official state policy espouses [[Absolute Xenophobe|Absolute Xenophobia]], and the only reason they haven't completely genocided every alien race in the galaxy is because humanity is already struggling enough just to survive. Mutants have it only slightly better, since the Imperium needs psykers in order to continue functioning, but those who haven't been sanctioned as Imperial servants are fair game. Justified since a rogue psyker is vulnerable to [[Demonic Possession|daemonic possession]] and can lead to tens of billions of people getting their souls swallowed.
** The Eldar view themselves as the superior species and look down on everybody else. In fact, they will gleefully cause the deaths of billions of another species just to save a handful of their own.
== [[Theatre]] ==
* ''[[Fiddler on the Roof]]'' is set decades before women's lib caught on in the Ukrainian hinterland. Tevye is, undeniably, a big ol' chauvinist, but he's the nicest incarnation of it that you'll find.
== [[Video Games]] ==
* ''[[Mass Effect]]'': Renegade!Shepard can be quite racist. Some of the squad members edge into [[Noble Bigot]] territory: Ashley believes humans should be able to stand on their own, and is hesitant about placing too much trust in allies from other species, while Garrus can be pretty insensitive in his conversations with Wrex and Tali (he wises up).
** In ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'', one of the artifacts at the original Normandy crash site is the personal journal of the deceased Exo Presley. Over the three pages that survive, his attitude shifts from one of blatant [[Fantastic Racism|xenophobia]] to grudging acceptance to complete trust in his alien fellow crew members as well as shame over his old attitude displayed on the first page.
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* Jonatham Ingram in ''[[Policenauts]]'' comes across as one of these in the fan translation, due to casually using the word 'faggot' and calling [[Gender Bender|biovestites]] 'so-called "women"'. The heroes are all rather bigoted towards the Frozeners (genetically-altered humans with paper-white skin and unblinking eyes), and it is not really challenged.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* Gren of ''[[Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic]]'', ogles Glon while he's bathing and made him wear nothing but a loin cloth.
* Lampshaded in the webcomic ''[http://www.beevnicks.com The Beevnicks]'', where paterfamilias Tom Beevnick, a constant horndog, literally won a lawsuit to allow him masturbation breaks at work (presumably to reduce his constant sexual harassment of his female coworkers).
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[Futurama]]''
** Subverted with Zapp Brannigan, who is perceived in-world as a [[Magnificent Bastard]], but to the main characters and the audience is just a [[Too Dumb to Live]] [[Jerkass]] in velour. In one episode, it is revealed that women are no longer allowed to serve in the military, not because of some societal prejudice, but to prevent his constant sexual harassment.
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* Downplayed initially with Omi from ''[[Xiaolin Showdown]]'', who was initially openly sexist towards Kimiko. In his defense, his view of women was learned using a sociology textbook written in the 11th Century. After making a bet with Raimundo that she couldn't complete a Showdown (and losing) and thankfully lost that trait.
== [[Real Life]] ==
* Winston Churchill disliked Indians, and opposed the independence of India from Great Britain, believing they could not successfully rule themselves. He even had some fairly racist things to say about [[Unacceptable Targets|Gandhi]].
* Name any historical figure you admire. Chances are, he or she was horribly prejudiced against '''somebody.'''